Austin American-Statesman from Austin, Texas (2024)



ANOTHEU KOTK ritoM KAl'LtltKS. Sofia, October Kanlbars lias addressed a fresh note to the ItuL'urian foreign minister, in hit he says: "la view of the arroal at Varna of government emissaries ho are spreading reports that the presence of Kuseiuu gunboat there is without importance, I am compelled to inform you that the b.mts will vitrously allirm their importance if events render it necessary." AI.tAMlll IXIM--IH1K. Sofia, Octotier 211 M. Stambiilofr announced to d( piities at tliH Tiernora elivtion, thut 1 mice Alexander, as a ruler of Bulgaria, as impossible. ENGLAND, SOIUtAN.IIt r-OHTI-OSKD.

London, Octotier 2s). A German diplomat. Who as recently left in charge of the German embassy, the capital of one of the great powers, during the absence of the ambassador, lost i by a course of speculation, being misled by dispatches bischiet from Bieinan k. It is rumored the meeting of the Sobranje has been postponed, pendintr attempts of the powers to persuade Russia to nominate a candidate for election to the Bulgarian throne. The tttttmiati ron-eulsat Uustcbiik and Itourgas.bave been notified to expect mea-of-war to protect Kussiau subjects.

DEATH OF AN Lonoon, October Jftl. The Earl of Stafford 1 dead, aged SU. SPAIN, MISTltl'STINU THE AHXT. Maiuud, October Sfl. A sensation was caused throughout the country by changes in the army.

Including the dismissal of tirst-clas sergeants and the promotion of l.H eub lieiitenants to lieutenancies. The removal of sergeants was decided upon to prevent a recurrence of army conspiracies hy distribuling the likely authors of such plots all over the country. A STRIKK IH OKHMAN V. Hkki.ix, October SI'. A general strike of compositors Is threatened here.

The men contend that the tariff recently decided upon, is proving unfair, and thev give their employer until January lei toconsider the matter. The strike ill Involve almost every newspaper in llerliu. Judge liimson, brother of the president of the supreme com it, is dead. EN i I 1 1 JK A I A THE LONDON TIMES ON THE IIAK- TIIOI.DI STATUE. Nkw Youk, Octolier A clal cable to the World, from London, ay: The second editorial In the Times of this morning is devoted to the dedication ceremonies of Ihe SUlue of Liberty.

It designated the hole affair as being a curious festival, and asks why liberty should be exported from Frsncs, hich ha so little thereof, to America, which has ao much. The article i ritten throughout in altogether a spitetiil, contemptible vein, which shows but too clearly the prevailing jealousy of the I'nited Stales in England, as well as the old hatred of rance. liartbolili 1 designated as an Alsatian sculptor, who is a rontli med republican, with the propensity of doing things that shall insure him against obscurity and oblivion, tit the Htatue itself it savs: "A height of a hundred and fifty feet is, tu say the least, respectahle. It heals Uiimese' Miaiiiiiiil of Kgvpt. It beals the Colossus of Khoiles, above all, to the great satisfaction of the French wulp-tor and of bis committee.

Jtvery decidedly bents the Arminiua of Teutobnrger Wald, the personili-ration of the genius of Germany, set down in Trafalgar sonars. The ladv. with her uplifted torch. would reach, excluding her pedestal, pretty nearly to the top of the Nelson column. In one sense, this is a great work of art, thou gli, perhaps, not in the best -ense, for great artist do not Indulge in tours de force.

It is quite enough, anyhow, to have led him to fall on spuller "WAS I II 11 ON OTF.S. ASSt EI) Washington, Octolier 'i' Secretary Manning assumed actual control of the treasury department for the first time since he was taken sn k. He signed all niail requiring the signature of the secretary. Col. Lamar said to day, in response to an inquiry on the subject, that it was not likely the president would go to Buffalo to vote at the No-veuiber election, BONO Wasiiinoton, October all.

Secretary Manning, this afternoon lsued a call for three per cent butiilrt. 't he call will mature December 31. OLD' MEXICO THE GOVERNMENT TROl'OS. ED TO BE ESTABLISHED ON ITS RUINS. jiEUKO RAPIST LYNCHED BY MOB IN EAST TEXAS.

A Special Telegram to the Statesman. El Paso, Octolier A member of the executive committee of the filibusters, claims that they received letters from all over tlie country, from cow boys, miners, capitalists, piiests, Mormons, wldiers, and unemployed working men te the milliner ot seven thousand, two thousand being from Jew Mexico, aloue, offering their services. The filibusters announce the following as an outline of their plans: "When they shall have conquered Mexico, the restoration of the Catholic church to all former privileges, free religion, free speech, a free press, the abolition of the fc ra system, compulsory English education, free entry of American goods, and a protective tariff on English, German and rench roods, the abolition of export duties, a division of public lands in '-200 acre tracts, free to nial setthrs, and an absolute military government, a standing army of 50,0.0 men, one-Half of the army to be always employed on public nurks, ten grand military poets ot 5,000 men each; all mail and railways to be performed by the military. All police service by the military; one grand tax for the support of the government; wives and children of deceased soldiers to receive half pay for tlve years absolute local self -govern-ment to the Mormons, and exemption from military duty on the payment of a military tax." he above are part of the plans of the filibusters. A.

Cutting was interviewed to-day, and said that the maay wrongs heaped npon Americans in Mexico, are bearing fruit, and a whirlwind harvest is near at hand in the many inhuman outrages perpetrated on Americans. 1 see a presage of American triumph, and he is a blind reader of the past who has not learned that the evidence is with its jents for great designs by trials and persecutions. GALVESTON ANOTHER BIG MEETING-THERACE FOK SHERIFF. Special Telegram to the Statesman. Galveston, October Si).

Another rousing political meeting was held to night at Artillery hall, when General John M. Claiborne, Colonel Greeham, P. J. Callan and other candidates epoke. Half a dozen smaller meetings were held in distant sections of the city, where candidates for county oflices held forth by turns.

The race for sheriff is getting decidedly interesting. Ketchum, the candidate endorsed by the progressive association and the colored republicans, is making a strong fight against the field. Current rumor says the colored politicians are trading off rtw balance of t'a-j county, ticket, in favor of ii.i. The Galveston as-ociation will make an other shipment to the ilooj sufferers at Orange and to-morrow. Th.s shipment will consist of heating stoves and cooking stoves, crockery, V'Hen'iP.

nmttre-see, hlaukate andshoes. Lie Evening Tribune wye: "ie are being inaugurated by a well-known everting torUeman of Houston, which, if carried tea successful conclusion, will result in the establishment of a -tute racing association, which will Hide the die of alvmon, Houston, San Antonio, Italia, Fort ortn, Sherman and Gainesville. If proper encouragement is extended, Texas can look for some high liver at the next spring tmes. GEORGETOWN. FIGHT WITH WINCHESTERS AN SHOT ACCIDENT.

Special Telegram to the Statesman. October 29. A serious shooting ecrape occurred yesterday at Henry Hoyle's farm, about two mllte east of Florence. The particulars tre about as follows: Miles Haynie had been makinsr charges against Iloyle, accusing him of stealing his cotton. Afterwards Haynie met Movie and apologized for the remarks, and the matter was amicably settled, until the other day they met a nin and hot words again passed, but they parted, and yesterday Haynie rode np to iloyle 8 bouse, armed ith a Winchester, and invited Iloyle down in a hollow to fight it out, and advised him to bring some backers.

Iloyle refused to go, but went into the house and armed himself with a ehotgun. 'Haynie rode off a short distance and tamed, and drew his rifla from the scabbard and raised it to his shoulder. Hoyle fired at him and knocked him off his horse. Haynie is reported dangerously wounded. Hoyle came in yesterday evening and gave himself np.

John I oggv, who runs a delivery line, and is mail carrier" to and from depot and postofbee, while getting the mail to-dav from the 12:35 train, slipped and fell, and the car wheel ran over his right foot, cutting it off just below the ankle. PERSONAL. J. Ector Andrews, the popular young cotton 'buyer of Temple, is taking in the city. Mr.

Nelson Odor, of Austin, is at the B. O. hotel- Mrs. Ewell, of Waco, has been visiting her relative, Mrs. (.

apt. J. U. 8. Morrow, at this place.

DWELLING BURNET). Special Telegram to the Statesman. Schwartz, valued at was partly burned dw The contents housebolu furniture be H-nigat. THETIME1S AT HAND When the Children, refreshed from their long vacation, ire getting everything ready for SCHOOL. They have heretofore always found it to their intrest to buy their Books and Slates, Lunch-Baskets, Satchels and School Supplies Generally, at HAWKES" BOilLSTOREJ ced by the magnificent patronage As las beenevilet cr house has received.

this pepuh lires to say to his old friends Mr. TIawkea now de i a stock of School Books wd to all others, that for the equipment of a and everything necessar, Uv full. He is also daily child for school is nanenii "ie and fancy receiving shipments of eta4 TIES, ETC. BLANK BOOKS, XOVBL 8,11 on a in longing to Charles Seabangh, an ex-newspaper consumed. The loss on the building is about, covered by insnrance.

Mr. seabaugh loss is estimated at without insurance. The building is supposed to have been on fire while Seabaugh as absent in the citv, and his wife on a visit to relatives in Belton. The neighborhood is somewhat noted for incendiary urs, nawng Deen hut a few weeks since two tine irame dwellings were burned down on the block. No arrests have been made.

same BURNET BUDGET. ALLIANCE COTTON- CURIOUS THEFT-GIN ACCIDENT. Special Telegram to the Statesman. Burnet. October 9.

-To-dav has been a irnnH day for cotton buyers, the square being full of wagons loaded with cotton, all day. l. 11. Houowa; purchased loo bales of Alliaice cottOD, at Ulierty Hill, yesterday. Last night a car loaded ith pecans, as standing the side track on the Austin Northwestern road.

Some time during the nisht, some one cut hole in the bottom of the car and then in one of the sacks containing pecans, so that they would run out, and so secured several bushels, "it heini impossible to tell how many were stolen, without unloading the car. ilr. Ilollowav, to whom the pecans belonged, has offered a reward of r-n i the arrest of the thief. TERRIBLE GIN ACCIDENT. New9 has just been received here of a terrible gin accident at Mr.

Gillespie's gin, twelve miles frem this citv, which occurred this evening It is impossible at this hour to learn the particulars, more than that Mr. Gillespie's daughter as caught the gin and nearly cut to pieces. PERSONAL. Sir. Clifford of the San Antonio Light was in he city to-day.

Hon. J. Nortliington, democratic nominee for representative of Burnet and Lampasas counties, was in town, to-day. THE KILDARE LYNCHING. Special Teleeram to the Statesman.

Kildakk, October 29. While on her way from school yesterday afternoon Miss Sallie Evans, the daughter of the wealthiest citizen of Kildare, was assaulted by a negro named Jim Petendon. The girl's mother hearing her cries, came to her rescue and the negro lied. The sheriff was notified and dogs were put on the trail. Several negroes were arrested and carried before the young lady, but proved to be the wrong ones.

Late last' night Petendon was arrested and identified by the young lady as the man ho assaulted her. He was placed under a strong guard of depnty United States marshals, but the populace rose en masse, took Petendon from the officers and hanged him to a tree, where the body remained all day. DARK LANTERNITES. Soecial Telegram to the Statesman. Fort Worth, October 2).

After the lecture of Prof. W. S. Bell, of Chicago, last night, at Dag-gett'B hall, an association of Free Thinkers was formed under the name of the Fort Worth Secular union, with the following officers F. W.

Bradley, president. L. P. Roalz, secretary. Charles Peters, treasurer.

A street parade was given to-night by the Dark Lanternites of Tarrant county. The business men had been requested to illuniinate and the county had been thoroughly canvassed for recruits. An actual count shows only three hundred and fifty-two persons in the procession. The democrats of Tarrant county feel grsatly relieved. EIRE AT DALLAS.

Special Telegram to the Statesman. Dallas, Octoner 29. At 9:30 to-night, the foundry of Duffy on. Pacific avenue and Jefferson street, took fire, and by the time the department reached it, was totally destroyed. The building was not worth over $100, but there was good machinery in it to the value of $5,000.

At one time it looked as if the Texas Pacific bridge would go. The fire probably originated from boxes which had not been looked after when a heat had been run. The hniblinCT and machinery was only partially in sured. Chief CaMn complains bitterly because no plugs are locatud near the scene of the fire, which necessitated, me running ul uuro o.uoo tracks. THE TWO FAIRS.

Special Telegram to the Statesman. Dallas, Octolier 29 The attendance at the fairs to day was larger than yesterday. The principal towns represented were Denton, Austin, ort Worth, Gainesville and Corsicana. Twenty thousand people were in attendance. This was the big th Tnu state fair.

The award of pre miums to fine stock was made this morning. The foutnre of the afternoon was the'races, on which considerable money changed hands. Tlie military drill was the feature at tue uauas staie ian iu-uj A FURIOUS MOI5. Special Telegram to the Statesman. Jefferson, October 29.

News has just been re ceived here that a black bmte was lyncneo iasi night by a furious mob at KJltlare, tor coniimiuug rape on a highly esteemed youn lady of that place. Ihe particulars and names could not be learned. ATtaa nnri ki imvorth. nn heller ai joui, aiwa invniwri over additional claims, r. Nor wood, mortgage for $240.

STEAMER ASHORE. Boston, October 29. The steamer Pavo-nia, of the Cunard line, got ashore near Durbtirg i fmr luat nipht. on a hih pine ledge nt (inrnet Point. "She lies in a verv dangerous position.

The Pavonia Bailed from Boston October 19. She is a barken acrmv steamer of 3, 190 tons burthen. Gurnet Point, near on which the Pavonia went it. ut ti, north side of the entrance to Ply- moutu narnor, cmio v. mediate, and 00 steerage passengers on board.

the fog outside is very iuick. htr assistance. Mo damage was done. The yessel had about 300 passengers on Doaru. O-DONOVAN ROSSA.

vnl. rvtniior 29. The Commercial-Ad vertiser savs, to-day, the following story, for the tiuth'of which Mr. Roosevelt will vouch, is la cir- cuJ.a10Dl..!., Roesa called upon Mr offered to furnish him his hearty -PP-t of his paper and Tt ciues ue coum the cause of Ire- ot That Roosevelt might oateuauer.u. 7, The check for Kosfa.

on the contrary was to be dated properly so that it could be used at once. SAL'ii OF A li.KOAD. b.t,,i-,. I'fe Toledo, Peoria lVms. lailioad was sold the I nitfcd Stales ma'Sial today, for J4 to John Bowers, who represented k.

Denny, representing lUc i WHITE FROST. New-Orieans, October S3. -White frost is reported at ail points along MiWi nd within ten miles of this city. At Baton Kouge the fell tn dft rieoTeee above zero yesterday. '1 here was a killing frost at Jackson, Miss.

LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS. New York, October 29. -The convention of the International Brotherhood of Locomotive engineers transacted business of importance, but secret, today. The work of the convention will probably be completed next Tuesday. WEATHER INDICATIONS.

Octnher 29. For Texas: Fair place the of was of and about some glass stone tor's with eyes jaws life. its the as the the his but to the was very and was of lars th six tha the nf FIERCEJFIGHT. t'OMBATBcTWEEX AN ALLIGATOR AND A MOASTKK GILA LIZAUI). THREE LADIES 15 UN El) TO DEATH IX THE HOLOHCAUST NEAR MILWAUKEE.

Washington, Octolier 29 A rare combat took this afternoon in the building occupied by fish commission, between two little pets of that institution whose likes have probably never found themselves in such close' proximity iince the age featherless birds, winged reptiles and web-footed quadrupeds. The aggressor and victor as well, a newly arrived giia pronounced llelai a monster from t.ila river, in Arizona, the only epeews lizzard whose bite is known to be poisonous, the victim whs a two year old alligator from Florida. The monster is' fourteen inches long, twice the weight of his antagonist, llota reutiles were in a semi-torpid condition, having ceased to take food a week or two ago, and for purpose they had been removed from the cases and placed beside each other upon the floor. The attendant inadvertently touched the alliga tail, which caused him to move sluggishly onward a few inches, here he cams in coutact me niunt nose ot the monster, ihe snakv of the latter lighted np with a leam of Satanic malevolence, its black Hps openeu wide, and its closed with a snap upon the foru paw of the alligator. 1 he alligator developed unexpected activity.

Though taken at a sad disadvantage, it made for the time a gallant fight for its liberty and Its movement was marvellously quick, and jaws closed a dozen times in succession upon mailed head of its assailant. It soon, however, became exhausted, and, moaning like a suffering child, relapsed into quietude. The attendants sought by a variety of means to release the wretched alligator, but were cou-pelled, may be supposed, to be very careful in handling venomous monster. He was seized by tail, held up in the air, takvn by bloated neck, choked severely, plunged under water and maltreated in other ways, but to no purpose. Then sharp wires were thrust into his nose.

Finally a large trowel whs forced into bis mouth, so successful was the force of hia urio that the blade, though considerably bent in the effort, failed release the imprisoned paw. Thea the pair were replaced in the glass case which had been occupied by the monster, and again alligator renewed its struggles, thrashing its euemv with its tail, and its imprisoned limbs be came powerless. Its moaning was pitiful, and the attendants wore moved to renewed and at last successful efforts to effect a separation. The trowel re-introduced into the monster's mouth and no gentle thrusts, and probably effected a severe wound in some lender part. Bubbles of greyish slime were exuded from the month and nostriis, finally the jaws Blowlv opened.

Kven then it the work of several minutes to disengage the hooked fangs from the wounded paws. The com-btanta were finally laced in senarate receptacles. Monster lapping his black lips with satisfaction, while the alligator ciosea us eyes, prooauiy 10 urn the venom in its system. DIED IN THE FLAMES. ACCOUNT OF THE RECENT 1IOLO CAUST BY EYEWITNESSES.

Milwaukee, October 29. The holocaust at Rio, iha lino of the Chicago. Milwaukee ana M. pni mad. crows worse and worse as the particu become known.

The latest estimate places miinhor nf victims in the burnod cars at twenty A force of men were at work all night raking rnina 1 i to daylight the cnarrea remains 01 eleven people have been found, in tha niw-ke of one man was an envelope ad dressed ''J. Tourin, 4th street, Chicago. A n7 man named UlDOie was luenuiieu victims. Mrs. L.

Lowry, of Milwaukee, is now known to have pensuea. rain doiicmb, 01 New York city, member of the French importing firm of Bouche Sons was one 01 me panoru ers who returned 10 jviiiwauKee. "1 was fortunate enough to lie iha nilwnk sleener. After leaving Milwaukee I fell sound asleep and was waked by a sudden jerk. I didn't suppose there wrs any dan ger, la a minute luecouuuvtui iwuK told excitedly that we would nave 10 gei ou ua tl fur ahead was numing Him lllt-Is wan liamwr of our carcatchina fire.

The fire seemed 1IL a noark annlied to a barrel The collision and fire came at the same time-. The cries of the victims ho were innad down in tha burning coach were heart ren dinir. hut they lasted notlonger than ftve minutes inotirn tn the noble engineer who stood at his post n-iin a wore smot nereu 10 uraiu. u.vic air brakes. He saw that the sw itch i A .1.

in that was open, ntu ne reviu u.o wav saeQ tne lives 01 an mono uro 1.1 n.kuiua liuv-M t-Aun the Sleeper womu idled in a heap. After the engineer es- lia run hui-k t.O apea iroin the sleepers and warned me people mat uic other cars were on fire, that passengers must be rotten out quickly. He was covered ith blood but seemed to have no thought of himse f. One of the men from the peetal car wan equally helpful. He ran to the window where he saw two women and attempted to help them out, hut they were fastened down ana couiu uoi.

im ii.biwi. took out two litle children tue youngest was taken from the arms 01 a lauy no rieu uui uc or six times "take my husband's only child. As soon as the chid was saveu sue lauura, aim Bhortly after surrounded by the flames. One of the passengers save he saw three women standing f.i.tuniul in manner. lip in tne car lon.r..

which prevented their moving any direction. They also were soon surrounded by the flames and soon become part of the burning mass. TUB LOST 8ISTBH8. Milwaukee, October 29. The Franciscan Sis ters Who lost llleir uvra oy uie lo.inn.

wreck at Kio, night nemre iaav, were oieioi iatur himusea. They were accom- r.aniu.i hv cAndulate roin New Cassel. VV le. All three perished. J.ORD IADALE.

HIS LORDSHIP NOT APPREC IATED AMONG AMERICANS New Octotier 3D. Lord Londsdale has tM the land where earls are more atipre- iuteii than, thev are in this country. He left "ilentlv, almost "surseptitiotisly on the steamship Britannia yesterdav.with his like Kien.i ho iff that he went but to return. "The im mediate cause of his going," said his counsel, nimn.el "ws a table despatch from bis mother to the effect that his ei'ter is to be married lipr thaa ww expected on November 13th. Thi vesterdav afternoon and ne Imnie lately Matters conne ted with the marriage settlement and eetate, Lord Lonsdale iumnded his nersonal presence.

A second arv canae was a strike among his zinc miners in north England, which has caused his family much i He i coming back, but made all arrange ments' for Violet Cameron's troupe while he FAILURE AT LINCOLN, Lincoi 111 i Octolier 29 The Dustin bank failure assumes greater proportions as the days pass. The provision hrm of A. H. Osborn ii sent a representative to day to collect who claimB mi Hutin'B Montana liabilities now reai Iw'owO t.s.t np (Xi.ttlfi, with only InT'nio' assets in eight. The loss to depositor is tlUO CKO and falls with fearfnl effect.

Dustin is reparin to Possible that Tbe ill pay cents on the dollar. rioT shall want at back date you tect out and one give of to last yet and is at ing and and the is of lie PROTECTION, i OUR SYSTEM. PERFECT SECVKITY AFFORDED Against the danger of getting au into- or unsatisfactory piano or organ. We sell with the understanding that you be pleased or no nle, because we your recommendation, and do not expect to get it unless we please you. If, from any cause whatsoever, the instru- i meut does not please, it may be returned our expense and exchauged for any other instrument of eiunl value, If sent i in good order within six months from of purchase.

In addition, we give 1 our guarantee for five years, to pro- you from any chance tlnw in work- I manship or material. I If this guarantee does not suit vou, write one i that will, and it within reason, we will sigu it abide bv it. I Purchasers should remember, that all guarantees are simply waste paper unless i backed by responsibility and square 1 dealing. That is the guaranteo does not protect; it is simply the promise of some to protect, and is of no earthly value unless the dealer is able and willing to you satisfaction. To show the value ours, we refer to the absolutely clean record of our house for over fifteen years, and the many hundreds of our customers, and challenge any one to show a single instance in which we have refused make good our guarantees.


St. Loims. October 20. D. S.

Fotheringham, Adams' express messenger, whose car was robbed Monday night, is e'ill in this city aud has sot been arrested, though he is accompanied where-ever he goes by a detective. He wa in close communication with officers of the company to day, it was given out that he was assisting them in obtaining a clue to the identity oi tne roooers. ii believed, however, that be is Mug carefully ex-mined by the detectives, and stories told by him different limes are compared with aview of find inconsistencies and ohtaining evidence tnal lie was accessory to the robbery. The suspicion is expressed that several employes of the express ot the railroad company careiuny pianneo. me robberv, with the knowledge of K'theringham, divided the money between them; but whether detectives are working on this theory or not not known.

It was stated at first that the amount stolen as slightly In excess of butclaiinshaealready been presented to the company which swell the amount to i no majority uiene have been settled, and as soon as the others are proved they also will be paid. INDIAN AFFAIRS. VARIOUS TIONS VIEWS AND SUGGES-OF COMMISSIONER ATKINS. Washington, Oc'ober Commissioner of Indian Affairs Atkins has just completed las annual report of operations in the bureau during the past year. He dwells at length upon surplus land in the Indian territory, and says were all the Indian the I nited States to be uprooted and transplanted to that territory, there would lie, including those now resident there, acres for each liv ing Indian.

He suggests that the Kiowae, Co-mancbes, Wichitas, Cheyennes and Arapihoes, the only living tribes in the territory of lougitude IIS, removed to lands east of that line. He expresses his conviction that the proposition to throw open Oklahoma to white settlement would be an experiment dangerous to all conuerued It is therefore recommended, as a preliminary step, that congress lie authorized to appoint a commisHioiier who shall visit ihe Cheyennes and Ara)ibies, Wichitas, Kiowas, Comanche and Apaches in the Indian Territory, to ascertain men- views wivu rei-ereuce to their removal to lands in said territory east of the Hlh meridian The report savs there is an immediate necessity for the establishment of a I'nited slate district court ithin the heart of the territory ot the five civilized nations, at Muskogee or Kort (ielison. The necessary legislation by congress upon the question of leasing Indian lands, is also the subject of remarks. The commissioner refers to hie instructions to agents looking to the teaching of Indian bow to farm. He says he intends to eee to it that ther are fully carried out.

The success or non-Biidess ot tne inciian iaruiing exum-uuem, no says, w31 require some year to demonstrate, LiIKUT. OKN. SHKUIDAX. HE ASSUMES EXTRAORDINARY POWERS IN COURT-MARTIAL. Waiiinton, October 29.

The proceedings of the court-martial, convened in this city, tor the trial of Captain William H. Johnson, I'nited State army, retired, has been made public. Captain Johnson was tried npon a charge of duplicating accounts, and the court-martial returned a veruici of not guilty. Lieutenant General Sheridan, who reviewed the proceedings, set asme uih vi'm i. The lieutenant, savs the accused admitted tne exe cution ot two sets of vouchers, for his pay, for the same week.

The evidence shos that he allowed theee vouchers to pass beyond Ins control, tnai both were presented and paid. The government was thereby exposed to fraud, for which Captain Johnson cannot be held excusable. The release of the accused, from arrest, has iiot ordered, anu tue court-martial dissolved. This action of the lieuten ant general, In disappointing the nnmngs oi ui court, acquitting the accused, is said to lie almost without precedent, in tue aumiuisirauon ui military justice. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE, New Youk.

October -Government bonds dull and 3teadv. stocks more active and much more interest in the usually active list, although the wildest fluctuations were recorded in a few of the specialties. Western I'nion was the leader of (peculation, trading in it lieing stimulated by report the company had secured control of the New York Electrical sub-way stocks Th story lack confirmation but Btreeters beli'V harmonious relations at least have been established. The opening was active and strong with gains over last evening final Sgure ranging 'j to 4c. Price were eome-what irregular, but generallv heavy in the earlier dealings, while Jersey Centra! and La kawana were consiiicnonnlv weaker.

The market soon rallied. estern Cnion btcame the epecial feature. There was a periiwl of weakness in the afternoon followed by a rally, but in the last hour the market again receded and closed weak. WEEK'S FAILURES. Nr.w Youk, Octoner Hiisines failures throughout the conntrv during the week nunilr, for the I nited I'M; Canada.

19- Total, ill. MEXICAN SECURITIES. Boston, October i. -Mexican bonds, 4, toVOXi, 'aH mip, TT5; common, 11 v. TO ti the at to ROYAL.

Absolutely Pure The powder never varie. A marvel of purify strength and holesomenes. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold at compotiton with the multitude of lowest, short weight alum or phf-pate powder. Hold only bjr the Koyal Baking il'owder loft Wall tnti New ork weather, southerly winds; slightly warmer. THE LATEST SEA XSIDES'.

Austin American-Statesman from Austin, Texas (2024)


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