The Salt Lake Tribune from Salt Lake City, Utah (2024)

3G The Sail Lake Trilimu, Wodnrsdav, Scptf'inlirr II, 19 "8 8-Women Wont Wcrk i 10-Schools, Training 17 Help Wanted-Wsmen Wonted Women $uo peFhour 6-Travel, Bus Line BE SAFE-EE INSURED C.C I Automobile I C.C I Automobile Delivery service everywhere in the Un.ted States, INSURANCE; Driver wanted not Wonted-Women lCC'pCT A DV 'Jt-v- IN I Ml I RECEPTIONIST Funero11- DAYBELL Funeral services for, Ernest Ddvbell will be held Wednes-i day 1 in the Magna Ward cnap- el, 29J1 South 9150 West. Friends fs'i'Hv of Elizabeth G. Muir Is call at 8525 West 2700 South, normo hlr ff5er. wei Maona, Tuesday 7 to 9 m. and 4unda' Wednesday 11 am.

to 12 30 Dm' 5' lr0JH A 3 I interment, Valley View Memorial 'paV'k" 8Cih BIRTHDAY and' 26th St's. ftlT Plus commission, pleasant telephone) NORWEGIAN girl, wants full time survey work for new home oroduct, gneral housework, 484-556. no experience limit, apply 10 a.m snarp, 724 So. 3rd, HILLSDALE NURSERY ar hJiLrm Taylorsville, Granger, t0 area Pro-school class mJnVh Jjer. FUN.1 Now taking applications for month, uniforms and 1 meal fur- fan enrollment W.

Lem 298 2691, 298-2365 tally retarded Utah State Training tt: r. cr-DoA, School, 756-6022, Mrs InqliSh SALT LAKE NURSERY SCHOOL 1 Create, Stimulate, Educate OFFICE NURSE 1 dance, swim, activities. Nursery School Bus Service Obituaries Additional Obituaries Page 33 Julian L. Peck BOUNTIFUL Julian Lawrence f*ck, 27, 3011 Orchard Dr diec Sept. 9 in a Sait Latte hospital 0) leukemia.

Born Ji te, 1941, Shoshone, Idaho to tloyd and Mar guente A Williams Peck Married Linda J. Ilovak July 28, 962, Oceanside, I f. Member lonpan Catholic hurch. Veterar i.S Marine Bountiful, sad, daughter, iVUfl'i thew Law- EXPERIENCED part-time help, waitress for counter and grill work night shift. Apply at 641 West No.

Temple. NURSE AIDES Experienced only. Frinqe berefits. Afternoon ar.fl night shifts open. No phone calls.

165 So. 10th East. Bonneville Center. PAYROLL CLERK ano GENERAL OFFICE National manufacturer needs payroll clerk and general bookkeeping assistant Experience in accounting procedures, 10-kev add. necessary.

Salary open. Excellent benefits. Call 486-7564, ext 75 irri a co r. WILL tend children, mv home, reas IX ltsL un rates, Murray vie, all night care Pr0lsi As much as $40 Purina deer season.

262-3004 to $75 comm in 2 or 3 eves, peri -yjrrn week. We tram you to conduct styie'v shows for small groups in homes. HOME, REFERENCES. Beeline Fashions. No investment.

For appt call 484-9433, 255 938, 262-0448. staff. 2500 So. 2nd East. 484-3320, 485-5142.

PIED Piper Nursery School 1650 East 33rd South 486-1417, 35S-6034, 485-8324. All new facilities and trained staf. Call or stop by LOVING CARF FOR YOUR CHILD, DAY OR NIGHT. 175-4th Ave. Stephine Lynn, born Bounti- Cjr Holbrook, Union Mortuary wll parents, grandmother, Mrs, I PARKER Funeral services for Hein Williams, Welser, Idaho; Private First Class Paul Elmer Par-5r others, sister, jack Robert A ksr will be held Thursday, 1 in Mr Robert (Glenna) Listul, all Saltire Rose Room, 36 E.

7th South, lake City; Karl Weiser. Requiem Interment in the Elysian Burial Gar-Mas Thursaay, 10 a.m St. Frlend at the Deser "Xavier Church, 5226 4420 West, I Mortufryn Wednesday, 6 to 8 Holbrook, al Home FLOWERS Funeral services for Lionel Fiowe's will be held Thu-s 1 day, 12 noon in th Winder 10th Ward chapel, 1361 4065 South rridV cal Wednesday from' 6 30-8 30 pm at the Curtis-Mackav Cottonwood Mortuary, 4670 Highland I Drive, and Thu.sdav one hour priori to services at the church. Interment 1 In the Elvsian Burial Gardens. Fu, neral directors Curtis-Mackav Cottonwood Mortuary.

MANGEL Funeral services for Alice Burns Mangel will be held Wednesday, 12 noon, In the Bountiful Union Mortuary Chapel, 295 North Mam. Friends may call Tuesday, 7-9 P.m and Wednesoav one hour prior to services Interment, Bountiful'Me-mortal Park. Funeral directors, Mer-rll vices and Thursday prior to ser- Graveside military rites furnished bv the United State Government. Funeral directors, Deseret Mortuary. PECK Requiem mass for Julian Thursday, ft, afsfBXES Kearns.

ecitMlonf the holy rotary ThurSif will be Wednesday, 8 at me McDougal Funeral Home, 4330 S. wher friends may call 6 to 8 m. and ihursday morn- Prior to time of mass. Interment Calvary Cemetery. Funeral i directors, MclPouflal Funeral Home.

i PRITCHETT Funeral seruces for Janey Edna Exeter Pritchett will' be held Wednesday 12 noon in the Crystal Hclahts Ward chaoel, 1970 East Stratford Avenue. Friends may cell at Lark'n Mortuary, 260 East WedneJcfaTat 7he ana Zfrn one, rIXS' tnterment City Cemetery. Funera I kin Mortuary. hour Salt Lake directors. Lari 5NARP Funeral services for Vera Cannon Sharp will be held Thursda Thursday 2 p.m.

In the Larkin i Tear Out, Fill In, Mail To Trans World Airlines Manager, Hostess Recruiting 100 10 Richards Road Kansas City, Missouri 64108 Gentlemen: I would like to sfjrt hostess training STATE (Insert Monm) Please forward an application form and Information about qualification. ADDRESS ZIP CODE TELEPHONE NO TRANS WORLD AIRLINERS An Equal Opportunity Employer PART-TIME We ere now setting up neighborhood representatives for our new fabulous Bestune Household Products. 1 Work from your own home. 2 -Choose your own hours, 3 Full training provided. 4 Opportunity for advancement.

I Service account that oraer and continue to reorder. Call Mrs. Webb, o28-4779 Accounts Payable Clerk An excellent oonortunity for an expe rienced accounts payable clerk. Must have solid clerical background and desire for permanent employ- mem Excel, fringe benefits. Ska Drug Romney.

WANTED Responsible motherly middle-aged lady to take care of little boy, 17 months, and do light housekeeping. Live In, lovely private room with TV, plenty of time off, needed immediately, $150 month Soiary. Call 278-9723 Or 521-3230 after 4 p.m. IRON SHIRTS, $10c clothes, 85c hr. 466-0143 Mix Office 925 1st Ave.

359-7417 SALLY JENSEN licensed nurseries. Infants to 8 vrs. Separate facilities. Reas, rates. Open 6 30 am, Qualified 363-8201.

WILL tend 2 or 3 chldren, mv home. So. Salt Lake. 487-1296. CHILD CARE MY HOME 7th East, 1st South.

364-3159 my home. 298-5596. CHILD care, Irg. home, any age. 13th 12th East.

487-2776. EARNS-Ganqer area babysitting in EXP. hand ironing, So. S.L. 1-day service.

Shirts a specialty. 467-3671. BABYSITTNG, my home, v'c. 13th East and 13th So. 486-0501.

LOVING care given your child in 'WILL tend child, near U. 364-6013. my home, 486-9743. OVERNIGHT child care for working mother. 487-0406.

BABY sitting, my home, Rose Park. 359-7264 ask for Charlotte. my Ave. home, 9th East. 48M546.

BABY-SITTING, my home, Capitol Hill area. 364-7027. 9 Men Waist Work THEY SAY: "A Good Man is Hard to Find" I am a young, aggressive business executive with my Army status over. have managed a national company, that required all phases of business: Auditing, triring, merchandising, consumer relations, etc. I have over 2 years university education, married, 25 years old.

Excellent employment history. I am seeking a position with a future for which I will give ail my enerqy and ambition. You will be assured that I will be an asset to you and your firm. Please drop a line to Box N-3, care of this newspaper for my per-sonal interview. MAN FROM BOSTON With restaurant management, and chef's experience desires to loc, Utah.

Call 359-5433. TELEPHONE Solicitors needed to sell family circus tickets. $1.50 oer hour plus bonus, 6 pm. to 9 om 5 eyes a week. AdpIv Suite 517, Continental Bank Building, a Mr.

Price. FASHION ALERT WOMEN earn up to $30 commission for about 2 hours of work putting on Home Fashion Shows of fine apparel. No cash investment required. Call Mrs. Quint of R.

S. Apparel, 299-4683. RECEPTIONIST KENWAY ENGINEERING INC. has an IMMEDIATE opening for an of- fice Permanent car Hostess a DfMc AP D4ruAPcr AVtRAGi. WAGES No Sundy work Apply in person be- fore 11:30 am.

or after 2 pm. Hires Drive in, 425 So. 7th East, employment, good benefits. Caii 292-1 44o. 811 5th West, Bntfl.

RNsLPN's Work In expanding convalescent cen- lore Cunal i l. WsT BABY sitting my home, fenced yd Holladay area. 2773863 care' 1 and wages. Reply Box K-33 in care op' Murray-Midvale area. 2557926 of this newspaper.

CHILD CARE, my home, vie. 27th Mor- luary Chapel, 260 East South Tern- LOST Female German Shepherd, pie. Friends may call at the mortu-1 black, cream. 298-2798, EM 3-iry Wednesday 4 to 8 in. and1 9178 hour prl FOUND Two horses, 1 shetlana In employment INSURED DRIVEWAY SYSTEM 830SouthState 322 3163 DRIVERS waned to drive cars me t0 frora L.A., San Fran- cisco, Boise, Seattle, Denver, Pfoe-nix Chicago, New York and other maior cit es Ths Is not employment 363-08 0.

FLYING private plane to 1 Anqeles area. Sept 14 or 15 Return 17 or 18. Will take 1 or 2 487-0113 eves rTpluTIi DRIVING TO BOSTON Sept. 0n Pson to help drive. 373-7514, Provo Kelp Wanted Women TIRED OF OFFICE ROUTINE? I -Tl3 openmqs in its marketing and sales promotion de-i partment.

For single women, who jiKe to work with people. Must be high school oraduate, all training company expense FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW CALL COMPANY OFFERS $350 STARTING SALARY To all qualified applicant An equa opportunity employer THE RICHARDS CO, INC. Division of Grolier This NEWSPAPER floes not knowingly accept HELP-WANTED ADS that ind cate a preference based on AGE from employers covered by the AGE DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT ACT, Wire Information may be obtained from the S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour and Public Contracts Divisions. Dial 524-5706.

3207 Federal Building, 125 South State Street, Sait Lake City, Utah 84111. PERMANENT POSITION We have to offer a do Ition of dignity and refinement. Complete stability and permanence of employment in placing our unequaled pre-need program. Unlimited potential in monetary returns Phone MEMORIAL ESTATES, 486-0151, for PPt. and Interview.

AAATURE lady who has had exo in fashion merchandising field as buyer, coordinator, consultant, interior design, modeling, or other related fields to give lecture to high schools in intermtn. area. Must travel in own car. We pay expenses. Age no barrier.

Mr, Charles, 1243 East 21st So. S.L.C., 521-3345. CREDIT CARD COUNSELORS Full end part-time, to promote and sel1 new type credlt card plan Ihose wil1 be flatting in on the qround flcor ar9 COrp. management positions available for those who qualify. CALL FOR APPT.

FIRST AMERICARD 328-8578 Excellent Opportunity For mortgage loan secretary, type 65 wpm, shorthand or dictaphone experience necessary. Too iob, excellent fringe benefits. Salary commensurate with ability. Send resume to P.O. Box 11566, Salt Lake City 84111, under confidential cover.

X-Ray Steno Transcribe reports for radiologist. Medical terminology required. 8 hrs. Thurs. and 4 hrs.

Sat. Salary according to qualifications, plus fringe benefits. Call S.L. Clinic for appt HOUSEVv'IVES-STUDENTS 60 hourly salary depending on experience. Part or full-time telephone for Educational Book Club.

Call Mrs. Scott, 266-1721, or apply 855 No. 2nd West, apt. 1. PART-TIME EVES.

Interment rv'ces-, Kr.rD,yigKaK:l2, bjr in sait Laka- STENOGRAPHER Prominent downtown Insurance office, full time shorthand, typing required, salary commensurate With exper. Call 359-7737 for appt. NEEDED! Women to demonstrate beauty aids In beauty salons. No exo, necessary, wilt provide com- Big opportunily to Vse your spare plete training at our expense. Hrs.

Country Pet Supply, 1464 East 33rd So. No phone calls, please. Kearns. Holy rosary Wednesday pm, 4330 S. Redwood Rd.

(1700 West), where friends call 6-8 Thursday prior to services. Burial Mount Calvary Cemetery. Laurence Thomson Laurence T. Liddell TOOELE littfeil 79- 369 320 Wesr, died al home sept. ff4 Imqering Hi Born Nov 1888, Bates 111 To oele County, to Johr and Hannat-Brower Lidded Mamed Bijncht Benson, June 25, 1913, Salt Lake LDS Temple Re tired farmer Member, Grants vtlie LDS Stake' Hlqh 194443; bishop! Batewilla 1915-19, 1924-44; bishop, Stockton Ward, Tooele County, 1920-23.

Field solicitor, Inspector for Utah-ldaho Sugar helped develop sugar beet crop project producing record yield Secretary, Erda District Underground Water Users, member, Tooele County Child We'-fare Committee; Tooele County Farm Bnreau board director. Recorded and compiled Tooele Valley chmatological data, 35 years; received commendation 1963 for 25 years with geological survey as underground water gauge observer. Survivors: widow, Tooele; sons, daughters, Sidney A Washington Terrace, Weber County; W. Adrian, Joseph both Tooele; May L. Coolly, Los Angeles; Mrs.

Dale I. (Velma) Droubay, Clearfield; 29 grandchildren? 20 greatgrandchildren; sister, Theresa L. Reid Sherman Oaks, Calif. Funeral, Friday, 2 Tooele Fourth Eleventh Thirteenth Ward Chapel. Friends call Tate hartuary Thursday, 7-9 p.m., Friday prior to ter-vtCM.

Buna, Tooele Cemetery. John E. De Haan John E. De Hann, 66? 2123 E. 17th South, died Sept.

9, 1968. at a local hospital of natural causes. Born Feb. 14, 1902, Amsterdam. Holland, to Henr E.

and Reka Var der Wulp De Haan Married Aftor Brown, March 28 Salt Lake Temple Member, Nations Painters and Dec orators Assocta tlon; owner anc manager, De Haar Paint Sugar House. Former employe, Minnock Glass and Paint W. P. Fuller Ogden. Mem Jrf her Tabernacle Choir, 32 years Served Southern States Mission, 1924-27? two stake missions in Ogden and Salt Lake City.

Former member of Sunday school superintendency. Salt Lake Ninth Ward; former Mount Ogden Stake Sunday School stake board member? Mounment Park Eighth Ward temple worker, member Rotary Club, Sugar House branch. Survivors: widow? daughter, Mrs. Frenlc Jay (Irene) Bardole, Heber Citv? Mrs. Gordon N.

(Joanne) Smith, Mrs. Kenneth P. Lynda) Jensen, both Salt Lake Cltv; 14 9 a I Idre two re at-grandctuldren; brothers. Henry Mrs. Robert Wheeler, Moroni 7 (Marvl Elwood 8 HvinH.Srrrt.FUJirah.Sn7jC?l dav Dm BfW Thors Goff Mortuary, 8090 South State, Wednesday 4 to 8 m.

and Thursday at the Ward Chapel one hour prior to services. Burial Memorial Gardens. Goff Mortuary, Funeral Directors. Funeral services for Wednesday" 12noon9 In" the bParleys 4th Ward chapel, 2350 South 21st East. Friends may call at the Lar kin Mortuary, 260 East South Tern- pie, Tuesday 68 pm and Wedne-! chaoel, one hour prior to services.

Interment Salt Lake City Cemetery. Funeral dircc-tors, Larkin Mortuary WILLMORE Funeral services for Beniamin Franklin Wiflmore wiil be held Wednesday 12 noon In the Larkin Mortuary chapel, 2601 East South Temple Friends may call at the mortuary Tuesday 6-8 m. end Wednesday prior to service. Interment Logan City Cemetery. Funeral directors, Larkm Mortuary.

Legal Notices NOTICE OF APPLICATION Notice is hereby given that an application has been received In this office from Freed Company, 47 East Fourth South, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, for permission to establish an Industrial loan business at 47 East Fourth South, Salt Lake Cty, Utah. I Ar.y interested person may file a written protest to the granting of I jl Special Notice no IX Mining SALE lease open pit mine.htghest test limestone, sellca. diatomaclous earth, properties, write B. Mining Prooentes, 667 So. 2nd East, Springviiie, Utah Phone 489-6335 GEIGER counters, and scintillators and repairs.

747 S. 1st West. 2-Auetion Sales SALT LAKE AUCTION Thursday 8 pm. Sept. 12th Will sell the following Hems Lounge chairs (some leather) 2 wing back chairs, radio (console), TV, cash register, sewing machines, bathlnefte, dressei buffet, elec, range, refrig hot drink dispenser, polisher, vacuum, couches, lamp 3467 So.

Stale. Open dally 12 noon to 6 for consignment and Inspection. Many Items can be pur- chased on other days. EXPERT upholstery work done at wholesale prices on boats, campers, autos, etc. at AUTOMOBILE RECONDITIONING CENTER, 2087 W.

North Temple. 328-1524. 0nd fUnd LstjI GERMAN SHEPHERD, spayed female, 8 blk-tan markings, Ans. to name of German. Lost in West Jordan area.

Reward, 278-6985. LOST Whitish gray long-haired Tabby female cat. Lost in Summit Park aiea 2 mos. ago REWARD. Call after 4 p.m.

467-573. LOST-Black male co*cker, vie. 23rd Esst Wh South. Answers to "Lucky 1.0 tans, but has choke chain Reward 277-2372, 486-8143 LOST Vic. 35th So.

23rd East, 2-mo -old Irish Setter, female with whlte markin8s, no collar. "Tippy." 378.5019 Js-xiiy LOST Black Lab ador, 2 yrs, old. Vic. Cottonwood Mall. Reward.

L0ST BASSET HOUND FEMALE, 1 tie Mexico license, vie. of Deer -OST Reward for honey colored L5mTEast 'ist V'C' P0UND Male cat appears to be Prebrd In vie of 39th So. and 300 East, call 277-3267. LOST Lrq. orange and white long lost in Holladay REWARD Lost AM-FM Sony Transistor radio.

Silver Lake, Brighton area. 466-9928 haired Tom, vie of Miehiaan Ave. 14th East, 364-J210. Reward. LOST Siamese cat, female, vie.

27th collar, might be injured, reward, 2610 Park 364-0892. Poodle, Kearns, Western Hills area. Call 298-8354. LOST ennwn t7 Ladies brown purse. In Sandv-Draper area, reward.

277-3195. LOST Boy's navy blue sweater, size 10. Nr. Cathedral School. 298-0213.

LOST 16 Kodacolor negatives, down-town area. Reward. 278-6600. PENNY DECORATOR 524 So. 6th East.

Open Sun. 1 CvdT AVnt que UStln draper! maferilf I flyd Lrose wmvJ casem*nt 50 vd WrSf SMni'S swie from Spanish syil BUYING COINS Utah-359-0498. rent at Flaming Gorge, sleeps 6 cooking at our campground or lakeside. Phene S.L.C., 266-9746, 266-8471. LAKE POWELL VACATIONERS Completely furn.

deluxe mobile homes with cooking facils. for rent on daily, or mo. basis. BULL FROG MARINA Reservations: SLC 364-8738 RESUMES ARTHUR RICHARDSON Wkdys. 328-8591, eve.

364-7211. BUY Silver dollars. Indian cents, cold proof sets, old coins. 3281862. Rust Com and Gilt, 18 E.


Utah's largest and most modern dancing school. 486-OQ61. NEW WIG STYLING CLASSES staling Sept. 17. Enroll now.

SHIR-LENE'S WIGS, 4036 So. 2700 East, 278-4050. PINE NUTS galore between Deita and Ely. Drive right to them. Ask for Information at Border Service, atthe State Line, Hvwav 50 and 6.

SAVE 4 burial lots, 1 adult vault, 1 ind. memorial marker 24x12, Memorial Gardens of the Valley, 621-4319. MODELS WANTED ALL AGES, ALL TYPES 1399 S. 7th East 487-3243 MODEL OPPORTUNITIES DA 8-1322. 411 E.

S. Temple, 363-2765. WANT TO SAVE MONEY on fresh lender meats served by vour butch- er? Shoo at Hale's Market. 511 So I 5th East. HUSBANDS: Help keep America beautiful, send your wife to Betty's i Bra Bar, 252 So.


MAIN. METAL DETECTOR Super sensitivity, locate buried tree- ure. Zion Coin 57 East Broad- way, el9-0498 A's Irt tnirth. CnHw Cant 1 I iih 141h, 8 3rd South, Fridsy, Sept. 13th, 9:30 a noon.

SORORITY rummage sale, 14th, 218 East 5th Socth. Pre- ter's Hail, 120 West 13th South. dTiUTa-aVc R.UMMAGE SALE 9 o'clock. Sat, 14m, 218 East 5th South Pre-i ceptor MAIN. 9 to 3 30.

Call for personal Interview, 484-11 ACCOUNTING SECRETARY Must type 50 wpm ana have abili to work with figures, kev ourn training or experience valuable be, TOtjl necessary. Call Mr. Eske, ONE neat appearing lady to work In coin operated laundry and dry cleaning store, hours from 6 pm. 'til 12 p.m. See Mr.

Baker, 1871 So. 7th East. WOMEN wanted one proof passer, one telephone scheduler. Hourly wage or salary plus one or polder women preferred. Ph.

484-9981 for appt. Photographers Inc. WOMAN for full time counter and finishing work, expert ence preferred. AdoIv bt.ween 7 I 6T.L Westminster Cleaners, 6-2706. SECRETARIAL OPENING required.

Tcel lent' vwki nTond 1 Call 364-7891, ext. 24. fnr anni cna i rvnrnrk irrv EXPERENCED WAITRESS 1 GET READY Computer Programing Drafting Computer Electronics Get Ready for a BRIGHT FUTURE' in AUTOMATION ELECTRONICS TRAIN TO QUALIFY FOR TOP PAYING JOBS Academy Of Computer Technology For Your Free Booklet "YOUR CAREER IN COMPUTERS" CALL 486-9668 The Academy of Computer Technology 2363 Foothill Drive, L.C. VA APPROVED BARBERS at 4600 South Redwood Rd. call resiqtror at 299-3411.

MARKETING ENROLL NOW! UTAH TECH. COLLEGE Earn white you learn. Classes bv-gin Sept. 16th at 431 S. 6th For further information call Ralph Child at 328-8521 or 277-5735.

BUSINESS NEEDS YOU! Computer Training Systems, programming, elc, IBM Keypunch NIGHT DAY CLASSES New Easy to Learn System College of Office Automation 466-8725 7)71 So. State Suite No. 701 WANTED Call for appt. thru Thurs i0 1 -3 p.m, 486-9668 UNIVERSITY COMPUTING COMPANY Bonneville Sylvan Insurance Building 2363 South Foothill Drive Ambitious Young Legal Age $90 per wk. salary tP vnn Aec TiDcn ne.

i 1 k-jIL? being pigeon-holed in vour job, no future, no challenge, consider this unique opportunity Our L. division of 90-year-oid New I York book publishing firm will be hiring this week to prepare for planned expansion program. If you would enjoy: Unlimited Income potential, future promotions based entirely on vour accomplishments, permanent steady work, training sales promotion, personnel direction, and office procedures, we would like to give vour application immediate consideration. For interview appointment call 322-1801. After 9:15 -m.

and no later than 2 pm. Please do not apply unlesi you can start work this week. MEDICAL SECRETARY Excellent opportunity for person w. medical backqround must know medical terminology and type minimum of 60 good salary and liberal benefits. ApdIv Personnel Office.

HOLY CROSS HOSPITAL 1045 East 1st South Salt Lake City, Utah AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER RECENT high school graduates for interesting position interviewing travel nqents and professional people In maior resort areas, Hawaii and return, for Holiday Maqazine. $300 mo. guar, salary to start plus bonuses, and rapid promotions. Transportation furn. and paid.

Cash advanced daily for expenses. Start Immediately. Apply 10 am. to 5 Hotel Utah, Miss Hall. NFFDED COMPTOMETER OPERATORS KEY PUNCH OPERATORS 10-KEY ADDING STENOS-TYPISTS CALL 359-8762 VICTOR Temporaries WE PAY YOUR SALARY 65 So.

Mam, Rm 206 INCREASED Fall business necessitates placing 3 women Immediately. Real opportunity for those who qualify. Represent Avon Cosmetics. Call 355-5147. Medical Secretary Transcribe medical notes and letters.

Use dictaphone and IBM machines. Experience and knowledge of medical terminology Is required. Good salary and fringe benefits. 40-hour week. Incl.

half-day alternating Sat-urdays. call S.L. Clinic for appt. or Aide for busy gynecologist's office. Experience required.

Salary commensurate with training and experience. Good fringe benefits. 40-hr. wk. including half day Saturday.

Call Mrs. Naisbitt for Interview. S. L. Clinic, 328-4311.

ATTENTION VANDABUILT GIRLS Nationally advertised Canda Cosmetic a division of a $500 million corp. has 4 openings. 2 part time, and 2 full time commission. Help introduce new line, no sales or cosmetics experience required. Phone 266-2323, 277-1017, 262-2708 for an interview in the privacy of vour own home.

Insurance Clerk to prepare Insurance claim forms. Some medcai terminology required. Starting salary $300 or more if qualified. Good fringe benefits. 40-hr.

wk. Incl. day alternate Sat. Call for appt. for Interview.

S.L. Clinic, 328-4311. PROFESSIONAL 'OPPORTUNITY Mature women to direct Y.W.C.A. Residence. B.A.

degree, training in psychology, and counseling, must live in, call 355-2804, Mrs. Dustin to arrange Interview. GIRLS! GIRLS! GlRLSI Pleasant oart-tlme work on our order desk, days or eves. Salary. Call 52'-4810 for aopf.

Home Reference Library, Cook Book and Vol-ume Library. NIGHT shift work for photo finishing plant, exper. pref. Mrs. Wood, 355-r" S-5363, for appt.

NURSES AIDE, full-time, experience preferred. Nice southeast location. 484-2465. WANTED EXPECTANT MOTH ER TO DO LIGHT HSEWK, RM. SMALL WAGE.

EL 5-7444. Experienced Beauty Operator. MANUEL'S BEAUTY SALON 320 East 3900 So. 262-4212 EXPERIENCED waitress, night shift only, Jade Cafe, 234 West 9th South, no phone calls. EXPERIENCED NURSE'S AIDES, all shifls open.

Apply in person. 2200 E. 33rd South. NURSES MD AND COOK 3 nights, nurses aid, 2 days cook, 2825 East 33rd So. 487-1026.

1 PET GROOMER, exp. peferred, but will consider training party. Call 485-9743. PART-TIME of right children, 278-7904. my home, weekdays.

Foothill Drive. 487-7551. iWIG ventilator wanted, call 355-8375 1 days, 363-2158 eves. MAID help, full or part-time. 1325 WAITRESS, 208 University.

Ute Hamburger. EM 4-0713. WAITRESS University "Club Mri. Kmgbury after 11 a m. 355-3456.

I WAITRESS wanted" Afternoon shift. 7 till 10. 3220 131 WOMAN to tend baby, my home week days, Murray area. 262-3619. WANTED Girl to learn massage.

Good pay. 363-8996. Typing and shorthand necessary. Must be abie to meet public P051 lion of'ers chance for advancement, stock purchase options and interna-tional corporation benefits. 2 Good wages.

Sundays and holidays HIGf school graduates or colleqe off. Part time or full time Lambs or full time car host-Grill Cafe, 169 S. Main. esses wanted. New Drive-tn resfau- such application stating the grounds therefor by submitting It in writing, with ail supporting data, to the Commissioner of Financial Institutions, 574 East Second South, Room 220, Salt Lake City, Utah 84102, on or before October 11, 1968.

The granting of the above vacationers or fish tlon Is contingent upon the approval Silver dollars paying $1.85 each and up, also buying old coins 1c thru gold coins, and proof sets. Highest prices paid. Zion Coin 57 East Broadway, S.L.C., ermen, deluxe travel trailers for I FREE BOOKLET COMPUTER CAREER Answer, Question, About Job Opportunities Salarie, Career Advancement Requirement, 1 Read how you may join over 100,000 Automation Institute graduates who have, accepted employment nationwide. OsTE ntcr APHSE pp.T? On-campus, third generation computer center. Lab es limited to 16 students.

Approved for Veterans AUTOMATION INSTITUTE A Department of STEVENS HENAGER COLLEGE A Junior College of Business 350 South Seventh East Salt Lake City, Utah PHONE 364-7791 Since 1907 P.m. $2 COLLECTOR. Outsido work $500 ACCOUNTING CLERK $390 ELECTRONIC PART CLERK 2 50 INSURANCE CLERK $320 DESIGNER DRAFTSMAN $4.09 383 SOUTH 6TH EAST Job Shoppe Where your JOB is their JOB POSITIONS AVAILABLE: SALES, PROFESSIONAL, SECRETARIAL, GENERAL OFFICE AND LABOR. EASY PARKING IN REAR 641 East 4th South 355-4608 JOBS UNLIMITED fRuby) Williams, ail Ogden; Joseph, ,20, 1968, for the purchase of: CaWf6rn1a; Wilford Lorenzo $., I CADET UNIFORMS both Salt Lake City; George, Clear- ENVIRONMENTAL LABS field As per list and specifications Funeral services Fndav, 1 obtainable from the Purchasing De-Monument Park Eighth Ward chao- partment. el Friends call 260 E.

South Temple. The right Is reserved to accept or Thursday, 6-8 and after 11. reiect any or all bids and to waive a m. at place of services Burial, eny Informality or technicality in 2 GIRLS to experience helpful, but not neces- tary. Apply In person, Towne and time.

Make good money with Fuller Brush- Call Clarissa, 277-5326 or Ida, 266-1664. WOMAN wanted for part-time work, own transpoitation, household items, exper. not necessary. Comm, or salary. Call 10 a.m.

to 12 p.m. 484-4281. WOMEN, attractive, Intelligent to teach prof, make-up technique, and sell Viviane Woodard Cosmetics. Consultant and executive opportunities avail. 466-3508, is 3-9451 EXPERIENCED dept, heads, candy soft lines, 40 hours week.

Excellent working conditions, fringe benefits. Abov averaqe salary. Phone 278-6009. NURSE'S AIDE Pref. mature, responsible woman.

Full-time position availalbe. Apply in person. Highland Manor Nursing Home, 4285 Highland Dr. GENERAL office work, mature woman, some typing, $1.75 per hour. Ret.

required, phone 484-5628 between Sam, and 4 p.m. needed to care for 2 small m- Private room Month- lv salary. Cali before 11 am. 762-2875. Murray.

rant. 266-7779. 5:30 p.m. EXPERIENCED CASHIER Lambs Grin Cafe, 169 nsers. Day work.

Sun. and hoi. oft. Apply Keelevs Cafe 55 So. Main LADIES who would like light office work 'n exchange for beauty school night classes only, 5 to to p.m.

Con-tlnental College of Beauty. 486-0101. WANTED to houseclean, 1 day week. Prefer. Wed.

or Thurs. Must have own car, references. Cal 278-2402. WOMAN to help with cooklnq and cleaning In nursing home Bountiful. 7 am.

hi 12 noon. $1.50 per hour salary. 295-5771. WOMAN for sandwich mfg. with small wholesale food co.

40-hr. week, Mon. thru Fri. 5 a m. to 1 0 m.

Good benefits. 466-1432. LEGAL Secretary-Receptionist, write resume of experience to Box L-40 in care of this paper. MATURE LADY TO TEND 5 children while mother works. Rose Park area.

364-8754, bef. 3 m. HIGH commission sales, selling home and interior decorating, 266-5496. ROOM board in exchange for baby-sitting and light housekeeping, small wage, 298-3148 after 5 pm. BABY-TENDER, wanted, my home, 674-oth Ave.

Flexible hours, $1 per hr. 359-7072 WOMEN needed for general laundrv work, folding, sorting, apply 1024 Sc. 1st West. WOAAAN wanted for light housekeeping and baby sitting while mother teache? at university, 355-0307. AIDES RN LPN Nursing home, Holladay area, 262-2908, Mr.

Bonner, Mrs. Brown. RELIABLE young woman for caret of handicapped man and housekeep- i days. Granger, 2 99-1 066. EXPERIENCED NURSE'S AIDES, all shifts open.

Apply in person, .2200 E. 33rd South. RECEPTIONIST in photographic stu- dio' on experience preferred. Call EM 4-7183. 8-Womeit Want Work Beautician, downtown area.

328-0277 ATTENTION: Worry no more about vour Ironing Work free starch. Call 266-9784 WILL tend children" Piece. 1121 322-4682 my home, Hunter arta, 4400 West, 3200 So. vie 298-2862. BABY CARE.

near 13th East and 60th So. 278-1747. CURTAlNsT bedspreads, tablecloths, Pickup, delivery, IN 7-4497, HOUSEWORK, care ALTERATIONS, sewmg child care. 1197 So. 7th East.

467-OJ53. USEWORK, nurse aid. elderly Homemakers, Inc. 571-4354. Mature married saleslady for candy.

Ice cream store, southeast area, hours 6 to 11 p.m 4-5 nights per week. Sun. Incl. Apply Fernwoods, 150 West Commonwealth (2130 SECRETARY general office clerk ror national wholesale food distributor. Shorthand and typmo required.

Salary open. Fringe benefits. 40 hr. week Call for appt. wkdays 487-7783.

SOCIAL worker, adoptions and foster care, professional training or experience required. Children's Y.AI.TR4SJ? busiest coffee i in S.L. needs more fast, sharp gals, excel, salary, tips, and working most shifts avail. Dee's Inc. 433 So.

Main. WAITRESS wanted, without experience need not apply, a m. to 6-X P.m. Shift, Mondays through Saturdays, Sundays off, Lu Dornbush Delicatessen, 163 East 3rd So. WOMAN to tend boy.

Sherwood Hills. Must be free to ravel to and from Primary Chll-dren's Hosp. 278-6211. GIRL, legal aoe for general office Yf'h, tVDe 55 worn. Permanent.

Metropolitan Laundry and Dry Cleaning, 2253 So. 5th East. MATURE lady stenographer. Part time 9 to 3 p.m. Musical background preferred.

Apply In person. 3719 So. State. SEAMSTRESSES For alterations and general repairs. Apply 1024 So.

1st West. ATTRACTIVE co*cktail waitress-bar maid, exper. not necessary, part SL- County, 255-0647, 255-9806. NURSES aides needed Bungalow Nursing Home, full or part-time, ail shifts open. Apply in person, 643 So.

13th East. $50 CASH Any group, club or organization for selling Watkins famous vaniila and pepper. 262-3376. EXp! waitress for lunch wanted, legal age, 1 kitchen help wanted. Apply person.

Rhode's Resfau-rant, 14 E. 8th So APT. Manager, 22 units, salary, handy reliable couple. Bondable. Reply to Box 32, care of this paper.

NURSE AIDE if you are serious we will tram. Mature, permanent only. Afternoon or days. 328-3384. JEve.27!!3182- WANTED- main fnr Dqs I State' C8 PerSOn 2827 So-1 nc '-3 SMaio WORKING mother needs sitter WINDOW CASHIERS FOR DRIVE-IN1 Young married women, day and eve.

sMts avail. local req. Dee', SECRETARIES: Bank, Legal, Industrial, Engineer to $485 TYPISTS: Clerk, Dictaphone $400, Bkkpers, Cashiers, 10-Key. SALESMEN, Inside and Outside; Field Grocery Mgr. WAREHOUsem*n, Maintenance.

COLLEGE GRADS BS and BA. Any. Both day qna evening barbering m. ION Bus, TOM Trainee, I course, are offered, register now SECURITY ENROLL NOW! UTAH TECH. COLLEGE of the Commissioner and the surrendering of the Industrial loan license In the name of Freed Corporation, 47 East Fourth South, Salt Lake Utah.

By order of the Commissioner of Financial Institutions. Dated at Salt Lake City, Utah this 6th day of September, 1968. W. S. BRIMHALL, (A-58) Commissioner NOTICE Sealed bids will be received at the Purchasing Department, University of Utah, until 2:30 p.m., September of the University.

firm quotation will be accepted. specifications request. CHRISTENSEN, A9ent of Utah Henry New-man annual family 2 p.m., in the Resort in are invited In renewing family fun. i 17' 7 to li -A i 4 7 1 14 to 27 1 28 to 36 por cQfl Mi- 17 to R1 0019 MISC. 4 TO Ol Automobiles 55 DCAr vrtim pi w.a.M 1 A2 carfful before placing It.

Due fo mechanical oper ation If Is Impossible to correct or change your ad until It has ep Peered one time. IN EVENT OP ERROR notify our Classified Department at once. Ad- verHsers are expected to check the first Insertion; we will not be re- sponsibla for any errors after the first flay. WHEN PHONINO vour Want-Ad al- ACCOUNTS payable Freigh Claims Clerk, typing experience necessary. Fringe benefits.

Apply in person at personnel 2144 Highland Drive. OFFICE girl, over legal age for payroll, receptionist, typist, ten-key posting, immediate opening, permanent. Call 328-0171, Mr. Lee- belt. WOAAAN TO LIVE IN Help with hous 'keeping and children, comfortable family home, lovely room and bath, good salary, permanent.

487-7234. WAITRESS wanted Part time, night wrork. Apply In Person bet. hours, 5 30 pm. Thurs.

f.ranncsc0's Easl- 754 E- emp'e- BfcAUTlCIAN-cIlentele waiting, love- SALESLADIES, full time and part time, must be top sales girl with experience In selling better ready-to-w a r. Continental Fashions, 487-1011. TOP PAY Telephone sale, to sell Wasatch Lawn Memorial Park. Clayton Bateman Clayton Bateman, 52, 859 Stale, ed in a Roosevelt hospital Sept, 8 of a heart ailment. Born May 24, 1916, Koslusco, to George Washington and Ella Bateman.

Married -Bessie Pantaloon Murphy, 1960, Elko, Nev. Member Southern Baptist fhorch. Survivors: widow. Salt Lake City; son, Michael Ray, Salt Lake City; brothers, Charles, Salt Lake City; Ray, Littleton, Sammy, I'Jinolj; sister. Mrs.

Polly Large, St. Louis, Mo. Funeral Thursday, 2 nJ 36 E. 7th South, where friends call Wednesday 6-8 Thursday prior to services. Burial Elysian Burial Gardens.

Pfc. Paul E. Parker Funerel services tor Pfc. Paul Elmer Parker, 21, 444 Woodland will be held Thursday 1 o.m., 36 7th South, where friends call Wednesday 6-8 Thursdai prior to services. Burial Elysian Buriat Gardens.

He died Aug. 22 in Vietnam. Ethel M. Roberds POCATELLO, IDAHO Ethel M. Roberds, 84, Lava Hot Springs, died rV Lost and Found Sept.

7, 1968, in a local rest home lAJ to lowing an Illness. Born July 31, 1884, Chandville, to tsamuel G. and Emma Myers. Married Ira D. Roberds.

Oct 31, 1006, Plttsburo, Kan He died May, any bid In the interest Only bids giving a and properly signed Bid proposals and will be furnished upon WILLIAM L. Purchasing (A-60) University THE FAMILIES John will hold their reunion. Sept. 14th at Blue Terrace at Saratoga Lehl. Alt family members to come and loin acquaintances and I-Special Notices CLASSIFICATION INDEX Tip Need An Expert I ka Help Wonred For Rent fc Real Estate portrait.

Salary plus bonus. Experienced or Inexperienced Apply between 10 am. and 2 pm 2900 So. State. Rm 206.

Ph 467-9647. LAB. technician or finisher. StudiolJ experience required. Salary $300 GIRL or expectant mother fo tend college student, vie.

Holladay. Western Auto Stores, 3924 Highland Dr. EXPERIENCED waitress and cashier, apply In person Polynesian, 994 So. Main. baker's helper.

Mayflower Cafe. iMi 364-2471. So.JMain. Closed Sundays. MRONING 10 cent, oer! WAITRESS wanted, day wcrk, legal age, applj; in person.

Cardinal SALESLADY for pastry shop, also' close to town. 521-6999. TWo, girls want babysitting aft. school, weekends, Rose Park area, with children, reliable. with Cell for aopt, 9-10 only.

364-6489. WANTED Experienced cashier ard sales, middle aged, good wages, and benefits. DUCE 3650 So. State WAITRESS, evening shift, Wasatch TINKERBEIL Nursery needs part-Sept Lanes Coffee Shoo. 4015 Wasatch1 time woman, 1429 So.

West Temple Gamma Beta Sigma Phi Bivd jC TZTt TTi TTrfTrZ- Gen. Office Help 359-5372 WANTED Bus bovs and dishwash-15 WOMEN NEEDED for companion to older lady, live In, board and rm. 322-0700. FULL time girl needed, able to run tO-key adding machine Salary com- mensurate with experience. 266-4427.

co*ckTAIL waitresses, apolv after 6 Club Manhattan. 5 East 4th So. DEALERS BAUM HOME TOY I cVr corTim5ssioft car necessry EXPERIENCED sewlnq operator, Utah Woolen st- EXPERIENCED shifts open, 10 466-0535. waitresses, all East 33rd South, RECEPTIONIST AND SECRETARY, ers, daytime shifts. Apply Smler Steak Houses, between 2-5p m.

NURSES AID, NIGHT SHIFT 369 2542 GET ACQUAINTED guitar, drum or accordion lessons, $1 50. instrument furn. Progressive Music, 3644353. 1 fantastic FANTASTIC BRAS 119 Social Hall Ave, 355-0146 NURSES' aide for rest home, after-noon shift, 363-1411 EXPERIENCED waitress wanted, night shift. 1259 So.

Redwood Rd. EXPE part off*ckV sales, music school. 322-2157, 322-0449. RELIABLE child care, days home only. Call 298-1691.

my ways ask tor the ed to be repeated i employed mahiiV back to you. Be sure to check youri share my home, GSnger-W9l78 phone number and address. An ex-lKAwriwr ,.4 -i rsmrmnrA ufll kln uall I 4. L1VJ 5ePf. 16 TO ChrlStmaS, penenced will help ad-taker word your result-pulling ad voUl $14 3 yrs and older, Virginian Studios, 467-0477 neat appearing.

Apoly between IOiEXPERT ironlnq, alterations. Holla-a Fadel's, 1615 So. Stale St. dav area. 778-7340 MEN AND WOMEN TCain fr, Civil Service examination ler "'0 F.S E.

Government lobs with Federal, State Civil. Service. For full mlor-mation wrde Lake Traimnq Serv- -ice, P.O. Box 1835, S.L Utah, giving age and phone number, or call 466-1691 or 484-5162 "AUTOMATION IBM Key Punch IBM Computer Prog. AND RELATED MACHINES DAY and NIGHT CLASSES TRALfi, NOW PAY LATER TRADE COLLEGE 11 33rd South 486 7601 SALT LAKE CITY COLLEGE OF MEDICAL DENTAL ASSISTANTS MEDICAl RECEPTIONISTSECRETARY Free Brochure Sent on Request 487-0457 Mam WHEN CANCELLING xn ad demand I "kill" numbar.

No allowanca 17' 1 Jo.J 4thE ml EMPLOYMENT 201 Feit Bldg. 341 So. Main 355-4674 355-3692 S.D.I. Agency Has THE job for YOU! (Too many to list ALL here!) NEVER a Fee to Apply Servma Utah since 1936 National r-molovment Association Certified Employment Consultant, 333 S. STATE FREE CONSULTATION ANYTIME ALL-GIRL FEMALE CAREER SPECIALISTS Receptionists, Secretaries.

Stenos, Typists, Bookkeepers, Clerks, PBX $3004600 PROGRESSIVE PERSONNEL, INC. 455 East 4th South 521-3737 PERSONNEL CENTER Secretaries Stenos Typists Bookkeepers All Office Help Plus a Technical Division for Sales Reps. Engineers Skilled BUREAU OF PERSONNEL 363 ri South COMPUTER Free Booklet Typists Bkkors. 10-Key Gen. Off SECRETARIES ABBOTT FLETCHER 165 S.

State 378-4717 SALES Profess icnal Technical Mgr. Trainees Sx 1 1 led Trades EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Leading firm wants girl with flood skills to tram as exec. secy, to top VIP of company Must be able to handle responsibility and deal with people To 450 HITCHING POST 355-5358 I 445 E. 2ND SOUTH College Grads career'specialists for SALES-MANAGEMENT TECHNICAL-ENGINEERING TOP SALARIE5-AU FIELDS UPGRADE ASSOCIATES, INC. 455 East 4th Some 328 8571 STENOGRAPHERS AND GENERAL OFFICE MANY OPENINGS NOW GEORGIA DAY Utah's Oldest Employment Agency 420S.

Main PRODUCTION gfnfrl laborers NEEDED NOWI SFE US TODAY 1 ASSURED FMPIOYMENT 171 East 3rd So. 328 0376 UpofT II TMPLOYMENT INC. T77F7Is Souh 486 8W6 cox 1701 Wilmington, Sg Hse HU 7 7781. Utah'4 Flrit-Bast Employ. Ag.icy 486-0053 SUITE 703' 364 7771 Member, Baptist Church.

After tosing eyesight 14 years ago, served as secretary for Association for the Blind. SUfYlvcrs: Clifford, Yuba City, CaMLj Glenn, Lawrencevilie, Cafli lava Hot Sorinqs; sister, Mrs. Kate Massev. Pittsburg, Kan Fyheral services in Pittsburg. Local arrangements pending from Mqnhlng Funeral Chapel.

Louis Rasmussen OREM Louis Rasmussen Sr, 77, 46 Main, died Sept. 1968, at trisqliome after a long illness orn April 25, 1891, to Niels and Hnaena Madsen Rasmussen. Married Clara Jane Levie, June 15. 1911, R'inheid Railroad employe. Member Orem 22nd Ward Survivors: widow; sons, daughters.

Winfred (May) Gteave, Provo: AmErvil (Cleo) Davis. Louise Kotov, Neils Randall, all Orem: Louis Fred, both Provo; 29 wdnochlldren; 48 great grandchil-fl Srw brothers: Otto, Salt Lake City; William (Bill). Prcvo; sisier, Mrs. GuS (Anna) Soutas, Provo. pta'al services Friday.

1 30 mav call Sunberg-Oipm Mortuary. Thursday, 7-9 pm, at ward chaoel before services Friday Burial, East-Memorial Cemetery. Funerals fcASSETT Funeral services tor Tnomas Kym Bassett, son of Doctor Thomas and Patricia Lowrior Bassett of Gearfteld, will be hed Thursday at 12 noon in the Clearfield LDS 2nd, Ward chapel, 935 South State Friends may call at Lindquist's Kaysville Mortuary. 343 North Mam, Wednesday 7 to 9 a id Thursday trerrt 10 until 1) 30 a m. Interment 'he Memorial Gardens of the Wa-satch Funeral directors, Lindquist's Ksfrsville Mortuary.

BATEMAN Funeral services for ClavJon Bateman will be mild Thursday 2 pm in the Memorial Chapel. Cast 7th South Interment Elysian Bwiai Gardens. Friends may call at ft5 Deseret Mortuary on Wednesday 6-6 4pm and Thursday prior to service Funeral directors, Deseret Actuary PBX RECEPTIONIST IBM KEY Punch, Computer Tab Wirmo Programming, Clerk-Typlsl, Medical, Legal Sec. Acetg Shorthand, Gen. Oil Pet.

Secretarial. Low Tuition. Terms No Age Lim.t, intermountain college 374 South Main Street 355-7507 mada without it. DAILY 8 A.M. TO 5 P.M.

SATURDAYS I A.M. TO 1 P.M. SUNDAYS 9 AM. TO 13 NOON RATES 85c per line for one oav 51 65 per line for 4 days 52 25 per line for 7 days 4 dav for price of 3 7 day for price or 4 DIAL 521-3535 Hatloi Theyll Dolt Every Time By Dunn and Scaduto RON Ross Ballet St. classes.

Virginian Studios. 467-0477. DIVORCE and child custody cases investigated 355-4666. FOR sale Lake City Steel, any reasonable offer accepted. 322-1673 HANDMADE baby lavettes.

and fitted diapers 298-7971, PAYING $3 each for 1954Piavbov magazine 255 5393 5AXAFHONFS WANTED, CAH OR TRADE 3719 So. Sate NFW ELEC quitars and amps. 589 50 Folkouitars. $45. 322 C449.

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Information and assistance, jSS-9159 PIANO lessons (all types). Prof. Instruction. Music Centre, 322 0449. GUITAR, drum lessons, 6 wkiT course PET CEMETERY Pickup Service HU 4-3070.

Are vou tn need of direclon? WORD OF TRUTH 255 '592 FALL dance classes si6rtIf.fl.The Mum; Centre, 322-0449 TAKE ovnr payments on Slendfrl form contract 484 63:9 QUALIFIED PIANO I ST CTTON quilts or1 i 485-2207. New be p. Arouud the WEIGH BORHOOP THEATRES ARE Alt- THE MOVIES DOLDRIM HAS BEEN! fAEANIklQ TO SEE--- fSSlkitmLU I Last night he WAS IN A STRANGE TOWN ON BUSINESS A TOWN WITH TWO MOVIE HOUSES- BUT WHATS PLAYING? IfctXAWAMAT SoacViTq 9-1 1 COURT REPORTING SECRETARIAL Free demonstrations, Sepl nth and 6th, 7 30 pm. or Seot 34. 2 pm.

Intermountain Stenotyp Institute, Ambassador Ptara, Suit, 2-B, DRAFTING VFTERANS APPPOVFD TECHNICAL eng. INSriTUTF 2349 West Temple 4H7 1704 COURT reporting HlglTpaymq lb-i for men and women. Learn this fas-cmitinq skill at an accredited college Tree demo Sept 7 X) om, LDS Business College, 411 tn So Temple BURTON Funeral services for 'Jack" Burton be con ducted Thursday 1 at the AWers Mortuary Chaoel, 845 Wash-irgton, Oodn, Utan, Bishop Jerry Buchanan, of the Garland oil t'1rth. Mortuary Thurtda? oTior WHITTEN bids tor exdua'vg Dtrmij. 364 6JS7 orS59 6.M to service4- infetment Ondon City sion tg $nt ot the contests.

JAPANESE MINK STOLE, Mvers delayed television for some best offir oofs VLt events sponsored bv me Utah Hmh 467 "i5 Schoo. Activities Association during the 1968 69 school viar shoo'd be iY1OS5(jC0 CU1fl DOTiI the association office not later than Monday. Scpte nbe I6n PHYSIOTHFRAPY Tne A A. office loca'ed at bath 299-107 19 West South Temclo, Sait Lake Trru", Utah 84101 Teiechone 363-913 V.A ral regarding any questions. 1 p01' hwe caiis, 363-896 CANNON Funeral services for Martha Howell Cannon will be held Thursday 12 neon, in the Larkin Marfuary Chaoel, 260 South Temple Friends mav call at the mortuary Wednesday, 6 8 pit! and Thursday 1 hour prior to services Just say "Charge it" 27 7 5W1 ELEGANT b-oendod brinat" svwn" sz 10 Before JL bestoffer 378 4467.

,0 snyr9 dance, call 266-623 or 295 5309. MEMBERSHIP healttf studio Call $100 massage and barbers Utah Barber CoMege, 4M 04f Utah Barber Co'lega, 446 0487 87 Fast 17th South Utah GROGRY CHECKING' Low Tuition and Placement on r- TIain Pv Later 3jrdNmlh 486 9f0l HAMMOND Kindergarten, n5 v. Interment, Salt Lake City Cemetery. Funeral flriectors, Larkin Mortuary, The association reserves the naht to(HFALTH STUDIO 1461 S. Man.

I nrMu i 9 1 'JUIvJ accept or reiect all bids..

The Salt Lake Tribune from Salt Lake City, Utah (2024)


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.