Leslie Garrett sentenced over Showcase Cinema shooting - updates (2024)

Table of Contents
'Reckless' Garrett's actions remain 'unclear' Garrett shouts 'k***head' as he leaves dock Garrett jailed for 14 years Garrett to get an extended sentence Judge sets out sentencing range Garrett’s sentence to be reduced to reflect guilty plea Judge rejects 'suicide by cop' feature 'I’m satisfied you had no suicidal intent on the night of the offences'' 'Alcohol, anger and resentment' were 'catalyst' for shooting Judge rejects Garrett's account he was minding rifle for someone else Extent of Garrett's depression and link with offences 'is not agreed' '20 minutes of madness' 'Your intentions were not to hurt anybody and you did not go into the newsagents to steal' Judge describes Garrett's movements on day of Showcase Cinema shooting Judge describes Garrett's journey to pub Garrett sits in dock with arms folded Judge to begin passing sentence Judge to pass sentence at 2pm 'Whatever happens there is going to be a significant sentence of imprisonment' 'At the real crucial moment, Mr Garrett pointed that weapon away from people' Court takes short break Garrett's previous convictions Mr Smith says Showcase Cinema shooting has 'ruined my life' 'My legs felt like jelly' Shopkeeper said 'I thought I was going to get shot and lose my life' 'We submit that suicide by cop doesn’t come into it, frankly' Garrett 'confronted between eight to a dozen armed officers' Judge asks what the link between PTSD and case is 'Suicide by cop and culpability' are 'most important issues' for court to decide Garrett enters dock wearing Nike jumper References

Leslie Garrett is due to appear in court to be sentenced over the Showcase Cinema shooting.

The 49-year-old, of Ternhall Road in Fazakerley, fired multiple shots outside the Croxteth picture house during the incident on the evening of January 3 this year. It came moments after he had attempted to rob Sangha's off-licence on nearby Lower House Lane, where he discharged a single gunshot into a Perspex sheet by the counter.

We'll be bringing you the latest updates as Garrett appears at Liverpool Crown Court this morning, Thursday, for sentencing. Garrett previously pleaded guilty to eight offences - including possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life, two counts of possession of a firearm with intent to cause fear of violence, attempted robbery and possession of ammunition without a certificate.

READ MORE: Showcase shooter says he wanted to be killed the night he caused chaos

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He is expected to learn his fate following a trial of issue, a hearing in which a judge decides the factual basis on which a defendant is to be sentenced after hearing evidence. This is due to take place over the course of two days today and tomorrow, Friday.

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Adam Everett

'Reckless' Garrett's actions remain 'unclear'

Merseyside Police's Assistant Chief Constable Andy Ryan has said following the hear: "Although nobody was injured during that evening, the reckless actions of Leslie Garrett obviously caused a great deal of fear in the local community.

"A huge policing plan was put in place and Garrett was located and detained by our officers. The firearm he used, along with a quantity of ammunition, was also recovered, which means it cannot be used to cause further fear or concern in our communities.

"Although Garrett’s intentions are not clear, he admitted the offences and will now spend a considerable amount of time behind bars because of his actions on that night.

"Firearms have no place on the streets of Merseyside. We are committed to removing them from our streets, and I would encourage anyone who has information about who is using weapons or where they are being stored to contact us so we can take immediate action."

Charlotte Hadfield

Garrett shouts 'k***head' as he leaves dock

The judge continues: “The custodial one being one of 14 years, you will be obliged to serve two thirds of that sentence before you will be considered by the parole board. You will only be released when the parole board considers you safe to be released into the community.

"You will remain on licence when you are released by the parole board, either for the remainder of any custodial term if any and then for a further four years.”

Garrett gave a thumbs up to his supporters in the public gallery as he was led down the the cells and said: “See you later. It’ll be alright.”

He was also heard to shout “k***head" as he left the dock.

Charlotte Hadfield

Garrett jailed for 14 years

Judge Aubrey asks Garrett to stand.

He says: “In my judgement the appropriate custodial term after trial would have been a sentence of 21 years.

“Thus in respect of count one there will be an extended sentence of 18 years comprising of a custodial term of 14 years with an extension period of four years.”

Garrett showed little reaction as the sentence was imposed.

Forfeiture and destruction of the rifle and ammunition is ordered.

Charlotte Hadfield

Garrett to get an extended sentence

JA: “You have pleaded guilty to serious specified offences. I have no hesitation in finding that you represent a significant risk to members of the public causing serious harm occasioned by the commission by you of further specified offences in the future.

"I do so and make that finding by reason of a cumulative assessment, the nature of the offences committed and notwithstanding your lack of previous convictions.

“In my judgement, you are a very unpredictable person. On the night in question you were behaving irrationally and placing lives at risk.

“I have reminded myself that a sentence of life imprisonment is a sentence of last resort. I do not consider that a determinate sentence provides sufficient protection to members of the public.

"Bearing in mind your age and the length of the custodial term you may have to serve, the court stands back from imposing a sentence of life imprisonment. The court will impose an extended sentence.”

Charlotte Hadfield

Judge sets out sentencing range

Judge Aubrey says there is a starting point, after trial, of 14 years with a range of 11 to 17 years for the offence of possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life.

“In the final analysis, the court must apply the totality guideline to ensure your sentence is just and proportionate and at the same time reflective of the commission of these grave offences which can only be described as a campaign of terror with a lethal weapon which was discharged on three separate occasions.

“There must be a significant uplift to reflect not only the aggravating factors but all your offending behaviour.”

Charlotte Hadfield

Garrett’s sentence to be reduced to reflect guilty plea

Judge Aubrey says Garrett’s sentence will be reduced by one third due to his guilty plea, despite the trial of issue.

“It was not you but Dr Qurashi who raised the issue which has required determination by the court. In these particular circ*mstances I've come to the conclusion that you will receive full credit to reflect the stage of proceedings you entered those pleas.

“The hearing has also given me an opportunity to assess you as a person and that which you did. You do have previous convictions but none that aggravate the seriousness of these offences.

“I do take into account your medical condition and the fact that in the cold light of day you now regret your actions.”

Charlotte Hadfield

Judge rejects 'suicide by cop' feature

JA: “Mr Lewis has submitted that while there were other motivations that night, suicide by cop was a feature. I reject that on the evidence this court has heard.

“I turn to your level of responsibility. The court does not accept that your culpability was significantly to substantially reduced.

“In my judgement, you do retain a high level of responsibility for that which you did notwithstanding that some of your behaviour could be described as bizarre.

“You had an interest in firearms. You had acquired one with a vast amount of ammunition, drank to excess and then went and caused mayhem at three separate locations.

“I’m satisfied you knew precisely what you were doing, demanding money from a shop owner while discharging a firearm.

“You appeared to enjoy showing that firearm to customers at the public house. You felt powerful and in control. I’m satisfied that these offences were borne out of alcohol, anger and resentment.”

Charlotte Hadfield

'I’m satisfied you had no suicidal intent on the night of the offences''

JA: “The first offence you committed was financially motivated. You fled from the scene as you did from others.

“In my judgement you are a proud man. You said to the probation officer that you felt humiliated and embarrassed when your employment was terminated. You did not say to her that you did that which you did in order to be killed by the police.

“You had left the firearm at your partner’s address before going to your mother’s. You were aware the police would be searching for you. You did not threaten the police officers and gave no indication you were hoping the police would kill you.

“Indeed, you stated to the professionals you believed you would be tasered. Dr Qurashi places reliance on the escalation of events. But in my judgement there came a time when there was deescalation.

"You went to your girlfriend’s and hid the firearm before going to your mother’s. You left three scenes before the police arrived. In my judgement, you did not want to be apprehended.

“When the police confronted you you were unarmed. You did not threaten them or offer violence.

“I’m satisfied that while it is Dr Qurashi’s formulation, the foundation is speculation and theory which the court rejects. I’m satisfied his opinion does not live with the undisputed facts.

“He was reminded you left the scene of each discharge. He condeeded he would have expected you if you wished to be killed by the police that night. He was of the view that did not fatally undermine his formulation. In my judgement, it does.

“I’m satisfied you had no suicidal intent on the night of the offences. Indeed you yourself said you would not go through with suicide because your love to your family was too much.

“I’m satisfied you were not seeking that night to place yourself in a position where armed police officers would kill you. It is not a feature in this case in whole or in part.”

Charlotte Hadfield

'Alcohol, anger and resentment' were 'catalyst' for shooting

Judge Aubrey said: “While you may have complex mental health issues and may have been seeking attention that night, I’m satisfied at the time of the offences you were not suffering from a severe depressive disorder but had a moderate depressive disorder and you were at the time also emotionally unstable.

“I’m satisfied you were not suffering from any specific time of post traumatic stress disorder at the time of the offences.

“While the court accepts that you have been subject to childhood trauma and have experienced difficulties with mental health, in my judgement those factors were not the motivation in the commission of these offences.

"You told the probation officer you were upset and angry. You then drank a considerable amount of alcohol. Alcohol, anger and resentment are constant themes. I'm satisfied they were the catalyst for that which you did.”

Charlotte Hadfield

Judge rejects Garrett's account he was minding rifle for someone else

JA: “I turn to my findings of fact. The first issue is whether in accordance with your basis of plea you were minding the relevant items.

"Secondly and principally, whether you did that which you did because you placed yourself in a position whereby you wished to be killed by the police. In my judgement it is necessary in the circ*mstances of your case to determine both issues irrespective of whether it impacts on your culpability.

“You claimed that you were minding the rifle on behalf of another and state while you were sleeping in a car you were approached by others you did not know, albeit you told the probation officer it was an associate, and you were given by a bundle or bag and placed it in the boot of your car not knowing what it was.

“The court cannot and does not accept that implausible account and rejects it. Precisely how you came to be in possession of the rifle and ammunition cannot be determined. But in any event, it does not impact on your culpability.

“I thus turn to the primary issues on which this court must make findings. You have pleaded guilty to attempted robbery at the convenience store, and thus by your own admission there was a financial motivation that night. Although you now state in evidence money was not the motivation.

“You were at the time in a desperate financial position. You also claim you did not wish to hurt anyone. You pleaded guilty to possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life.

“I am sure that on the night in question this was uppermost in your mind.

“Much of the evidence you gave is inconsistent with the undisputed facts in this case. I cite but a few examples.

“You stated you put your hood up because it was cold. I’m satisfied that was not the reason. You did so as you were walking into the shop to conceal yourself as you did likewise at the cinema.

"You deny you showed the firearm to the two males at the public house. The footage shows you did. I’m satisfied you were showing off at the time and had a feeling of power.

"You claim you did not know why you went to the cinema. I’m satisfied you went there in consequence of a grudge because you had been dismissed having worked there for a number of years.

"There certainly came a time when you were storing the firearm under the bed at your girlfriend’s house where it was discovered.”

Charlotte Hadfield

Extent of Garrett's depression and link with offences 'is not agreed'

Judge Aubrey said: “Dr Ramiraj’s opinion is that you suffer from moderate depression with alcohol problems.

“He was not satisfied you were severely depressed at the time and not conviced you are suffering from PTSD symptoms, there being no evidence of flashbacks although accepting references of you being lost and having suicidal thoughts.

“You gave to him an account of what you did, stating it was not your intention to hurt anyone and you were angry and upset.

“He does not agree that you were seeking to elicit a response by police officers in consequence of your behaviour that night in what has colloquially been referred to as suicide by cop.

“It is agreed you were suffering from a depressive illness and you have a history of trauma. The extent of your depressive illness and the link with your offences is not agreed.”

Charlotte Hadfield

'20 minutes of madness'

Judge Aubrey said: “Dr Qurashi took a history from you in which you described having constant thoughts of death, aparthy but not suicidal thoughts. You felt you had lost everything, your job and your home. It was 20 minutes of madness and you were not thinking straight.

“You also stated that you felt angry at the time. He opines you were suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. You were experiencing a severe depressive episode and on the verge of developing psychotic illness.

“He speaks of your undiagnosed and untreated severe depressive episode which in his opinion led to your thoughts of self harm. It is his opinion your culpability was substantially reduced and there is a connection between your symptoms of mental disorder and your offences.

“Dr Qurashi was in court while you gave evidence. He gave evidence that your evidence confirmed his opinion, emphasising that there is a history of significant self harm. You had rung the police in december 2023 describing suicidal thinking.

"They in his opinion were cries for help and the events were as a result of severe depression. You were maybe unconsciously looking to be caught.

"He describes the evidence as escalatory, the factors were multi faceted and you would not have taken the gun out with you had you not been severely depressed. In his view this was a case of what has been described as suicide by cop.”

Charlotte Hadfield

'Your intentions were not to hurt anybody and you did not go into the newsagents to steal'

Judge Aubrey “turns to the court’s finding of fact”.

“I have heard evidence from you and two psychiatrists. I’ve also read their reports.

“I turn to your evidence first. You outlined your traumatic experiences when you were a child. You gave evidence that things get on top of you. You feel worthless, you have suicidal thoughts and you would go into autopilot.

“You were prescribed medication in 2016 but decided not to take it. You accepted that you were angry at losing your employment but stated you did not blame any individuals.

“You stated two males had approached you while you were living in a car and were asked to mind a bag. You subsequently discovered what was in it. You stated that you put it in the boot of your car and there it remained until the day of the offences.

“A common them during your evidence was that you did not know what your intention and motivation was. You do not remember much of what occurred but your intentions were not to hurt anybody and you did not go into the newsagents to steal.

“You did not state it was your intention to place yourself into a position where armed police would be left with no alternative but to shoot you. You never said that to anybody. It is Dr Qurashi who has come to that conclusion.”

Charlotte Hadfield

Judge describes Garrett's movements on day of Showcase Cinema shooting

Judge Aubrey said: “You then went to a shop, your face now not concealed, and you left the firearm in the car. You bought two mini bottles of vodka before you went to your partner’s address.

"There in the front garden you proceeded to fire your rifle on a number of occasions into the air. Residents heard gunshots, four in total. A distressed child was awoken.

“Armed police attended the scene. Your partner told the police you and she had been arguing and you had been drinking. It was you who had fired the rifle into the air, and you had then gone to your mother’s home.

“The AK47 rifle was subsequently found at the address, as were no less than 333 cartridges of which only one was compatible with use with the rifle.

“Armed police with negotiators arrived at your mother’s home at 20 to 5 in the morning. Your mother first opened the door. She left and then you came to the door wearing just a t-shirt and shorts. Armed police pointed their firearms at you. You were agitated and aggressive.

“You were instructed to surrender, and the officers being concerned you might arm yourself or barricade yourself in took the decision to taser you before you were arrested.”

Charlotte Hadfield

Judge describes Garrett's journey to pub

The judge says of his journey to the pub: “There you chatted, it appeared calmly and rationally, before leaving.

“You showed the gun to two males before they retreated.

“You then drove to the Showcase Cinema.

“You knew that cinema. You used to work there as a security guard but lost your job after complaints were made about your conduct.

“In my judgement, it is no coincidence that you chose that location.”

Judge Aubrey says of the cashier at the cinema: “She initially thought it was a joke. It was anything but.

“Mr Smith told you to drop the pea shooter. In a low voice, you said ‘come see’ and gestured for him to follow you outside.

“Once outside, you turned around with the gun and fired it. Mr Smith does not know in which direction you fired it, but you shouted back to Ms Mea whose legs were trembling like jelly.

“You proceeded to fire multiple shots into the air before driving away at speed.”

Charlotte Hadfield

Garrett sits in dock with arms folded

Garrett sits in the dock with his arms folded and a cross on show around his neck as Judge Aubrey says of the incident at Sangha’s: “Mr Singh believed he was going to get shot and lose his life and believed, such was his fear, that you then fired it in his direction although the footage may suggest otherwise.

“The footage graphically shows your chilling acts.

“He believed he was going to be killed and describes his heart beating out of his chest, and that he has never been so scared in his life.

“This was not an isolated offence of endangering the life of another and causing panic and trepidation to others.

“It was the beginning of what can only be described as a campaign of terror and mayhem.

“It is fortunate there were no fatalities that night.”


Judge to begin passing sentence

Good afternoon, we’re back in courtroom 42 now.

Judge Aubrey will begin passing sentence in a few moments’ time.

Charlotte Hadfield

Judge to pass sentence at 2pm

Judge Aubrey says he will “further reflect upon the evidence and submissions” before passing sentence at 2pm.

Charlotte Hadfield

'Whatever happens there is going to be a significant sentence of imprisonment'

Mr Lewis: “Whatever happens to Mr Garrett there is going to be a significant sentence of imprisonment.

“His mental health cuts through this like the rings of a tree. It's all over it. Dr Qurashi’s opinion that he was severely depressed and suffering from PTSD. He addresses the issues of culpability and risk.”

He reads: “It is likely Mr Garrett’s actions were in large part due to a severe depressive episode and alcohol use. His actions were an unconscious attempt to elicit a police response.”

Mr Lewis submits that an “extended sentence is sufficient” in the case.

“As serious as these offences are, an absolutely key feature is the absence of physical injury and where the gun was pointed on each occasion it was discharged.

“There must be a difference between somebody who discharges an automatic weapon at a crowd of people and somebody that does it in the air. There must be a difference between someone that discharges a weapon with threats to people directly.”

Charlotte Hadfield

'At the real crucial moment, Mr Garrett pointed that weapon away from people'

Mr Lewis will now address the court.

“These are serious offences. He was fortunate that there was no fatality. Crucially, the discharge of the firearm in Sangha’s was away from the shopkeeper.

"Purposefully so. He leaves the Showcase Cinema when dismissed and goes outside before discharging the firearm. At Malpas Road it’s not pointed at or directed at any individual.

“There was no physical injury to any victim. At the real crucial moment, Mr Garrett pointed that weapon away from people.

“There is undoubtedly with multiple discharges of an automatic weapon in several weapons a high risk of death or severe physical harm. That is a feature your honour must properly consider.”

Of mitigating features, Mr Lewis says: “I submit his genuine remorse and his mental health.”

Charlotte Hadfield

Court takes short break

Mr Birrell states that the maximum penalty for possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life is one of life imprisonment.

He says that the episode resulted in “severe psychological harm” to Mr Smith and contends that the starting point is one of 14 years, with a range of 11 to 17 years.

The prosecution barrister points to aggravating features of the firearm being an automatic weapon which was held with a “substantial quantity of ammunition”, with the offence being committed under the influence of alcohol.

The court will now take a short five minute break.

Charlotte Hadfield

Garrett's previous convictions

Mr Birrell tells the court that Garrett has 10 previous convictions for 18 offences.

He has a single entry on his criminal record for violence, that being for common assault in 2003.

Garrett was last before the courts in 2021 for drink driving.

Charlotte Hadfield

Mr Smith says Showcase Cinema shooting has 'ruined my life'

Mr Smith meanwhile says he was “unable to sleep for 67 hours” following the incident and says he has “become a recluse”.

He adds: “Since the incident, I have not felt the same.

“The actions of the defendant have left me feeling a shell of the man I used to be.

“I am not sure how I will get back to normality.

“The night the defendant came into the Showcase Cinema and discharged the gun outside has affected me so much. I would say it has ruined my life.”

Charlotte Hadfield

'My legs felt like jelly'

Ms Mea says in her statement: “The situation has made me very shocked and panicked, to the point where my legs felt like jelly. When I heard the first bang, I genuinely felt that it was a threat to my life. The situation has left me scared”.

Charlotte Hadfield

Shopkeeper said 'I thought I was going to get shot and lose my life'

That concludes the submissions from both sides concerning the trial of issue.

Judge Aubrey says: “In somewhat unusual circ*mstances, I’m going to invite the crown to complete their opening.”

Mr Birrrell will now read victim personal statements on behalf of Mr Singh, Ms Mea and Mr Smith.

Shopkeeper Mr Singh said that when Garrett produced the gun he “realised this was not a joke and became instantly very, very scared”.

He adds: “I thought I was going to get shot and lose my life. It was the most scared I have ever been in my life.”

Mr Singh said of the moments following the shooting: “My heart was beating out of my chest. I thought I could have died.”

He adds that the incident left him “feeling very scared, nervous and on edge whenever people came into the shop”.

His statement continues: “I had trouble sleeping after the incident and went back to India for a month, which helped me recover. Only now, some four months later, do I feel I can carry out my normal day to day life.”

Charlotte Hadfield

'We submit that suicide by cop doesn’t come into it, frankly'

Mr Birrell will now address the court for the prosecution, saying: “We submit that the court can safely reject the basis of plea.”

He says of Garrett’s claim of how he came about the weapon: “His account, we say, is inherently unlikely. He would have the court believe a stranger approached him when he was sleeping in his car and asked him to look after property for money.

“Suicide by cop. Despite multiple opportunities to do so, he has never put that forward as his motivation.”

Judge Aubrey says: “It is a theory advanced by Dr Qurashi.”

DB: “Dr Qurashi has no personal experience of it because it's so unusual, so rare. The doctor understood the def still had the firearm on arrest. He didn’t. The theory was advanced on a false factual basis. “

“The doctor states these offences were not financially motivated. Plainly, at least one of them was.”

JA: “Mr Lewis is conceding in part financial motivation. His submission is this is complex mental health. There were potentially a number of motivations that night, and suicide by cop was a feature. Not the only feature.”

DB: “We submit that suicide by cop doesn’t come into it, frankly.”

Charlotte Hadfield

Garrett 'confronted between eight to a dozen armed officers'

Mr Lewis says of his client’s arrest: “He confronted somewhere between eight and a dozen armed officers. The assault rifle was not there.

"It’s not correct to say he offered no threat to the police because Constable Norris gave evidence that he was required to use the second most lethal level of force available. He clearly posed a threat to the police.”

Judge Aubrey: “Because he was agitated.

Mr Lewis: “Yes.”

Judge Aubrey: “The issue I have to decide is whether on the balance of probability is this was suicide by cop or not.”

Mr Lewis: “Suicide by cop was a feature of his motivation. It was not on the balance of the evidence the single solitary feature of it. The genesis, by the way, of suicide by cop was not Dr Qurashi’s.

"It was first put to him by the police in an interview. They considered it bearing in mind his background and absence of violence.

“He was brazen, resistant, aggressive and abusive to the police who turned up in numbers. At the same time, he wasn’t able to take his own life.

“Suicide by cop, severe depression, the cry for help are all multi-faceted features. I say Mr Garrett’s behaviour when taken in context of everything else is wanting his pain, in some way, to end.”

Charlotte Hadfield

Judge asks what the link between PTSD and case is

Mr Lewis addresses the question of Garrett suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

“[Dr Raviraj] was of the fairly settled view that these were events not capable of triggering PTSD. Dr Raviraj had dismissed before he saw Mr Garrett the concept of PTSD. Dr Raviraj does not give adequate reasons for dismissing that diagnosis.”

Judge Aubrey: “Is that right? He said he found no evidence of flashbacks or anything else that would be associated with post traumatic stress disorder.”

Mr Lewis says that he did not find this in his report and adds: “Dr Qurashi interviewed Mr Garrett. He asked him questions and he got answers.”

He says this revealed “Intrusive memories, emotional blunting, detachment from people and insomnia”.

The defence advocate says of Dr Raviraj: “Of course he did not find those features that Dr Qurashi found. He did not ask the questions. Of course he didn’t find those things, because he didn’t ask.

Judge Aubrey: “The defendant hasn’t given any evidence that he had flashbacks or intrusive memories at all has he?”

The judge also asks what the link between PTSD and this case is.

Mr Lewis: “If your honour concludes there is no PTSD, Mr Qurashi’s submission of suicide by cop fails. It's more difficult. The relevance of PTSD is one of those features your honour might want to consider in determining his overall health, his suspectment to treatment and his future risk.

“It is quite open to conclude that the initial act of robbery was motivated by gain. It's explicit in his plea. What's lost in that is that there was not throughout the course of this event a consistent financial motivation. He doesn’t go to the public house or Malpas Road with that motivation.”

Mr Birrell says of Garrett showing the gun to others at the pub: “Your honour may conclude that was for attention.

“He goes to the Showcase Cinema, with whom he had a grievance against the institution. There’s an incident inside in which he is dismissed.

"He goes outside and discharges the weapon into the air. But then he goes to Malpas Road. The theories of financial motivation and grievance do not chime with the events at the public house and Malpas Road.

“The robbery is an event in which he’s hooded, discharges one shot and leaves. He then goes and shows the gun to other people, goes to somewhere else where he is known then goes to someone else’s house who he knows and discharges the gun.

"Each in its own way is a request to be noticed, just in the way that the attempt of cutting his ear off is. These are not linear or logical motivations. It is multi-faceted.”

Charlotte Hadfield

'Suicide by cop and culpability' are 'most important issues' for court to decide

Mr Lewis says the “most important issues” for the court to decide are “suicide by cop and culpability”.

He continues: “Dr Raviraj seemed perhaps crudely to quote Mr Garrett’s ability to function as evidence which was entirely inconsistent with depression. What Dr Raviraj did not do in my submission is explain his workings out.

“On the other side of the equation Dr Raviraj failed to take proper account of Mr Garrett’s acts of self harm. He considered the acts of self harm and mutilation, it seems, as irrelevant. He seems not to take the cries for help and claims of suicidal ideation properly.

“The focus of Dr Raviraj’s report was on the present presentation. He was not looking sufficiently backwards to his presentation at the time of the event.

“Dr Qurashi had formed a fairly strong preliminary view that Mr Garrett was not severely depressed until he looked back at the other supporting material and changed his view.

“Both experts agree Mr Garrett is now suffering from depression. It's submitted that Dr Raviraj’s opinion has fluctuated and has failed to give appropriate consideration to those matters set out by Dr Qurashi.”

Charlotte Hadfield

Garrett enters dock wearing Nike jumper

Garrett is produced in the dock wearing a grey Nike jumper.

Judge Aubrey enters the courtroom.

The court will hear submissions from counsel in respect of the trial of issue first.

Leslie Garrett sentenced over Showcase Cinema shooting - updates (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.