The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)

ITii 4A Ca LUtU at S9t Ptr Day THE NASHVILLE TENNESSEAN PUt0 Yur Wmnt Ai Call 5-1221 Wednesday Morninff, November IS, 1942 SIXTEEN 3-A Local TrjniBortjMon Ptabody Officer 'Mick or 'Muggins' The Judge Said 'Muggins' Lieut. Dan co*ckrill Buried at Sea Served Aboard Meredith In Solomons Area Third Navy Air Unit Gains Men Squadron Her Half Completed, Board Soys i' Noel Unhurt as Two Die in Plane Crash 4-Motor Bomber Falls In Washington State A crash of a four-motored bomber near Pasco Naval Reserve Aviation Field at Walla Walla. Monday afternoon, killed two fliers, Injured two others, but left Lieut. John Noel, of Nashville, unscathed, the Associsted Press reported yesterday. Military authorities gave no details of the crssh other than that the aircraft was making an emergency landing.

The Associated Press said. Members of his family his wife, the former Andromedia Bagwell, snd his mother, Mrs. J. H. Noel are in Washington with him.

Killed were Air Cadet George F. Lene. Silvls, and Staff Sgt. Truman A. Bernard, Bruce, Wis.

Injured were an Air Cadet Tar-brough, whose first name and address were not given, and Lieut R. H. Allen, pilot. Lieutenant Noel had been stationed at the Washington field only a few days, and was in training there. Before entering the Air Forces in January he was connected with the Noel Hotel Garage here.

rS WfcY 1 Li UT Photo dog and said she called him "Muggins." But the judge's decision en the unusual case left 1-year-old Barbara Vanderheyden and her mother (right) in tears. The court denied Papa Charle Vandarhey-den's claim to the dog, which he called "Mick." CHICAGO, Nev. 17 CT Whstever he's called, It's sll the same to this pedigreed wire-haired ter rier, awarded by a Chicago judge yesterday to Mrs. Marie Burns (st left with deg), who appeared at court In Civil Air Patrol uniform, claimed the The third 23-man squadron of Naval Aviation Cadets to organised in Nashville In ee- many monina was nan computed yesterday, member of the Davidson County Naval Aviation Committee, sponsors or ins drive, announced. Made up of local young men who enter the Navy' V-6 prof; ram and who will later train a a unit, the lateit group include Charles William roster, Rout 1, Antioch; Samuel Peter Garronne, 403 Merritt 8treet: Harlan CullweU Grave Route 4, Woodbine; Robert Joseph ingersoi, jr, 2123 sunset Place Paul Randall Moore, 1023 West End Avenue; Hilton Edsel Gllli land, 2904 Glennmeade Drive Samuel Joseph Dever, 2130 Cliff Drive; Roger Lennox Clark, Doug-la Street, Madison; Joseph Clyde Wells, 131 Eastmoreland Avenue Charley Beasley Evins, 221T Eleventh Avenue, South; David Carey Witt, SOS Jones Street, and Joseph Robert Harell, 713 Ben ton Street.

V-6 members, composed of youths 1 in good health and who have a high school education, apply at the local naval recruiting station. If they pass they are sent to Atlanta (or final examination, the passing of which entitles them to wear the V-6 Naval Aviation Cadet pin until they are called into active duty. Twins Arrested On Draft Charges Twin listed as Ham monds Goodlett and Robert Donald Goodlett, 28, of 911 Shelby Avenue, were arrested yesterday on charges of refusing to comply when order- ed by Selective Service Board Num- ber 2, Nashville, to submit to cal examination. The charges were contained la Indictment returned by the fed eral grand jury on October 20. The Indictments set out that the twin had registered, pursuant to the requirements of ths Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, but it was alleged that one of them refused to submit to examination on or about June 16, 1942, and the Other on or about June 13, 1942.

The capiace for their arrest were served yeiterdsy by U. Deputy Marshal Sam Burton when the two preaented themselves at the marshal's office. The twins made bond of $500 each before U. S. Commissioner Lee Brock.

Family Fears Rabies To Take 'Shots' An East Nashville family of six I Board 8 Lists Classifications A list of classifications as an nounced yesterday by Davidson County draft board No. follows I-A: Lewis Ward Edmondaon. Julius Osrdner. Arinur Leon HiMon, me hii- ion Kinterf. jamu Idward Koifri.

ner-nan Altred Krania. Horaca htii Edwards, Monro Fraeae, Murrar Alex-nder Freeman. Clarnoa Ocntrr Suthar-land. Bdarln EatUl Brian. Chatlea Alexander CartarrlataL Archia Richard Press, Jeaal B.

Dickeraon. William Barrf Hudson. Cnarlea Dwe Taylor. Herman rowel Smith. Hubert B.

Buddatb. Jr. II-A: Lcca James Youns. Banjaraln Krebla Cox, Il-B: Arthur Randolnh Blsekwell. Fran' 1 ..11 t71u UT V.

V. nf-A: Robert Marcui AlXord. James RuS- sell Baxtar. ni-B: Freddie Arch Dickeni. Bennie aeauer uxun.

cnaries waiter iam mon. Jeaae Herman Blmnklne. Bad' lord Cecil McCormlrk. WUllam Thomas Robertaoa. Oeorse Thomas Jones.

Oeorse Steasall. Oeorse Lee Bursesa. Jack Lee Florida. Fiord Edward James. Wallace Burton Weatherur.

Elvin Marculles Orsvea, lurenea zimer Baaier. iarain scrussi Jewell Harrell. Perres Smith. Marshall Francis TraeernlcM. James Alex Barnard.

WUllam Thomaa Wrieht. BUTanu Benton Adoock. Edward William Adams. James Fiord. Jotia wilTlsm McKar.

Andrew John-ton Drer. Roecoe Oaw Flatt, Lee Roy Holder. WUllam Napoleon Medley. Oeorse David ander. John Daniel crlmmom.

Amo OlUord Oreretreet. John Thomas Thornton. John oottlalh Olaua. oacar Wll' Ham Mcintosh. Euten Thomas Bestley, biarenca Jackson Lamniey.

EiDert Kumi rlartt Jnlin Htthtvtv nrlfflth Jna Dl Harbison. Oeorse Thomas Gilbert. Kuaan colaman. Johnl Bmltn. wu Ham McKlnley Hars.

Charles Henry Bins- ar. Laannet Boyd Fudae. Bulora ljee Lowe. Homer Woodfln Burns. Robert Lee Baakln.

Charles Vernon Bsbb. Ernest jonn William scnmitt. limo coaa. Edaar nat Baaaell. rharlav Daton Blew art.

Oeorse William Edsins. Walter Wilson Dayla. Mitchell Hadley. Oeorse Chrlstlaa West. Thomas Porter MeCord.

Otlle LeOrand John Jo Newlan. Earl TUden Huff. Charles Doak Blanton. Julian Browder Bmltn, Charles Bryant Moore. Jamea Pleasant Colirett.

Lewis Herbert Tslbart. Hubert Uf Kins. Bulestt Lee Cnamblkaa. William Walter Luater, Homer Lega Hefley. James Stevenson Cannon.

Br WUllam Dewey Sterry. Harold Stephen Carr. Ervln Edward Warmack. John Bernard VanDolan. Charlie Morsan Psrrlsh.

Lawrence Julian Hooper. Walter W. B. Vandersrtff. Horace Hill Hudson.

Daley Paul Watson. Arthur Bamman. Buttorll Stevenson. Samuel Wll-llsm Wrlaht. Hush Elsie Bailer.

Oliver Ray Leonard Lee Chambers. Vester Paul Moeley. Conner Prestase Perkerson. Jamea Douslas Chambers, J. W.

Burton. John Wesley Lewis. John Dayton Schleicher. Joeeph Pervln MeCord. Robert Qrundy Lee.

Marshall Lee Carter. Jeaale Randall Pitts. Robert Douslas Richards. Willi Smith fsrdue. William Franklin Evans.

Utile Ctreen Uajbreatn. Joan Mllae Davenoort, Kins Mark Ayers. Charlie BeU Turrcntlna. Johny Lee Curtney, John Edwla Walker. Lenard Betel Martin.

Lawrence Ewina Blackwell. Jim Howaer. Bam Scott Duke. Oeorse Hartwell Mayo. William Btaley Stssner.

John Lewis Pavne. sTverette Leon WUburn. IV-P: Jamea Dallas Brooks. Johnnie Dooley. Charles Henry Clemmons.

Andrew Wilson Allen. John Smlthson Fly. Richard Lee Warren. Thomas Cantrell. Fred Calvin Whlttemore.

Oeorse Staler Luster. Dewey Dee Nicholaon. Raymond Hicks Blnkler. Welter Alexander Lowe. Kerby Lee Carter, Jamea Henry Caldwell.

Thaddeua Oantt. Cherry Hushle Oober. Roy Casle. Jsmea Lee Woods. Willie Valentine Russell.

Hnl-Us Vernon Duke. William Floyd McKnlsht. Douslas Alexander Butler. Foster To Give Recital Here Sidney Foster, pianist-soloist with the New York Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra, will give a recital Saturday night, November 21, at 8:15 o'clock in the Centennial Club Auditorium, Mrs. Robert Cooney, chairman of the club's music department, announced yesterday.

Foster, termed one of America's most brilliant young- pianists, is being brought to Nashville under the sponsorship of the Centennial Club. last night was preparing to take anti-rabies "shots" in fear that their Ths burial at sea of Naval Lieutenant Dan Robertson co*ckrill of Nashville, who died as a result of a sea battle in the Pacific, was announced yesterday by the Navy Department Lieutenant co*ckrill, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Goodloe co*ckrill of 4324 Granny White Pike, died aa a result of shock while serving on ths U. S.

8. Meredith, the naval announcement said. Mrs. co*ckrill said that she and ber husband were advised in Octo ber that their son was aboard the Meredith and that the ship was in the Solomon Islands area, but had heard nothing else until the announcement of his death was made. Formerly a student at Wallace University School gaud Peabody Demonstration School here.

Lieu tenant co*ckrill was a graduate of Northwestern University and had been a member of the Naval Reserve for five years before the United States entered the wsr. Begin ning active service as an ensign, he was promoted twice within the past year from enaign to lieuten ant, junior grade, and then to a full lieutenant Lieutenant co*ckrill formerly was employed as an auditor by the Gen eral Electric Company. In addition to his parents, sur vivors are: two sisters. Miss Mary Harris co*ckrill of Nashville and Mrs. Carey Moore of Memphis; two brothers.

Sterling co*ckrill of Chicago and Calvin co*ckrill of Nashville. Statistical Record CPJANCERT COURT.PART I Thomas A. Shrlyer. Caaneeller Tuesday's Deckel Decrees entered B. Simmons vs.

A H. SherrlU: H. T. Betts ys. A.

T. Berkley, i al Shftra at al vs. Aharne: Oeorse Winston Lons. sdmltted ss solici tor in Chancery court. Wadaeaday'a Deeket Oven for orders snd the same In Part II.

CHANCERY COURT. PART II William J. Wade. Chaaeeller Taaadav'a Daakat Decrees entered Kentucky Tennessee Power Co v. L.

Williams vs. L. Williams, et Oeorsla Persuaon vs. Ernest Persuson divorce l. FIRST CIRCUIT COt'RT tucker P.

Dews. Jadse Taaaday'a Deeket Nsron-Plats Motor Co vs. Brown, iudtment for defendant: Elisabeth L. Smith vs. Rankin Smith.

divorce: Eusene William Jsndelelt ys. Alyce C. Jan-delelt. divorce. 1 Wednesday's Deeket i Per the Three Ceartst Jennlnxs vs.

Dye Motor Nsron-Plats Motor Co. vs. Armlstead: Lee Brlnkler: O'Ksln vs. Poster. SECOND CIRCUIT COURT Wwldea Jadse Teeedav'a Deeket E.

O. Pavne. Odn ys. Metropolitan Life ins. nendins.

THIRD CIRCUIT COURT E. P. Laasferd. Jadse Taeadar'a Deeket E. Lloscomb vs.

Oulaa, Judsment tor defendant. PROBATE COURT Litton Hickman. Jadse Taeadav'e Oaalifleatlene Charlotte E. Puller, executrix of the will of Addle I. Puller.

Commerce Union Bank, administrator of the estate or William o. snroosnire. W. p. Bhsroe.

administrator with will annexed of the estate of Percy Bharne. Third National Bank, executor of the will of Sellle Willie Harris. MARRIAC.E LICENSE Jamea Ochurn Norton and Marcuerette J. Smith Deaver r. Lie via ana srveiyn Lyeii.

Alvtn J. Porsche and Ellrtabetb Kosh. Oeorse W. Warren snd Oertrude War ren. Robert Marshall Lissett snd Dorothy Pauline Pewltt, Stanley E.

BltIbIss snd Msry Vlrslnis Oreen. Mack Jobs (el snd Mentis Moore (el. REAL ESTATE TRANSFER Mildred T. Poaue to Coleman A. HarweU et ux 1 ft.

on Belle Meade 17 ft on Canterbury Drive (velue SlS.OOOi I T. J. Case to John E. Case too ft. on Trinity lane, li't it.

on oris-tcrd 2t ft on Oear St 421 ft. on Meadow Ave 500 ft. on near At. lvalue S3 OOOl 1 I I 4154 T. J.

Case to John E. Case KM ft. on Edwin Ave. 'value 12001 T. Case to John E.

Caae AO (t. utton Ave. ivaiue siooi Hstheock et ux to O. Thomas 20 ft. on 2nd No A.

i a lea et ux to o. a. Borer ISO ft. rn Or nee Trail SOS Arthur Trice Berkley et ux to Dor- othv 9. Sisal 100 it.

on walnut Drive (value IS.SOOl I Martin Ooddard Diamond et ux to Bass wiles et ux so it. on stn Ave 8o 2 254 Fidelity Federal Savins Ar Loan to Willie M. Robertson et ux S7.t it. on Delaware Ave 3.271 Ewlns Smith et ux to John B. et ux so it.

i in. on sirouse Ave 2 250 Mrs. Lvdia K. Bennett to Valdlnner Eltiensvick et ux is seres in ism district 1.M0 D. E.

Jackson. Trustee, to Brsnsford Realty Co. 70 (t. on Oooch St. SOS T.

B. Oeorse et ux to John P. Mur- chlson et ux so it. on unon Ave. z.o E.

B. Rucker. Trustee, to Aaron Morris. Trustee, eu n. on naoo- lenn At.

SSS James B. Caldwell Co. in Charles M- BOiae ei ux luu u. on now-mont Blvd. eoo Total Curran Is Honored By Rail Brotherhood John L.

Curran, 76, 2100 Charlotte Road, was yesterday present ed a button by the grand orrice of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers upon the completion of SO years as a member of the broth erhood. Curran, who retired two years ago, was formerly employed by the Ndshville. Chattanooga and St. Louis Railway. He is a member of Rock City Division 128 of the brotherhood and bas held every office in the local chapter during his long term of membership.

The honor given to Curran was the first received by sny member of the local chapter for 50 years of service. Weather Record YESTERDAY'S TEMPERATURES Hlshest. IS deerees st J.OO s. m. Lowest.

(1 decrees st 1 00 Mean. decrees. Normal. 47 decrees. METEOBOLOGICAI, BEPOBT lite a.

sv as. Temperature el ss Precipitation Precipitation sines Nor. 1st. 1.4T Inches: deficiency 34 inch. Precioltation since Jan.

1st. 31.1 lnehes: deficiency 7 SO Inches. BUD rises s. m. Pun eeia w.

CORRESPONDING DATE LAST TEAS Maximum temperature. 7 desrees: mini- mt.m. 43 decrees: nrecipiiaiion. Precipitation Jan. 1st to this date In 141.

2C.14 Inches. 1B41 dellCtencV to tnis saw wuv. WEATHER TABLE wiauranTnM Nov 1 1 Weather bureau report of temperature and rainfall tor the 14 nours enoins a w. principal cotton srowtns sres sad elae- wnere Station Risk Law Free. 77 Get You a Ride Te eo -one rate I eovernmeni In eoneerrUMr, rubser tor defense, ina nsan-villa Banner sad renneaaeen a sda in this elasait'ca-tlon Irons peooie who Offer transportation aa ana from also from those ahol leslre tTanssortatioB RIDERS WAMTCD from Insleweod.

Nisht shift workers. Prom MeCheener Ave. to uptown. Hours 11 m. I a.

a. SMITH. 1-3173 4 Special Notice HOL8UM DELUXE PRtJIT CAKES Chock full of frills, nuts and soicas are IDEAL OUTS POR SERVICE MEN. At-trsctively packed for ssallins. J-lb Hoi-sum fruit cake.

II s-lb HOI rum fruit rake. Buy your fruit rake now because Holaum deline fruit rake Improves WHS SSe. ORDER PROM TOUR CIROCIR AMERICAN BREAD COMPART NASHVILLE. TT.NM.

ANNOUNCEMENT M. PVIdmsn of Nstlonal Window Cleanlns Co. snnounred that he has taken over the business ei the City window Cleanlns snd wtll he sled to have all the former patrons call on him for any work of that nature Telephone T-1314 PULLER BRUSHES POR CHRISTMAS OIPT8 OOAUTT AT LOW PRICRS) iis Benme-DIUon Bids. Phone S-T74S FASHIONABLE drrasmaklns and remod el ms, rur coats remodeled and repaired In lateat style MRS. JCIOKR, UU Ord-.

wavP 3-aj3-w. 1 WILL NOT be responsible for envdebts other than my own WALTER N. CHUMBLET. 30 Treulland. PLOOR RANDER.

POLISHER KR RXNf CUMBERLAND HDW. CO. I01IWOODLAND ST. Not responsible for debts made by others than myself. MILTON SHERMAN TUCK- ER, Donelaon, Route 1.

PURS REPAIRED. R1TT1XD Cleaned. LITTLE OEM CAFETERIA Corner Bank ana printer's Alley, piste lunch served "51e le.30c. Jomejwlilns. BIRTH CERTIFICATE SERVICE Small Cost 1 0 PtRS YTTR I A I.

S-ilH REGULAR S) PERMANENT 1150 tS OU Waves. so Feather eat tee. MHKKTMAN S-107S REGULAR S4 PERMANENT, II 00. Special SO permanent S3. LORENE 8 BEAUTY SHOP.

SOS Hitchco*ck Bids. -S41. EXPFUT Al.TIRTTnia 5S yeara' tailorfna exnerlenea Sr.n4m.rf button-holes. 315 Vendome Bid S-7I3S. BUSINESS GUIDE Businen Services Offend HARD DRIVEWAYS AT HALF Asphalt All Concrete.

Stone. Brick Work correct Drain ase Trouble. 1-ilQI-R 1NSULATK NOW Save fuel, an lor sum-mer comfort. 3S months te par Free estimates. Telephone S-320S.

TREE 8TJROERT Plan tins, transnlantliis BTRARsrn s.s.ia"'"u"- CRUSHED rrrONE Lynwood quarry, con- L' a.aspnais pricea. waiss. walls, floors, foundations. S-3S11. I-S7S1 HARDWOOD FLOORS reflnlsbed like acvrrr 3-1S5T HAULINO.

DRIVEWAYS. curbatonine. baaement dlsslnn. Beptls leaks overflow Dirt i-iosi. GORDON TOP SOIL S3.

50 load. Clay iJ.sO. BeUe Meade-Hlllsboro 4-3S1I. 5-S7S1 DEAD STOCK removed free. Call A.

i. IywLmycontractor. S-I5M. POR SEPTIC TANK CU5AlJlNQ VAU, LULL Repairing and Cleaning FURNACE CLEANING blUKER REPAIRING Kffiir. rarva ror an smsses of furnaces snd stokers available, We in, i.w wwi wun ones, au work suaranteed by reliable firm.

Pre estimate. Reasonsble rail WHITE HEATING CO. 7JJWestEndAve. T-1WI exop thaeroo, wm, oAia ii oo-rouR corrTAntn Til Sm 0 EN ERAL REPAIR INO on ftraslaees. mantels, srate resettlns Work suer- 6-A Electrical RepairiH9 ELECTROLUX OWNErS- pu to the eovernmeni freeslrts .11 Maw RIS oi your masauts TOT roi protection.

5-05(1 CTOTIFTIfp SERVICE on ail makes of WASHERS Factory Tralned Mechanics. MAYTAO ELECTRIC SBRV' '-Cg- IlTndAve" l7T.7olo. CERTIPUtD SERVICE bv factory trained mechanics on REPRIOERATORB AND mn TR1C SERVICE. 147 nd (-7030, 7 Moving. Storage, Hauling inn: kaisues.

MAYTAO ET.Ec- DURHAM STORAGE sonisunin mvin. BRAZIL 2-271( (3.00 up local. Ions dls. tance Reasonable, experienced ovine. 1CHICKENS SCRATCH7 WE DONTT 8 Painting and Papering rwwn TJaP xtor sr" awi Sia THERE'S NO PAINT 8HORTA0B Cal Us for Reliable Painters ALLEN-WHITPTELD PAINT AND OLASS t-nurcn at.

l-lin WHEN IN NERD of rellsble painter, na-perhansrr or floor finisher, eall SHER-WIN WILLIAMS. Painters' headsuartere. J04Deaderlck 5-7751. EXPERT A I CLEANING, hsnsins. oaintlns: reasonable.

NEWMAN. 4-404. la. tn PAPERHANOLNO (3.50 and UP. Work u.i.uK-ea n.

j. uuum. J-S60S. ROOP oaintlns. (utter cleanlns snd rs- EMPLOYMENT 9 Help Wanted Female HOUSEWIVES Tour SDsre tun between now and Xmas will -pey yen us to 13 an hour sell ins Nylon Silk snd Reyon products.

Csnvaaslnff not necessary. No Investment. Write Real Silk Hosiery Mills. Third National Bans for free ssmples. TWO COLOR ARTISTS, to paint photo-sranhs.

experience necessary: sood wases with raold Increase for repeal artists. See MR. OTIS. Tooley-Myroa Studios. 515 Union Street.

WANTED Btenosrsolw on part time. Must be competent, msrrled er slnsl: hours 9 30 a. to .10 p. an nice location. Address W-lsii.

Tennessean. WANTED AT ONCE Beauty operatora; one masseuse for bath depart men t. JOHNNIE McOOWAN. MS 7th Ave. M.

(-74 IS. Evenlnss. phone (-3471. EXPERIENCED waitress for dsnc hall. Oood position for risht psrty.

Apply after p. VAUOHN RE8TAU- n.Ar.i; ijui ana sroea. WHITE WOMAN 30 to 40 years old to ssslst tn iupervlsins snd servlns in 1 EXPERIENCED waitresses wanted. Apply in weraon VHIOKT CATS, 424 4lO Ave. North.

EXPERIENCED. idy Welti Twenty-I SHAKEN STEAK. 1301 first AT.nue. noutn. ELDERLY LADY aa companion, nlebts.

Board and salary. K-1SS8. Baar-Tea- nessean. LICENSED BEAUTY OPERATOR Salary and commission. Apply OAT'S BEAUTY SALON 1 West End.

WOM7N Experienced In men's Altera-Hons. Oood salary. Aoolr at one. M5Hltehcork Bide. WHITE HOUSEKEEPER, stay en place.

One child. Small sslarv. Reference, lusts COLORED DISHWASHER Health aedr- mtist be neat: immeoiate empioymeni. HARPER'S CAPE. Sixth and, Commerce.

WHITE HOUSEKEEPER for family el three. Live on place. Can. Madison. 4-335T after w.

ro. WANTED At once! One beauty operator. Aopiy in person or can susiue sskau TY SHOP. 1116 31st Ave B. RECEPTION lfrr In one of leadina Beauty Wiops.

State ase. experwiwe it any. WJJ4SBannerTenn. White woman to live and eook tn con- valescent home. Ase 20 to 41.

(-4845. SETTLED LADY to stay In home, tw children aalary s-7084. MANICURIST WANTED. DOCTORS BUXJ. BARBER8HOP.

SETTLED WHITE HOUSEKEEPER, 1 la lamnr. Live on piece, s-siss. WHITE HOUSEKEEPER, star on sua. Two children (5. Madison 3S(.

HOUSEKBBPER AT ONCE Apply MIS Alabama Ave. Phone 7-19SS. WANTED fine tailor, experienced la men's ciotnine ana unuarm aiieraiion. wois derful opportunity, sood salary te (tart. All Interested parties welt or wire auailf leattons.

reference and salary expected (a a. W. RICB COIWOlVallON. Penaacola. Pis.

1 WANTED Combination Linotype Operator er" Floor Maa eaoabl of dolns Lock tt for small srasaea. Must sober, lovsl. Industrious, snd ef sood eharecter. Pine work Ire conditions. Address: P.

O. Box tve Huntlnston. Vs. CYLINDER press feeders and experienced helper or feeder perstor on smiles er perfectora. We have steady work wlt aom overtime.

Plant located In Pew Ensland. Stat eiperlenee. W-17M Banner At Tennessean. WANTED 'MAN to dn Uttoolns. Bos W-1S51 Bsaasr-Tenassses a.

Write CO Girl Scout Pageant Set Friday Night Event To Celebrate Victory Fund Drive A pageant entitled, "The Volun teers for will be presented at the War Memorial Building at o'clock Friday night by the Girl Scouts of Nashville In cele bration of completion of the Girl Scout "Victory Fund" campaign in Nashville. Mrs. Leon Jourolmon, chairman of the campaign committee, said last night that it is expected that upward' of $200 in war savings stamps will be contributed by the local Girl Scouts. These contributions will be turned in at the Friday night cele bration and will be sent to Girl Scout national headquarters where they will be converted into war bonds and held in trust until the money, can be used for relief work among child victims of the war. Mrs.

Jourolmon said. Approximately 1,000 local Girl Scouts have participated in the campaign. Mrs. Jourolmon and a procession of Girl Scouts in uniform would Introduce the pageant Fri day night and that a chorus of 150 voices would be Included In the pageant. Stamps and bonds will be on sale.

The public is invited to attend. Two Stills Seized On Raid in Sumner Two 60-gallon stills, hooked to gether, 800 gallon of mash and 10 gallons of whisky were seized and three person were taken into cus tody yesterday in a raid in the northwestern section of Sumner County by Federal Alcohol Tax Unit men from Nashville and Sum' ner County officers. The three were listed as James Perdue, 29, Mitchellville; Wood row McGIothlin, 1, Portland, and Charles Ralph Walter Lame, 19, Route 1, Fountain Head. They were carried to the federal building here, where the Alcohol Tax Unit swore out a warrant be fore U. 8.

Commissioner Lee Brock, charging them with owning and operating an illegal distillery and possession of Illegal whiaky. The raid was made by O. H. Crowell, A. M.

Smallwood, C. I. Nelson and J. K. Howes of the Al cohol Tax Unit; Sheriff S.

K. Baker and Chief Deputy Sheriff Thurman Dye of Sumner County. Answers To War Quiz Questions on Psg 14 1. Insigne is that of Seventh Di vision, which was stationed at Ford Ord. at outbreak of World War H.

Design wss originally two sevens, one inverted. 2. Six 3-inch shells. 3. An ancient Navy custom to welcome someone aboard.

Boatswain's mate blows a shrill whistle. FM Station W47NV 44,000 Watfi WEDNESDAY Wr4 ul Med ft BO NMallM MaalcaU llaSi Dmtlr Umkr hBC Sktk I MU4r NDC Mrisa DsHt NBC V. S. Navr Daa NBC Nrwi NBC Gallierhls's Orckaitrm NBC BUI Sum NBO Dlnar Mask Stadia Mail tha Ballat Fraark Sraahaar la Dm Stadia Witaiawakl C'aaaarU Na. Stadia SaaaU Saaltal NtWa KBO Natlaaal Aathata Stadia AM.

11 r. IMS It: 41 1:41 In Lcttls Evere 48 Ann Reblnsen Charles Finney Senior college officers for the 1942-43 school year were elected recently at Peabody College by popu lar ballot among the students. Charles Finney, son of Mr. and Mrs. John W.

Finney of this city, was elected president. Finney is a physical education major, president of the Intramural Council, and a member of Kappa Phi Kappa fra ternity and the Physical Education Club. Elected vice-president was Lettie Evers of Louisville, Ky. Miss Evers, also a phyalcal education major, Is a member of Beta Kappa Tau sorority, the Physical Education Club, and is treaeurer of U. D.

C. dormitory. Selected as secretary-treasurer was Ann Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mre. John R.

Robinson of Nashville. Miss Robinson is a mathe matics major, a member of the Peabody Chorus, and was awarded the Hugh La Blnkley Scholarship this year. New York Bond Market (By Associated Press (Continued From Preceding Psge) tin Par 1st 4s 47 Unit Drue Ss SI Utah li It 9 106Ta I0i. lrM4 44 7' 1 ST 7Va 7' S1V. Vlrslnlsn 3.t 1 lOi'-i lOS'v 1M4 Wabash 4.a 7S I IS'-i 9t, 3Vi 7 S4Va S3' S4 3 106 101 101 Walwrth tt Warren Br Ss 41 ret West Shore 4a J341 Westn Md 4s II Westn 1st ss 41 Westn Un 5s II Wheel Stl 3Ws Wis Cen 4s 4S Wis Cen 4sSoiD 31 Youns aaVT CV4S4I Arsentlna 4s 72 Feb Australia Is II Belslum Ss II BratU la 41 Buen A 4Hs 71 Canada Is IS Chile Is SO asd Chile Is It Jan asd Colomb 3s 70 Copenhss Is "1 Cuba 4Jjjs 71 Denmsrk 4 Vis SI M.I 4S 04 SSd 14 Mines Oer S'mit Sou Wsles Norway 4s II 41 V.

44 17 V. 3' 10 V. S3'-. 40' II 17 17 35'i. 1.t'a S4.

SS1 Sl4 49 4 lk 14V. 17 101H J01H 101 31 74'-. 74V. 74Vs II II 76H 'Itfs 7'y 7Vs 34V 344. J4.

44 I) ieiH lis lsi. IS' It' is 39'-. 41 74 3IH 44 71 14 4SV, 4IVa 91. 1SV. 71 'a 7lti i'.

II Va 71'. HTs 11V. 7'a 74', Oslo City dies II 11 ll'i II Panama 94 A it III 13' 13' II II Peru 1st Ss SO Poland Is 60 iivi Queensldes 41 Rla de" Jan Ss 41 Rio Or do Sul IsM. 1 11 it uv. II iIVs 1 I I lVa IS IS m.

t'M ii Serbs CtsSl Is 0 Urus al 34S4s4V.s79 Wsrsewc II ssd 1 10 1 Total today. SI.331.eO0. Previous day. II.39S.10S. -Wee kaco.

11.724.000. Year aso. II. 107.900. Two years aso.

ts. 397.000. J.n 1 to date. 13 031.164.450. Year aso.

II.I2I.M7.300. Two years aso. 11.401. 791.400 35 New Books Now Available at Library A group of 35 new books, including Cecil Brown's "Sues to Gordon Holman's "Commando and "Alaska Under Arms' by Jean Potter, are now available at the Nashville Pub-lio Library. F.

K. W. Drury, librari an, announced yesterday. On display In the adult department of tha library art also some new twanka for vnunsr Mevnla. Srurv itsid.

1 eV'" 1 'f'': 19 Nurses 'Aides Get CapsatVandy At capping ceremonies in the reception room of Mary Kirkland Hall, Vanderbllt University, 19 nurses' aides were graduated Monday night. Miss Erna Holzhausen, superintendent of nurses, addressed the group and the invocation was given by the Rev. J. F. McCloud.

Others on the program were Dr. Barney Brooks, Vanderbllt Medical School, E. B. Stahlman, vice-chairman of the board of directors of the local chapter of the Red Cross, and Clarence Connell, superintendent of Vanderbllt Hospital. Paul B.

Jarratt, coordinator of the Nashville-Davidson County Civilian Defense Council, presented OCD certificates to the graduates. Those arho were Capped snd received the Red Cross insisnls snd pin were: Mrs. Clara Baker. Mrs. Bileen Bowen.

Mrs. Anns Brodsky. Mrs. Louise Carlton. Mrs.

Mary Oraham Mrs. Helen Ksnlan. Mrs. Marsaret Oreen.

Mrs. Adelaide Harmon. Mrs. Kite Matthews. Mrs.

Oertrude May. Mrs. Claire Patton. Mrs. Marsaret Rellhan class representative).

Mrs. Helen Titus. Mrs. Marlon Tompkins. Miss Catherine Trne.

Mrs. Dorothy Varelman. Mrs. Clarice Wiley. Mrs.

Hermosa Young and Mrs. Mary Tounser. Maxon To Address Fifty Years Club The principal speaker at the annual banquet of the Nashville Fifty Tears in Business Club Friday night at 7. o'clock will be the Rt. Rev.

James M. Maxon, Episcopal Bishop of Tennessee, C. C. Gilbert, executive director of the club announced yesterday. Other speakers will be Dr.

George Stoves, farmer pastor of the West End Methodist Church; Dr. King Vivion, pastor of the Mc-Kendree Methodist Church, and five honorees of the banquet. To be held at tbe Noel Hotel the affair will honor Charles S. Martin, Brown Buford, William Gup-ton, Frank C. Guthrie and Henry Sudekum.

The Nashville Tennessean Published st 1101 Broad MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to tbe use for publication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited to this paper and also tha local news published nerein National Advertiatne Representative The BKANISAM COMPART. tmcaSO. MOW Tors a-H w-akmIum i a. tie. Atlanta.

Dallas St. Louis, kanaas City. Memphis snd Charlotte. North w-ero- una ti mtfum ail Between mldnlsht and 7:30 a Editorial 1-17AI' Composins Room I-130J: Clrcufa- uon uepi. e-3S4o: rrese Room.

o-zv. SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY CARRCERB Uornlns and Sunday: On Week S5e City subscribers not deslrlns to ear tne carrier each week may remit In advance direct to The Tennessesn for 10 or mors weeke at the rate of tie per week sntutrnrPTTftN atsm sv watt. Mornlns and Sunday, en year 10 00 Mornlns only, one year S.Oe outside Tennessee. Kentucky and Alabama Mornlns snd Sunday, on year 15 00 Mornlns only, one year 10.00 (MaU subscript Inns sr notvtaken InJ mwn. ana cHtes vans carrier aBrvsce a.

maintained I Legal Notices SALE OP CAPITAL STOCK I. Miller. Trustee, va Pred J. Puller Trustee, et si. In the Chancery Court st Jonesboro.

Tennessee. No. 404. In obedience to a decree of the Chancery Court at Jonesboro. Tennessee, made end enteiea oi record at tne October term 1941.

In the above styled csuse. I will, on the istn day or December. 1942. at Jonas boro. Tennessee.

In front of the Court House Door at I clock p. m. Eastern War Time, sell to the hlshest and best bldd for rash In hsnd. One Hundred Sixty-Nine Shares of the par value of sion oo per snare, of tne Franklin Limestone Company capital stock, of Pranklln. Tennessee, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy Judgment or decree rendered In the abov entitled cause ssslnsl Pred J.

Puller, for the principal sum of SS.055 37. tosether with secrued Interest thereon from January 1. 1930. to December II. 1942.

amountlns to I1.1S0 5S. maklns principal snd interest (It. '05. 15. Bald carltal stock Is evidenced by Cert I -flest No 10 for SO shsres: Certificate No.

for 50 shsres: Certificate No. 30 for 34 shares, and Certificate no. 47 Tor 15 shares, ssfresstlns 1st shares of the par value of 1100.00 each Said stock Will be sold In the order above nsmed. for and up to satisfaction of said Judsment or decree. MRS M.

L. WAtXm. Clerk and Master. Piis November (. H4(.

ANNOUNCEMENTS Lost and Found STRAYED TWO MALE Bessie hounds Born disci wmte rins around neck. Whit tip on taU Answers MIKE and IKE. (-0747. PAIR HORN RIMMED Glasses, lost Vsn-" derbllt Stadium or vicinity Saturday a termon. EWARD.IJ M.

BICYCLE POUND Owner claim by Iden- ttfylns and paylns ad. I-5M3. DAYBED PAD. stripped. Lost between Couchvllle Pike.

Belle Meads. (-0749 Personals MEN. WOMENI WANT VIM Stimulants In Oetres Ton! Tablets pee uo bodies lacking Vitamin Bl. Iron, calcium phosphate. Special Introductory 35 aire today only 90e.

Por sale at all sood dru stores everywhere In Nashville, st wsrner prus snd wslsrren's TOO ARE A CHRONIC sufferer. In-vestlsste JOHN CLASS. VAPO- rsiH SOOa WESTinD. S-347S NAUHEIM BATHS Masses colonics: srthrltis. nsrvousness RXDUCINO.

i Men-Women i 4-3419. NUR8INO ROME Ased. Invalids. Incur- ables. MRS DAVIAV, 1111 Btrattoa.

3-0401. PRIVATE ROOMS for convalescenU and elderly people. ResUtsrsd nurse. 7-3S5S-W, EDO KF1 ELD NUR8INO HOME AseLbed- ridden. Ineursble patisnU, MRS, STONE.

(-1003. RURSINO HOME Invalids, ased MRS. NELSON IHEAD). 1700 Eastlsnd. -00S3.

PRIVATB ROOMS POR convalescents snd eiaeriy people: resutered nurse. 7-3S3-w 3 Travel Opportunities COUPLE FA88ENOERS Chlcsso gaturrtsT or Bund a is a si si. BArtnait. S-S4S5. DRIVINO TRUCK.

Knoxvllls, afternoon fist, rstura Mad. Tsks 4. DICK. -OIK. ORtVINO FORD, DETROIT.

Friday morn ine. TSie i aoat rut, 1-eMl-W. City Councilman Faces Liquor Trial Case Follows Raid On The Spot Drum Room City Councilman Wiley Arthur Jones, 54, will be tried in General Sessions Court this afternoon on a charge of illegal possession of whisky following a raid early Sun day morning on the Spot Drum Room, 801 Jefferson Street. State Highway patrolmen making the raid said they found a quantity of liquor in Jones' living quarters above the place. The raid was staged after number of complaints against the Spot Drum Room had been received by the patrol.

Chief W. C. O'Lee of the State Highway Patrol, who led the raid, declared. He said that officers found 33 half pints snd quarts of liquor in the room where Jones was. He said that Jones told him he owned the building where the Drum Room was located, but that he had nothing to do with the management of the room.

Jones admitted the liquor found by the patrolmen was his however, O'Lee said. A petition asking the revocation of the license of the Spot Drum Room has been filed with the city beer board, G. Allen Rather, secretary of the board, said yesterday. Draft Board 2 Names Inductees Davidson County draft board No. 2 yesterday announced a list of 44 registrants who have been ordered to report for Induction at an early date.

They are: Robert Maury Barest. Addison Brown Shaw, EHhiisb Jak Perry. James Wallace Osborne, Raymond Earl Moore. James Dallas McMIUen. Jack William Crowder.

Bradie Lee Toner. Truman Hush Nash. Charles Balltnser Cook. Edward Chester Woodfln. Aurue Baxter Hall.

Ross Herman Kimbroush. William Martin Smith. James Charles Parker, Jamea Allen Penteenar Nell Wavna l.uLher. Ernest Coldwell Bnell. James Pearson Yates.

James Delbert wn teneaa. i nomas hickios muuuiiks. Msrvln Lovd Sears. Ed Keith. Cecil Rye Bteohens.

Everett Lea Orubbs. Robert Earl Scrossln. Harry Edmond Beasley. Eusene Burnous Collins. Darren Leon Radlord Aaee Oariott.

Thomas Henry Scudder. Thomas Kelley Jones. Buford Earl Oannon. William Robert Smith. Maurice Luther Grant.

Charles Sherman Bradley, Elmore Lee Badler. Koo-ert Grant Islbel. Oeorse Colea DeMoss. Milan McCoy Rice. James Howard Barrett.

James Clyde West, Richard Andrew Bundy. Stan lord Allen McAdame. State, County Taxes Due, McLure Sas County Trustee R. E. McLure yesterday announced that state and county 1942 taxes are now due and payable to his office.

Tax statements will be mailed out on request Persons desiring to make payments by mail can write or call for their tax bills and when checks are mailed in, receipts will In turn be for warded by mail, said McLure. Bardl's. talThe Bonhlaticators. at aarai's. The uid mn uoooer.

Arlsht Horlson. CBS. Little. Blue. Aunt Jenny's Stories.

Kate Smith. CBS To be snnounred Helen Trent, ess Our osi Sunday, CBS. MI0NICHT Life Beautiful. CBS. Ma Perkins.

CB -News. The Ooldberss, CBS Talklns. Central Church of ChrUW Joyce Jordan, cbb Wa Leva snd Learn. CBSV Moments of Melody. Moments of Melody.

R's. Blue. s. Victory Front Usht ef the World, Orsan Melodies. News.

Awsra. stiue. Award. Award. Seott's CBB.

A. Marinaa lOlsa Coelho. CBS. Musical Memories. Musical Memories.

The Lsndt Trio. CBS. Ben Bsrnto, CBS. Sulncv Howe. CBB eyboard Capers.

CBB. Keen Binslns Aaisrsca. CM oortt wevtew Amos 'n' Andy. CBS. Harry Jamas and Musis.

CBB News. Studio. -f World. Blue. Nelson Eddy Cats Nelson Eddy MrrL Mrri.

Dr. Christian, CBS, Musle. Blue. Muala. Bob Burns CBS Bob Burns Lionel Bairemftra.

CBB Lionel Bsrmasrs Moments In Mnsls. Momenu In Musts The Sons Stvlln Visions In Music. Shift 8rch Bios-reh. Blue. eiody AleasL Interlude Orch, I6uy CBS.

Orch. Blue. rareh News, CBB. Wiehi Owl Anrn. Orch, Hoe Nhi owl Clubw aMISVM Owl Oua.

pet dog, "Pepper," was developing rabies when she disappeared a week ago. Mrs. H. F. Almond, 721 McFerrin Avenue, said the little dog had "acted strangely" for a few days -t before she wandered away from home.

"We've been advised to go ahead and take the shot," Mrs. Almond said, "but would like to find the dog and keep her under observation just to be sure." "Pepper" is a small rat terrier, tailless, with dark face and ears and a large black spot on her side. The rest of her is white, and one ar usually is drooping. Mrs. Almond asked that she be called if the dog is seen.

GREAT MOMENTS IN MUSIC The Celanest Hour "Cavalleria Rusticana" Jssaa Teaaysea sr Susanna Stsa asseas-svSraM JmPeeeee fewer Mebert Weed parte TONieHT WIAC 9:00 P. M. u. s. im.

m. fill Kmb SiifiiC Aatriea liOO Asiet VAiiy, CBS 111! Hirry imn CIS SilO The Warli Triay, CIS liOO NelMi tity, CIS 1 1SO Or. Chrlstlaa, CIS Till Caeil Irswa, Nawa SiOO lak laraa, CIS lilt Lieaal larryama, CIS liOO MaaaaH ia Mi tie, CIS lliOO Eaae Rapartar, Nawa IOiIO Wan Sairar, Nawa 1510 ON YOUR DIAL IS i If I Today's Program WSM WSR WLAC 8 A.M. TO 11 NOON 0 Moraine Percolator. The Yawn Patrol.

News, 1J Mornine Percolator. The Yawn Patrol. Tha Pert? Itinera JO Checkerboard Time. News News. Zeko Clements.

8unrissBrensde. Fairfield Pour. roOIOarrett Varieties. Martha White Rsnser. Texas Daisy Ma xima te bias Today's tna Day.

Chuck wasoa Osas. News Today's ths Day. News. Ranch Time. News.

Music for Bresktsst. Everrthtns Ones. NBC. Breakfast Club. Blue.

Musis (or Breakfast. Quartet. The Breakfast Club. Musis (or Brsakfast, The Breakfast Club. lews.

Serenade. The Breakfast Club. Muaie Box Melodies. oflivietory Volunteers. NBC Orxen Moods.

Music Box Melodies, is The O'Neills, NBC Dee Rler Boys. Melody Queen. 30 Everett and Bradlsr. Let's Learn Musle The Guidons USbi. tt Records.

Strlns Tune. Blue. News. 19 00 Road of Life, NBC. 10 Vie.

and Bade. NBC. Breakfet at Breauast the Storm. HBO. 10:48 Fashions snd Flickers, News Little Jack 11:00 Woman of America.

'n a stnusewlfa. a Housewife. snonsins 30 Perm Home Hour. NBC. 4S Par mand Home Hour RPO ISO.

RPD 80. 12 NOON TO OOlJJnlTerelty Tennessee, lScnallanser Jsmooreo JOINews 45 Bis Bister. OS State Dent, of Asriculturs. 14 John Lewis. 0 Linda's Pirrt Lava Studio Party News.

Roamln Bsukhase Ted Maione. Midday Oowbov "GO TO WAR? I SAY NO!" Blue. Devotional 1 Nary Bcrapbook. Mtry- s-ostcr. I 00 Mary MarllD, NBC iThs Three (Ths Three )'Mt rvTKina.

bbu. loiPenDer Youns. NBO. news. (vyP v.

vf.vjtttm Thelma Corbltt. to hOOINewa Iclub Matinee. Blue Stella Oaflaa BBC. Jones, NBC Brown. NBO navy E' Navy Navy 4:00 Bhopplns Arsuad IS Portia Faeee Ula Tims Newt NBO fTrlo Time.

Joi 'oae BeLhanc't i I. Blue. urant. Ttte Hound. Blue, Don Wlnslow.

Blue. 15. :30 00 On ths Band Stand Monte atcunee. Early Even Ins News. i Ah atvenins st stoma Hop Harrisatv siue.

The ISO Club. MO Club. :00 Fred arise NBC I 0 Sentiments! Settinsa Newa Erskin The Butterfleld. Road Te Vaster. sports Bponisnt.

smuaitonp*rn. nny. nvstch the Lcitv Bllca-era. 00 The Thin Man, NBC. i Tne) nin at so.

Tommy Dorsey. KBOL Hear thfs dramatic moment TONIGHT pn Drvlne Bsath Rrvini Bsath 1 :45 Tommy Dorsey, I 00 Time te Smlla. NBC Basin St. Raaln At. Tlme te Smile.

:30 Mr thai Atty. HBO. Ssolllsht Bands Blue Bpotusht Bands. Ray Oram Swtns. Blua Bwtne Serenade.

Swine Serenade. SO 4 07 47 71 SI SO 37 0 4S SI a 53 J4 44 31 SO 41 7 S4 .14 67 el 77 7t .14 34 77 It .74 .14 .41 .13 .11 4 Alpena Ashevllle Birmlnaham Burllnctoa Chlcaxa Cincinnati Cleveland Denver iuiitn City Utile Rock Louisville Memphis Meridian Minn -St. Paul Mobile Richmond St. Louis San Antoale SaveaosA "Mayor of tho Town1 starring LIONEL BARRYMORE WLAC 8:30 P. M.

Presented by a t. r. I 4S Mr. jjiat. Atty.

OO'Kay Kyaer HBC S15 Kay Kyaer. 4:30 Kay Kyaer SltiJCay Krsr. news. ISOONewa The Swine la ls Ti Wneld Crlala lAKIno Re li'UiiuthAP'l Plavhnuae. lTBG.

ah Bi 10:4 Author's ityhouas. Lou Breess 11 008 ports 11:15 Paul 1:30 Mace's ILsiiMsva. IMrta Sa.Ua Boh Allen nnh AIlM Msrun urrn. ssv, Musis aac Henry Klnst I A ts-.

The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)


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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.