Is 137 a good IQ? (2024)

Is 137 a good IQ?

A score of 137 falls well above the average range, placing it in the top 2% of the population. This means that only 2 out of every 100 individuals would have a higher IQ score than 137. With such a high score, it is safe to say that a score of 137 is generally considered to be a very good IQ score.

(Video) Comparison: You At Different IQ Levels
(Infinite Comparison)
How rare is an IQ of 137?

Approximately 7 people out of every 1000 will have an IQ of 137 or higher, where 100 is the mean and 15 is the standard deviation.

(Video) The 3-Year-Old Mensa Prodigy with an IQ of 137 | The Oprah Winfrey Show | Oprah Winfrey Network
How smart am I if my IQ is 137?

Your intelligence level is in between 130 and 140. You are gifted; moderately so. You are not quite a genius but you are definitely not average either. You likely get along best with people on the upper average spectrum (107–119) as well as real geniuses (145—167).

(Video) Professions by Average IQ
(Wonk Labs)
Is 137 a high IQ for a 14 year old?

Scores of 90-109 are Average. Scores of 110-119 are High Average. An IQ of 125 is considered by many schools to be “gifted.” Scores of 120-129 are Superior. And scores above 130 are Very Superior.

(Video) Jordan Peterson - What Kind Of Job Fits Your IQ
(The Wisdom Wire)
What was Einstein's IQ?

Best known for developing the theory of relativity, he is amongst the top most geniuses the world has recognized. Einstein never took an IQ score test. However, based on his historical records, academics have estimated his score to be around 160.

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(True American News)
What is Elon Musk's IQ?

Let's try to understand Elon's level of IQ now that we know the obvious answer to that question. Elon Musk has a 155 IQ, which is regarded as being quite high.

(Video) My IQ is 137
(The Conscience One)
What IQ is considered gifted?

Although IQ represents only a partial expression of giftedness, according to a purely psychometric view, giftedness is defined by an IQ of 130 or higher, placing gifted individuals at least two standard deviations above the population mean.

(Video) The Results & Features of a Person with a High IQ | Jordan Peterson
What is Mark Zuckerberg's IQ?

There are several successful entrepreneurs who are known for their high IQ scores, such as: Jeff Bezos: The founder of Amazon, Bezos has an IQ estimated to be around 145. Mark Zuckerberg: The co-founder of Facebook, Zuckerberg has an IQ estimated to be around 152.

(Video) This is what a Mensa IQ test looks like
Does IQ increase with age?

A large body of research shows that different IQ subscales show different patterns of change with age. Verbal or crystallized intelligence increases relatively steadily with age. However, nonverbal or fluid intelligence improves until the mid-20s to 30s and then slowly declines with further aging.

(Video) mY iQ iS 137
(Ally the simp)
What is the average IQ in America?

Average IQ in USA

The American average IQ is 98, according to the latest data from 2022. Historically, the average IQ score in the US has been rising steadily, with an average increase of about 3 points per decade. This increase is attributed to factors such as improved education, healthcare, and nutrition.

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(Infinite Comparison)

Does ADHD affect IQ scores?

Even though ADHD itself may not cause lower IQ scores, difficulties with learning at school may lead to lower IQ scores in some people with ADHD.

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What is the minimum IQ for the military?

Applicants are required by military regulation to have a percentile score on a standardized test called the ASVAB that is 31 or more, which is roughly comparable to an IQ score on the Stanford-Binet scale of a little bit less than 92, for high school graduates seeking to enter the Army or Navy (other services have more ...

Is 137 a good IQ? (2024)
Is 130 IQ a genius?

While there is some debate among psychologists, a widely accepted threshold for genius IQ scores is 130 or above. This score places an individual in the top 2% of the population, making them exceptionally intelligent.

What is Nikola Tesla's IQ?

Nikola Tesla

His estimated IQ scores range from 160 to 310 by different measures. He had an intense rivalry with Thomas Edison throughout his life, and many of his projects were funded by JPMorgan, who would later become his business partner.

Who has the highest IQ alive?

Pictured above, Terence Tao is said to have the highest IQ score in the world currently, with an impressive score of between 225-230. If the Chinese-American mathematician scored 230 he is definitely out in front. Effectively tying for the title, though, is Marilyn Vos Savant.

What is Isaac Newton's IQ?

Isaac Newton (IQ 190–200)

When assessing his cognitive prowess, estimations place his hypothetical IQ score in the range of 190 to 200, depending on the specific criteria used for measurement.

What is Stephen Hawking's IQ?

Professor Hawking, the theoretical physicist known for his work on black holes, is said to have had an IQ of 160. Professor Einstein, also a theoretical physicist, is said to have had an IQ of around 160, although it is unclear whether either man did a test.

Is Snoop Dogg a genius?

Snoop Dogg's IQ of 147 is considered extremely high and that of a gifted genius, putting him in an elite category of intelligence.

What is Ashton Kutcher IQ?

Let's move on to Hollywood star Ashton Kutcher who actually has an IQ of 160 meaning that he falls into the exceptionally gifted category.

Is 135 IQ gifted?

The number actually represents how your results compare to those of other people your age. A score of 116 or more is considered above average. A score of 130 or higher signals a high IQ. Membership in Mensa, the High IQ society, includes people who score in the top 2 percent, which is usually 132 or higher.

What does an IQ of 136 mean?

115 to 129: Above average or bright. 130 to 144: Moderately gifted. 145 to 159: Highly gifted. 160 to 179: Exceptionally gifted.

What percentile is 136 IQ?

On the Wechsler tests, 136 is in the 99.2nd percentile while on the Standford-Binet 4, it's in the 98.8th percentile. On the Stanford-Binet 5, it's the same as the Wechsler ones.

Can IQ be increased?

There are different ways to measure IQ, but they all rely on similar principles, which means it's possible to increase your IQ with study and training. Improving your IQ can help you to improve your problem-solving and lateral thinking skills, which can be useful in many careers.

What is average IQ?

Most people have an average IQ between 85 and 115. Around 98% of people have a score below 130. Just 2% of the population score above that are considered above average.

Who has 400 IQ?

Adragon De Mello (IQ Score: 400)

Adragon De Mello, an American who gained fame in the late 20th century, captured attention due to his extraordinary intelligence during his youth. He was born on April 18, 1976, in California, USA, and displayed prodigious talent from an early age.


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

Last Updated: 09/29/2024

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.