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VW Type 34 Karmann Ghia Registry6068 Paseo Pradera, Carlsbad, California 92009 USA

Main Web Site:

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Lee Hedges6068 Paseo Pradera, Carlsbad, CA 92009 USATel/Fax: 760 931 9118 Mobile: 760 212 5144

Email: [emailprotected]


564 Chiquita Court, Incline Village, NV 89451 USATel: 775 831 5722 Fax: 775 832 7285

Email: [emailprotected]


12024 Songbird Hills Street, Parker, CO 80138 USATel: 303 646 0025

Email: [emailprotected]


538 Hooper Avenue, Simi Valley, CA 93065 USATel: 805 583 4173

Email: [emailprotected]

WEBMASTERScott McWilliams



136 Monte Rey S, Los Alamos, NM 87544 USATel: 505 672 3159

Email: [emailprotected]

TECHNICAL ADVISERSLarry Edson (Northern California) 408 379 4158 Email: [emailprotected] Dapper (Northern California) 925 820 1587 Email: [emailprotected]


Larry Edson662 Hawthorne Avenue, Campbell, CA 95008 USA

Tel: 408 379 4158Email: [emailprotected]


1101 Windsor Drive, Hattiesburg, MS USATel: 601 261 3905

Email: [emailprotected]


2721 East Cholla Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85028 USATel: 602.787.8356

Email: [emailprotected]


15808 - 6th Street SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2X 1J4, CanadaTel: 403 862 1575

Email: [emailprotected]


RR#1 1519 Hwy 358, Port Williams Nova Scotia,B0P 1T0, CanadaTel: 902 542 1815

Email: [emailprotected]


4 Church Farm Cottages, Collier StreetTonbridge, Kent, TN12 9RT United Kingdom

Tel: 01892 730366 Fax: 01892 730365Email: [emailprotected]

BELGUIMJurgen Magdelyns

Bremstraat 1, B-1981 Hofstade-Zemst. BelgiumTel: 3215 621388 Fax: 3215 611033

Email: [emailprotected]

GERMANYJens-Peter Schwenkhagen

Lauhstrasse 14, D-89079, Ulm, GermanyTel: +49 7305 919470 Fax: +49 7305 919471

Email: [emailprotected]

FRANCEFranck Boutier

27 Rue St Laurent, Julien de la Liegue27600 Gaillon, France

Tel: +332 3253 2259 Fax: +332 3253 3440

SWEDENLars Bengtsson

Wollmar Yxkullsgatan 35-11S-118 50, Stockholm, Sweden

Tel/Fax: +46 8 845474Email: [emailprotected]

NORWAYDag Henriksen

Mellomboelgen 47A, N-1157 Oslo, NorwayTel: +47 21905014 Fax: +47 22198769

Email: [emailprotected]

FAR EAST/JAPANHideki "Ghin" Tsurusawa

227-1 Kawaharagaya, Mishima-shiShizuoka-ken, Japan

Email: [emailprotected]

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THE LAST NEWSLETTER: Lack of Support Leads to a Free T34 WorldWith this issue of the Razor's Edge newsletter, youhold history in your hands. This will be the last edition.While the T34 changed very little over its lifespan,many other things have. The newsletter has been inconstant publication since the late 1980s and with greatsuccess. We've shared our stories, literature, personalphotos and technical advice through the years. In theearly days of the internet, the newsletter was the mainmode of communication among members and it wasinstrumental in getting them to refer to the new Type34 website. Most have done just that and today it isthe single most comprehensive archive of T34knowledge in the world. The internet is the main hub ofactivity for the vintage VW world and our beloved Type34s. With the declining support of the membership interms of submitting articles and renewing of dues, theonline experience has taken the central role and withthis final issue it will become the braintrust of all thingsrelated to the marque. It is by far the best way toaccomodate the Type 34 world as it exists today.The Registry has always been based on 3 principles:Registration, Restoration and Preservation of Type34s. The best tool we have for this today is the internetwebsite. It is real time and reaches all corners of theworld. Until now it has been only marginally accessibleto the casual T34 owner and enthusiast. This is goingto change. With this final newsletter we will no longerhave a need for dues and with that, access to theRegistry website and archives will no longer need to beregulated. With an 'open' group it will encourage anyand all T34 enthusiasts to join the fold. This shouldlead to a marked increase in daily activity. Moreexposure of T34s in general will lead to more

interaction among owners and enthusiasts. With thatwe should see more cars being registered, parts beinglisted and T34s put back on the road.An interactive and easy to use registration section willbe implemented as well as increased server speed toaccomodate everyone including the dial-up user. We'llhave the familiar forums as well as a daily mailing list towhoever is interested. At some point, virtually all of theinformation contained in the newsletters will beavailable on the website. Most of that information willbe in full color as well. By registering on the site,enthusiasts and owners will be notified by e-mailwhenever any important event happens in the Type 34world. Member input in terms of stories and or photoswill still be encouraged as well. These days it is mucheasier to take a few photos and post them then everbefore. Personal owner galleries will serve to highlighteach owner's full color no less.Everyone will be encouraged to participate and sharetheir T34 story whether they are an owner, looking tobuy or just and enthusiast.Yes, this is a huge change. The newsletter has been agreat tool (I still have every issue from 1988 in my livingroom magazine rack) but like many before it, the timehas come to put it to pasture and embrace the new.The Registry has always supported the Type 34marque and it's best interest. It will continue to do so.Look for a bigger and brighter future for owners andenthusiasts worldwide.

Your T34 Registry officers: Lee Hedges, Paul Colbert,Scott Perry, Scott McWilliams, and Doug Gray

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ON THE COVERAfter more than 20 years of working on it, Paul Colbert’s 1963 gets a fresh coat of Anthracite & Pearl White!

COLOR NEWSLETTERThis color newsletter can be found online at:

Me and my squareback, circa 1986

EDITOR'S DESK: For the Last Time…By Doug Gray (Parker, Colorado USA)

I must admit as I sit down to write my last column, Ihave no idea what I want to say. The thought of theT34 Registry changing over to a free organization withno written newsletter feels eerily similar to the day afterI graduated from high school. I woke up on that warmJune morning and thought “now what”? For the prior 18years of my life, I knew exactly what I was going to doevery day, well at least Monday thru Friday anyway. It’sfunny how complacent one can become when theyknow what to expect. I think this is what frightens methe most about moving to an all on-line club with noone real person in charge of the so-called ship. Butthen I think of allthe on-line clubsout there thatare flourishingand growing at amuch higherrate than ourbeloved T34Registry. Imean, have youseen thenumber ofpeople that gotothesamba.comeach day? It’sstaggering tosay the least.Now, I’m arealist and don’texpect theRegistry to begin approaching the numbers posted onthe samba, but I do think there is room for improvementover our current membership numbers. There areseveral sites I visit each day in addition to the Registrysite such as, When I look at the worldwide participantson those sites, I start feel better about our decision tochange to a free Internet only club. On those sites, theinformation about those particular cars is exchangedfreely, and oddly enough, it seems to work. When aparticular thread gets off topic, the members get it backon topic, without the need for a central figure that acts

as the “site police”. I think this is important, because aninteresting dynamic occurs anytime one person is putin charge of directing the flow of information. Theperson in charge of policing the site soon becomes thetarget of hostility, and ultimately hard feelings developbetween “management” and the members. Having afree membership will also allow the casual T34 ownerto come and go from our club when he or she wants towithout having to worry about whether they’remembership is current. I’ve often felt that we miss outon the expertise of this type of enthusiast simplybecause life away from their VW has them occupied,

and they can’talways be anactive member.And then there isthe enthusiastthat has alwaysbeen fascinatedwith our belovedT34’s, but notenough to jointhe Registry.Having a freesite will allow thisperson to gaininformation, andhopefully, willinspire them tojump in feet first,and purchase aT34.

Youknow now that I look back, I remember feeling prettysecure in high school, living at home with my parents,driving my squareback, and not a care in the world.That all changes the day you graduate, and head offinto the unknown. On the other hand, I really like thelife I have now, some 18 years later, and wouldn’t tradeplaces with that “safe me” for anything…….. I think oneday we’ll all look back and say the same thing aboutthe old T34 Registry and be happy we moved on froma paid membership to one of unlimited possibilities.

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END OF AN ERA: A Change in Format & LeadershipBy Lee Hedges (Founder, President, & Editor 1989-97 & 2002)

When the T34 Registry was founded back in 1989 theinternet & email was not available. We communicatedour stories, restoration tips, parts sources, and eventsthrough the Razor's Edge newsletter. Many thingshave changed in the world today to enable the worldcommunity to become better connected quickly &easily & inexpensively. Email through our personalcomputers allow us to "talk" instantly and sharephotographs. Web sites allow us to store informationcritical to restorations, photos of events & parts, anddiscuss the trials & tribulations of our T34 hobby. Thenewsletter has become a publication mainly for ournon-internet members, to keep them in the loop (ofwhich these members are just 15% of the totalmembership). But the newsletter is also 95% of ourannual expenses and it is atremendous amount of workto compile, format, andpolish to perfection. Andwe've noticed over the pastcouple years that ourmembership has slowly butgradually declined to 60%of what it had been for thepast 13 years. Fewermembers means fewerdollars to pay for our finenewsletter. So these issueswere discussed amongstour officers and it was themajority opinion that westop printing the newsletterand open the club up to theworld to increase activitywith all that love the T34.It makes me deeply sad to lose the newsletter and ourclub organization, as it was a top-rate publication andso full of information & details. It has also been ourmain identification, something that showed the worldthat we were serious about our hobby. But the website is the storehouse for our information now, clearlythe greatest site in the world for "all things T34". Itmakes me mad that the declining membership may bedue to T34 owners feeling the $25/year membershipfee was too much and that they could find what theyneeded for free on the internet. I feel it began withDaniel's email group, open to all T34 owners andoutside the control of the T34 Registry. But the T34Registry team has made a decision, the right decisionfor all (except those without the internet), and we must

change with the advances in technology. I sincerelyhope that by offering an open free T34 world toeveryone that the result will be more T34s on the road.Where will it go from here? Scott McWilliams & PaulColbert will be leading the modification of our web siteto make it an open site for all and with Scott Perry'shelp these three will be the main decision-makers fromnow on. I will become, like all of you, just a T34 owner,and no longer responsible for the T34 Registry. Thisnewsletter will be the last Razor's Edge published inhardcopy format. There will be no more membershipdues, and the minimal expenses of running the website will be covered by donations from T34 owners thatvalue what they are now getting for free. There will bean email discussion group established in addition to the

archived forums. And therewill be classified adspostings with photosavailable to all. Thesechanges should make yourT34 hobby experiencecomplete. If you are one ofour non-internet members, Iencourage you to get acomputer with internet &email access. It will changeyou life, as it has done forall of us.Lastly, I would be remiss if Ididn't offer my sincereappreciation to the fewmembers that have kept theT34 Registry alive for allthese years. Derek Frow of

the KGOC-GB was always there to provide insightfulsupport & ideas from the very beginning in 1989. ScottPerry was instrumental in reviving the newsletter backin 1997. Paul Colbert took on the design &development of our first web site, working tirelessly totransform our organization into a worldwide entity.Scott McWilliams stepped in recently to offer histalents at web design and radically improved ourinternet offerings to keep us modern. Doug Graysinglehandedly kept the T34 Registry from dying lastyear when he took over Editor duties of our belovednewsletter. And Fred Hampel took over the regaliaand relieved that part of the club responsibility. All ofthese guys put in countless hours of their lives to makeyour T34 Registry experience more meaningful, and weall owe them a great deal of respect & appreciation.

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ONE MEMBERS OPINION: An Electronic T34 Registry!By Paul Colbert (Webmaster & Online Membership Services)

News items!!! The hardcopy Razor’s Edge newsletterhas ended, T34 owners must now be connected to theInternet in order to join our network, and Lee isstepping down from over a dozen years worth of work(thanks, Lee!). These are huge changes that affect ourlittle world and you will find several articles with thesesubjects in this newsletter.Not having fresh-willing members to pick up duties wasthe primary cause of the demise of our newsletter.Many people “took” more than they “gave” resulting inan unacceptable workload for the officers. The officersare now retiring leaving it up to T34 owners to fend forthemselves on the Internet for their T34 needs.

Scott McWilliams has offered hundreds of dollars ofserver space and web traffic to keep the organizationgoing online for free! And Doug & I will take on theRegalia items. It is now up to EVERYONE toparticipate in our online community.Want a web site with fresh content? Submit your ownarticles, forum responses, emails, and photos! Don’trely on the former Registry officers to provide contenton the web site. They have been doing it for yearsalready.Stay involved and keep the club alive!

INTERNET NEWS: The Times, They Are A-Changing …By Scott McWilliams (Webmaster)

I've been part of this Registry for around three yearsnow. During that time, I've tried to help out where Icould. Part of that help has been working on thewebsite. As you may know, we did a major rework ofthe website about a year ago. The new site allows forpeople to actually interact online, as well as having thedeep technical archives from the previous site. We alsoadded a photo gallery so everyone could add photos oftheir projects, toys or dream cars to the site. Needlessto say, the new site has been a huge hit. Besides theRegistry members that are joining in the fun, we'vebeen able to interact with non-members as well.Now that paid memberships are gone this will be aneven LARGER experience. We have over 400 peopleregistered on the site now, and there will be even morewhen we open up the site to all of them. That's morepeople to share tech tips with, more people to swapparts with, and more people to talk VWs with.

In honor of this new chapter in the Registry, I am yetagain redesigning the site to make it even MORE userfriendly. I am also adding in a Classified Ads section tomake it easier to buy and sell your Type 34 parts.Another new addition will be an old friend...we'rebringing back the Mailing List. For those of you thatprefer to get updates via email, you'll be happy to seethe list back. For those who prefer the web-basedForums, those will be improved and upgraded as well.Use them both! Also, keep your eyes peeled for a newRegistry logo. Shirts, hats, stickers and more will beavailable soon. All proceeds will go to helping improveand maintain the website.I'm looking forward to this new era in the Registry forthe greatest car VW ever built! I'll see you online!

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EVOLUTION: Farewell Old FriendBy Scott Perry (VP & Past Razor’s Edge Editor 1997-2001)

Things are evolving. Just like they were when I joinedback in 1997. The website was in its infancy, thenewsletter was on life-support and things were in aprecarious state of not one or the other. It was a timewhen both needed each other. The newsletter wasbecoming stale and the website had a chance to feedsome life into it in terms of content. The website hadvirtually no exposure and needed a way to reach themembership that was largely offline. Hand in handthey faced it together and things flourished.

In those first 5 years I published the newsletter wetripled membership and registered another 500 T34s.The content was fantastic since I had great supportfrom longtime members and new ones alike. Moreevents were scheduled and with the burgeoningwebsite we hit an all time high in terms of Registrypresence and activity. I enjoyed compiling the pictures,words and original literature images to tell the the Type34 story from different perspectives. After 5 years Ihanded off the publishing duties to enjoy theexperience from my lounge chair for a change. It wasall that I hoped for. I simply loved the experience!

Having said that, I am very excited about the newdirection we are headed. The newsletter has been agreat medium over the years but, especially in the lastfew, the content is dated by the time it hits the printer.Much of it has been previewed on the website (in color)or tossed around by members in the forums. Theinternet website and it's 'real time' medium has takencenter stage in terms of getting the content around. Itis simply a better medium in today's day and age. Andwith the elimination of dues and members-only accessto the website, I expect to see a great spike in activity.

I am proud to have been newsletter publisher ('97-'01)and played a part in the resurgence of the Registry inthese last 7 years. I still have every issue from 1988 inmy living room magazine rack. A big thanks goes toLee, Paul, Doug, Scott McWilliams and all those thathelped. Nobody could be a bigger supporter of thenewsletter than I, but it's time for change and to takethat success even farther. I look forward to this newage for the Type 34 Karmann Ghia Registry.

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2003 RETROSPECTIVE: Looking Back to Give ThanksThe year of 2003 seemed to go so quickly. It’simportant to give thanks and remind everyone just howhard some of our members are working for the T34Registry and to increase the awareness of T34s.Reproduction T34 Seals from Thailand: PoP inThailand has made an extraordinary effort to reproducesome very difficult to find seals for us at veryreasonable prices. Vent window seals, turn signalseals, tail light seals, headlite seals, bumper brackets,front and rear window seals, & more! Be sure to buythese seals now before he stops repro’ing them! Emailhim at [emailprotected] and be sure to thank himfor helping make these available.New North American T34 Record! The VW Classicweekend saw 28 T34s in one event to shatter the 1991record of 22. Manyowners drove & towedtheir T34s to this hugeevent to make it possibleincluding Ian Cuthbertsoncoming 3300 miles fromCanada, Rich Mason &Doug Gray fromColorado, Paul Colbertfrom Nevada, EverettBarnes & Yancy Everhartdriving from Arizona, andeven the Richards fromHawaii flying over to drivea T34 to the events!Scott McWilliams boughta new 1964 Sunroof justin time for the event andworked overtime topersonally ensure 5 moreT34s were there including getting Larry Edson’s T34from Northern California. A truly historic event!Doug Gray takes over Editor duties: there is nobigger job in this club than building each Razor’s Edgenewsletter from scratch, finding stories & photos,hounding owners to send details, maintaining theclassified ads, and organizing everything into ourbeloved quarterly newsletter. The Registry has hadthree Editors in the clubs 14 year history and Doug hasmade his first year an outstanding start! Without anEditor the club would surely die a quick death, so we’revery fortunate & thankful to have Doug take control ofthis essential element of the club. Thanks, Doug!Tom Reay’s 1965 345 Restoration: there are veryfew T34 owners that take their restorations seriously,down to separating the pan from the body, media

blasting, and fully restoring every detail to like-new.Tom bought a very nice original 345 and transformed itinto one of the world’s best T34s all within a short time.Hard work, persistence, and a bit of luck has madeTom’s restoration a bright & inspiring example of whatcan be done with a T34 restoration. Good work, Tom!KG International in England: the 2003 KG Intl wasthe site for T34 owners from five countries comingtogether for a weekend of friendship, adventurousdriving, and new experiences. Lee & Jon House(USA), Andy Holmes, Clive Richardson, Derek Frow,Stephen Wright, & Mark Poulton (England), DanielBaum (Israel), Graham Filmer (Scotland), and MichelBlondin (France) all got a chance to meet each otherand share a memorable weekend in England. In this

world of conflicts &sadness it’s great to knowT34 owners from aroundthe world can cometogether in friendship &camaraderie. And beingfortunate to not only seebut drive Andy Holmes’amazing 1965 344, testClive & Janet’s two T34s,& Mark’s 1968 was a thrillLee & Jon won’t forget!New Web Site &Forums: ScottMcWilliams put in a hugeamount of effort torevamp our beloved website by modernizing thelook as well as adding anew Forums feature to

enhance discussions. Paul Colbert also spent manymany hours transferring all the old web site articles,photos, & info onto the new site. Both of these guysworked tirelessly to upgrade our electronic daily fix …New Original Cabriolet found! Another 1963convertible surfaced in Germany late this year and it’sthe most authentic of the five known original Cabrioletsthat exist today. Karmann only built 10 Cabriolet’s in1963 so this is a major discovery! Thanks to JorgFischer for sharing it!New Original Owner! Rose Vardanian bought her1965 T34 in Germany, drove it for a few months inEurope, and then brought it back to California. Thereare very few original owners left and she’s still drivinghers! She joined the Registry in June 2003.

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PARTS BIN: What’s New & What’s ComingEinstein of not only loves Volkswagens,he loves to make racks for them. Originally, he onlymade racks for the VW bus, however it was only amatter of time before he started to reproduce vintageroof racks for T34's. The T34 racks are made out ofcold rolled steel, powdercoated silver with oak woodslats. Unlike other designs, eycorack's are light-weightand accent the roof line of the Ghia. Special care wasalso taken in the design of the clamps. The Rackpictured on Dan's T34 goes for $350.00 (plus shippingand handling). You can visit Einstein online, or 909-317-6168

BREAKING NEWSOur friend PoP from Thailand has informed me that heis putting the finishing touches on several obsoleteseals including the rear pop-out seals, door seals, innerfront turn lens seals, and door handle seals. As with allof PoPs seals, these will be of the highest quality andreasonably priced. We’ll keep you posted. PoP’scontact information can be found in the classifiedssection of the newsletter.

So you’ve finished your interior, and you’re stuckwith a dilemma, what to do with your old door pillarseals? In the past, most people would just reuse theirold crusty ones, but now there is a solution. Sewfinehas had these in their inventory almost as long as theyhave been in business. Sewfine refers to these piecesas door pillar windlace, are meant to replace part nos.343-831-711 A, 343-831-712 A, and 343-831-725 A,located on the body pillars that run from the top of thedoors down to the floor. At $39.95 for aset, it’s a bargain, and they are availablein many colors, but as you can see, Ichose black.

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History Lesson: Public’s First Look at the VW 1500 Karmann GhiaThe T34 was designed by Carrozzeria Ghia in Turin,Italy in 1959-60. The pre-production T34s were built byWilhelm Karmann in Osnabruck, Germany in 1961.VW was extremely secretive of the VW 1500 seriesprogram. VW even kept the Notchback & Variantdesign work in a sealed-access covered-windowbuilding that had been burned in a factory accident. Nophotos were released to the press until early 1961when VW offered several b&w photos of the three VW1500 models. VW wanted to build the anticipation forthe unveiling as well as gauge the reaction to thissignificant change in VWs market strategy. The officialunveiling was to be at the Frankfurt International AutoShow (IAA) in September 1961.Volkswagen’s VW 1500display at the IAA wassimply stunning … Beetles& Notchbacks & Variantsall positioned above thecrowd with mirrorsreflecting all the angles.There were even a coupleNotchback Cabriolets ondisplay and the public wasallowed to open the doorsand climb inside for acloser look-see! But noT34 models in theVolkswagen booth.The VW 1500 KarmannGhia models (Coupe &Cabriolet) were in theKarmann display right next

to the Notchback Cabriolet, 1200 KG models, and thenew Porsche 356 Hardtop Cabriolet & Coupe. The T34Cabriolet was on an elevated rotating round platform afoot above the crowd so everyone could get a goodlook but not touch. The T34 Coupe was on the floorand both featured a rear license plate reading“KARMANN” to clearly identify the coachbuilder.The reaction to the new T34 design was one ofexcitement, wonder, and controversy. The frontaldesign was the most unusual of all VW models and therear treatment had round tail lights. The beltline stylingline was relatively common amongst othermanufacturers like BMW, Pontiac, and Fiat. But theengine size was unanimously deemed underpowered

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Type 14 Coupe 1734Notchback Sedan 1600Beetle Sedan 1185Peugeot 404 Coupe 1833Type 34 Coupe 2198Triumph Spitfire 4 MkI 2199Chevy Corvair Monza 2272Type 34 Cabriolet 2375Ford Mustang 6cyl 2500Porsche 356 Coupe 3463

compared to other models in its price range. It wasplaced into the “economy sports car” class due to itsengine size & performance, (the reason VW changedto dual carbs in 1964 to provide more power). Overall,however, the press had very nice things to report aboutour VW 1500 Karmann Ghia by Volkswagen.Two of the primary leaders responsible for the T34development, Wilhelm Karmann & Luigi Segre (lowerright), spent some time at the Karmann standinspecting the T34s on display and discussing thevarious design elements and production-related issues.

Road & Track magazine (USA) did anice article showcasing the new carsat the 1961 Frankfurt Show and theT34 Coupe (above) & VW 1500 seriescars were featured with huge photoson the first pages.

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MEMBERS RIDES: 34 Carat Gold RazorEdge in England

Joe & Jo Gallagher in Essex, England have ownedseveral VWs over the years but never a T34. When Jodecided she wanted to build a street rod custom carshe wanted a car that was spectacular, attention-getting, and unique … and settled on a T34, a car thathas style & flair all its own. Now this project was notgoing to be a daily driver or half-assed job, it was going

to be a one-of-a-kind killer customcreation, one that Jo would beproud of for many years to come.They found a LHD 1963 Coupethat had been imported to Englandfrom the USA (the least amount ofrust possible) and bought a RHDparts car for the dash conversionprocess & proper English drivingposition. She enlisted the help ofSimon Emery & crew at ThePaintbox to do the painstakinglydifficult task of repairing the rustand applying the Pagan Gold fade-away paint. Simon also helped todesign this creation with manyAmerican street-rodder features.Fade-away paint is known to bethe single most difficult feature todo well on a custom car. Theyfilled the side markers & front turnsignals as well as stripped off all

the scripts & trim. The body & paint work wasdone in just 9 weeks, including the lower 8 inchesof metal replaced all the way around the car!Subtle custom features include an original Hurstshifter with white cue ball, one-piece bumperblades, white undercarriage & interior, polishedRader wheels on 145/165 whiteline tires, louvredbelly pan, 1959 Cadillac influenced tail lightlenses, pinstriping, and a cut steering wheel.

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Under the rear decklid lurks a race-ready 2007ccengine with 45 Dellorto carbs and a race-built tranny.Jo plans to race this car on the strip after the showcircuit. Street rodder styling & power to match!

The results? Best of Show award at the prestigiousVolksWorld show in England and this VolksWorldcover shot … and well-deserved too! CongratulationsJo & Joe! Well done! Your custom 1963 definitely isthe top custom T34 in the world!

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RESTO STATUS: Paul Colbert’s 20+ Year Restoration … Progress!

After towing my 1963 down to the VW Classic (fromLake Tahoe, Nevada) to help break the record (above)I brought it to Jimmy Braxmeyer’s VW Restorations inSan Diego for paint and body work (below). Glowingrecommendations from Lee and Jon House were theprimary reasons for choosing this shop since I’d seenwhat Jimmy had done with Jon’s T34. Prior to thisstage it had been dipped in a hot chemical tankstripping off all old paint, bondo, and rust. This processrevealed many “restoration tasks” which were coveredup by years of previous body work.

Jimmy and his crew separated the body from chassisand put the body on jacks enabling them to easilyaccess the vehicle from all angles. Many hours havebeen spent straightening body panels, block sanding,and fixing rust damage. Jimmy is indeed aperfectionist and will not let something be doneincorrectly. Exactly what I was looking for …One panel, the rear apron (above right), could not beworked to his satisfaction. He made a request for aNOS one and Lee was able to deliver this rare part

within a day or two. It is great having friends to helpout when you are 500 miles away! While Lee wasthere he was able to take some excellent color photosof the progress. You can see them on the web at

In January the rear apron was installed. It is hard tobelieve that, in six months, a finished vehicle will be inmy garage just waiting for me to put it together. I amlooking forward to having it at this year’s VW Classic to

show everyone the progress.

Project update: Feb 5th , 2004:Jimmy took the helm and has begunapplying the paint to the finished body!He made a request to use GermanGlasurit paint (the same paint Karmannused to paint it 40 years ago!) rather thana domestic brand. He likes the way itdries on the body because it does notleave small evaporation holes in the paintand gives a deep lustrous finish.

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Choosing the color was especially tough. I have arestored Brick Red & Ivory interior and wanted anoriginal exterior color which came with that scheme.After much feedback from various individuals,Anthracite with a Pearl White top was chosen. Thiswas perfect for me … nice and conservative yet makesa bold statement with the red/ivory interior upholstery.While the painting process is going on Lee has offeredto order & install the thin-white-wall co*ker radial tires.The painter suggested the freshly-painted T34 sit for atleast a month before touching it, giving the Glasuritpaint time to cure properly. After the paint cures WestCoast Classics will handle the German square weavecarpet kit and a local trim shop will install the headlinerI got from Lars Neuffer in Germany.

This most expensive part of my 20+ yearproject is extremely exciting. After all thistime it is finally coming together quickly. Withluck, I plan to pick it during the June VWClassic weekend and tow it back home.Lastly, I would like to thank Lee for helpingwith this pre-assembly stage & garagestorage. Managing a restoration project from500 miles away is next to impossible and Iwould have missed many details if it were notfor his generous offer to help.

The final stage of the project, assembly, could takeabout a year or more. The T34 was entirely strippeddown to the shell and needs to be completelyresembled just like at the factory 40 years ago. Therebuilt engine also needs to be “debugged” and tunedto run in high altitude. The coolest best part I get to doby myself ... slapping on the NOS parts I have beencollecting since college.

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AN ENGLISH FABLE: A Tale of Adversity and WoeBy Chris Wright (KGOC-GB, Newbury Berkshire, United Kingdom)

I bought this Sea Blue 1964 344 (0 435 190) in Aprilfrom club member Mike Powell who ran it for 13 years.I've been a member of the KGOC-GB for quite a fewyears, previously having restored a '68 T1 Ghia and Iprovide a technical telephone support for membersproblems. After several Beetles, I restored and ran aLHD 68 T1 Ghia for 7 years and eventually swapped itfor a rare all-steel Australian coachbuilt replicaHebmuller in1996. It was funcollecting andbackdating thisto original-ageparts, but I gotthe 7 year itchlast year andstarted to lookaround for a newinterest. Mywife persuadedme that if I gotanyhing else, itwould have tobe another Ghiaas I stillsupported theUK Clubmembers withtheir techyqueries and shecouldn't standthe thought ofme startingagain learningabout anothermake. I thoughta T34 would bemore interestingand a moremodern drivequality thananother T1 so Ibought MikePowells'basically-sound 64.It only has 62K miles on the clock and all the history toprove it. It had some bubbles here and there so I knewI'd need to do some bodywork on it. The problemswere all on the left, the bottom corner under theheadlight and edge of the nose, rear of front wing nearthe A post, door and rear wing round the torsion bar

hole. The only bad surprise was the hidden crossmember under the spare wheel well, which wascompletely rotted and quite difficult to reproduce.I'm a reasonably good sheet metal worker but have noskill or equipment for welding, so I did the entire cuttingout and fabricating, riveted the patches in place, and afriend welded around them for me. After all this, theentire car except the roof was re-sprayed. This part of

the restoration worktook 4 months. Itlooked fantastic andI was well pleasedwith it.Interior-wise, it wasvery good. I just didsome seat

repadding/seam-sewing, new carpetsand re-bushed adoor hinge. It hadnever even had aradio fitted until 2weeks ago when Iput a 60's Blaupunktin. Only deviationfrom original is a

(hopefullytemporary) starterbutton fitted in thecigar lighter hole,because the onlyreplacement ignitionswitch I can locateis £135 ($225),which isoutrageous! Thekey switch stillworks but I have topress this button tofire up. At least itwon't cause anymore damage.A new clutch and oil

seals were fitted also and it drove really well. Then itstarted to leak oil from the (new) flywheel seal so I tookout the engine and fitted a silicone seal, but even afterthat it still leaked a bit.

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A week later, I decided to drive it to work for a nice 80-mile round-trip run. Doing about 65-70mph along theBasingstoke bypass, the rather dodgy oldignition/starter switch must have made contact by itself,firing the starter and holding it there. (I didn't know whatwas causing it at the time, all I knew was there was thishorrendous grinding, screaming noise). By the time Iwas able to stop, the engine was locked solid and I hadto get the car recovered to a friend'sgarage. Over the next week, they tookthe engine out and found the starter hadchewed the flywheel up completely.Moral: Don't risk it if your starter switchgets a bit shaky, change it before it goescompletely wrong!Type 3 Detectives supplied asecondhand 200mm 6 volt style flywheeland another silicone seal and I had aspare starter motor, so we got it backtogether. It ran OK but the oil justpoured out, worse than before. Thegarage took the engine out again andfitted yet another silicone flywheel oilseal very carefully and my long-sufferingwife drove me to collect it. By 2Junctions down the M4 towards home, itwas overheating badly, and the oil lightcame on, they hadn't refitted the (new)air bellows properly. It was also stillleaking oil!

****A warning to others, these airintake bellows are slightly deeper atthe bottom than the top. If you fitthem the right way up (with therectangular blocks to the bottom),they fit easily. The other way up andthey are too short to fixproperly.******This was easily fixed and there didn'tappear to be any long-term damageto the engine, but the oil was stillpouring out. What to do next? Iwas getting desperate! 2 differentflywheels and 4 oils seals suggestedthat something else that was causingit. I suspected back pressure on theoil due to a broken piston ring orsomething, but couldn't be sure. Inthe end I decided to cut my lossesand have a new engine fitted. Afterall, the rest of the car was lookingfantastic and I was planning to keep

it for years, so why not? At least I'd get rid of all theworries and suspicions about the old engine.That's when I found that 6 volt single-port type 3engines aren't easy to come by. Type 3 engines havedifferent castings to T1 engines and are not socommon anyway, but early 6 volt ones are quite a bitdifferent to their later 12 volt twin port relatives too. The200mm flywheel with 109 teeth for the 6 volt starter is

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now quite rare as it was only usedfor about 4 years in the '60s. The 6volt engine crankshafts were slightlydifferent to the later '12 volt' onestoo. But changing the car over to12 volts to match a new twin portengine would cost a lot extra, so Ididn't want to go down that avenue.(Add it up; it's not cheap, especiallyfor a T34!).After much ringing round, the onlycompany who could help wasVolkspares. None of the other re-manufacturers could help withoutwaiting months for a 'special'. I'd hada couple of Volkspares engines inthe past and they had both beenvery good, so I plumped for a 1600single port engine with headsdesigned to run on unleaded. Idecided to have it fitted by a Volkspares approvedgarage rather than do it myself. It's a lot more work toswap all the bits over on a T3 than on a T1 engine andI'd already spent several months working on the car.Also, I thought it would help with the warranty if therewere any problems). I chose Beetlelink near Farnhamto do it, as they were near my work and there were noaircooled-experienced garages near my home.Driving the 50 miles there, I lost over half a litre of oil,so I felt that I'd made the right decision.It took Beetlelink 2 full days to fit it, partly because the

old and "new" engines were subtly different. i.e.: Thebrand new heads didn't have the same fin shape for thethermostat as the old heads and a new bracket neededto be made. I went to collect it, started it up and itshook like a leaf in a storm! The flywheel was way outof balance. Beetlelink agreed that it was unacceptableand removed it.Volkspares sent down a replacement flywheel and theengine came out again. Unfortunately, this one alsovibrated a little bit so they agreed to get the previous

one fully balanced and a fewdays later it was refitted. Great,no vibration, engine seemedsmooth but it was leakingagain!! After some discussion,Volkspares suggested to usethe supplied paper gasketversus the silicone variety. Sothey fit the paper gasket on theend of the crank in place of thetin one and reset the endfloat,fitted the standard seal and lo-and-behold, after a good longrun and a long tickover with asheet of cardboard under it, noleaks! After 2 weeks ofmessing around, they calledme very happily to say I couldcollect it. I arranged the lifts toget me to work the next day.Then, disaster!!!! Beetlelinkcalled me at work the nextmorning. They'd had a break-inCreated by alientools PDF Generator, trial version, to remove this mark, please register this software.

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overnight and the thieves had stolen some stuffincluding a can of Nitromors paintstripper which they'dpoured over two customers cars, mine being one ofthem. The bonnet, boot, and roof were all wrecked. If Iever catch them, they will suffer the same fate as mycar did. Or worse!I borrowed a car and drove out there and gave mystatement to the police and drove my car to Aldershotto the insurance approved bodyshop. It seemed todrive OK, even if it looked a mess! After a week'sdelay, Beetlelink's insurance agreed to the estimate.NJR of Aldershot stripped the car, bare-metaled about70% of the body and started the refinishing process.Once straight with the minor dings and joints re-filled, itreceived a coat of etch primer, followed by 4 coats ofpolyester spray filler, then 4 coats of primer, all blockeddown between each. Onecoat of wet-primer and 3top coats in the originalcolours of Sea Blue andBlue-White, and thepolishing and refittingbegan.It took them about 21/2weeks of solid work and itcost over £2100 ($3500),of which some £500 wasthe cost of the paint.They finished it 2 daysbefore Christmas and itlooked like a brand newcar, the finish was sogood and straight, sodifferent from the sadmess that I took there a month before. After the 50mile drive home I checked the new engine and foundjust a drip of oil from the area of the junction with thegearbox. Oh no, maybe the flywheel oil seal wasn'tquite right still?I called Volkspares and they were very helpful, invitingme to bring it in for them to look at. As it's 80 miles toSydenham and I was running in, I left home at 5:30am.While they were showing me round their factory, (veryinteresting), their workshop whipped the engine out andfound no leaks from the flywheel oil seal (Hurrah!) sothe oil drip must be running from elsewhere. Theychecked and tightened all the other nuts on the engine.I ran it for a few miles to check and it was fine so I setoff for the traffic of the South Circular road. After 80miles and 3 hours travel home, it was still dry as abone. Yippee! Whatever had caused the drip, it's allsorted out at last.

Words of wisdom to other owners fitting flywheel oilseal: They MUST fitted squarely right back in the caseagainst the shoulder, NOT flush as some manualssuggest. Check the hub of the flywheel isn't ridgedand worn and is very smooth. And most importantly,the rear hub of the flywheel MUST BE WELL OILED toprotect the seal from burning on start-up. Siliconeseals especially, tend to grip and tear or burn if startedup dry. I learned this gem of wisdom the hard wayafter 9 seals and 4 flywheels! The leaks seem to begone for good now.In spite of the pain of the oil dripping and vandalismdisaster, I'd like to thank Beetlelink for theirperseverance when a planned one-and-a-half-day jobturned into a two-and-a-half-week nightmare. I canimagine how they must have felt, ringing me to give me

the bad news of the vandalism after all the previoushassles. I'd also like to thank Volkspares for theirsupport to Beetlelink when faced with the flywheelproblems. They took action immediately and alsopicked up the extra cost of labour time withouthesitation, which makes them 'good folks' in my book.I hope to use it as my daily driver when I retire fromwork in 2-3 years time so I've spent lots of timeremoving rust, treating and painting and "waxoyling"the underside to make it last a long time. It's not to be anever-used show car (although I may well show it fromtime to time).The next job is to start collecting difficult-to-get sparesto keep it on the road in the future. 6 volt bits aregetting rarer by the year and I'd also like to get somespare glass etc.Keep the faith.....

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A LOOK BACK: Australian Mobilgas Test in 1966Back in the 1950’s & 60’s VW was actively promotingitself in the new Australian market. There were annualRedex, Ampol, and Mobilgas trials around Australia toevaluate cars in extreme conditions. In the 1950’s theVW Beetle won these Tests (1955-58) and gainedtremendous respect for reliability, ruggedness, andvalue which resulted in a huge surge in sales.In 1959 the new company Volkswagen Australia wasformed and the factory began outputting Beetles, Type2s, and Type 3s. They never built Karmann Ghiamodels simply because they did not have Karmann’scoachbuilding expertise.The Mobilgas Test of 1966 was a grueling endurance &reliability tour around Australia. It was considered to bevery hard on cars and few competitors even finishedthe event. Most manufacturers entered cars mainly forthe publicity these runs generated. The cars weretested from the city to the outback. This test ran fromMelbourne Victoria to Adelaide South Australia toRockhampton Queensland for a total of 3000 miles.Every make of car participated and fuel was suppliedby Mobil to promote Mobilgas petrol at the time.Manufacturers helped with service support crews and

vans stocked with tools and parts en route. The mainobjective was to complete the entire Trial route withminimum loss of points. By the 1960’s Volkswagenwas so dominant that the Trials lost general publicappeal. The Volkswagen team for 1966 consisted ofthe models that were available at dealerships. The T34Model 344 Coupe that appears in these photos is a1966 model year (aluminum rear view mirror & 4-lughub caps) and was driven by a pair of ladies.

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RESTO ADVICE: Original Carpet & Headliner Resoration TipsReplacing the carpet & headliner in a 40 year old T34is a must-do and most would think it’s an easy task, butif you’re after the very best we’re going to share withyou what we did to make the most authentic carpet &headliner possible.There are two sources for T34 carpet kits in the USA:Sewfine in Colorado and West Coast Classics inSouthern California. Since Jon wanted the very bestfor his 344 we decided to meet with West CoastClassics’ Lenny Copp for a more hands-on approach.By far the most important thing we did to create anauthentic carpet kit was to save & reuse the originalcarpet trim pieces (pedals, heater vents, tunnel, rearvents, foot rest pads). We asked Lenny to cut them outof the old carpet and sew them into the new Germansquare weave carpet (see their sample colors at

Jon chose the black carpet to give the closest match tothe original black cloth edge trim. Lenny’s crew wasable to remove the rubber trim pieces, clean them, andsew them into the new carpet to produce an incredibleauthentic look to the carpet! You’d swear we usedNOS carpet trim but the original trim was just so nice.West Coast Classics has the carpet templates for the1964-66 T34s with the dual heater control on the tunneland can make your carpet kit the same way if you wantto send your original carpet rubber trim pieces to them.Turnaround was 3 days. Price is around $800 but ifyou want the best then there’s no substitute forGerman square weave & authentic trim & cloth edging.For the right look it’s also important to use the originaltar board pieces for insulation, sound deadening, andproper lay of the carpet.

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As for headliners, we’ve seen several different styles ofheadliner pillar replacements, some using theperforated headliner material, some using solid vinyl,and some with painted pillars. Early T34s (1962-65)used the Silver-Beige color headliner material while thelater T34s (1966-69) used the Cloud-White color(slightly more cream colored). T34 pillars wereoriginally fitted with a grained off-white vinyl on bothfront & rear pillars.

Lars Neuffer ( in Germanyis offering new T34 Coupe headliners with pillarmaterials for $140 + shipping. And SewFine has themfor $90 + shipping as well.Jon had Jose cut a new headliner from stock VWperforated material. Nice-guy Paul Colbert sent hisheadliner set (from Lars) so we could make a templateof the pillar pieces and match the grain & color for thesolid vinyl pillar pieces. Jose installed the headliner &pillar pieces and now Jon’s T34 has authentic carpet &headliner to match the original seats & interior panels.

Jose used a heat-gun to warm the headliner so it wouldstretch & remove all the wrinkles. This process took 3-4 hours to get it right. Although the C-pillar originallyhad a cardboard piece under the material we found itreally didn’t need it with the new cloth-backed pillarmaterial Jose used.

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DO IT YOURSELF: Fuel Tank RestorationIt’s gonna happen sooner or later … after 40 years ofuse rust particles will begin to form inside your fuel tankand you’ll need to restore it. Restoring the fuel tankcan be done for $70 over a long weekend in an easy 4-step process: 1) cleaning & coating the inside of thetank, 2) repainting the outside of the tank, 3) replacingthe old parts, and 4) checking electrical connections.

BUYING PARTS: From POR-15 ( or800 457 6715) buy their Fuel Tank Kit (below right)including Marine Clean (cleans residue & gunk), MetalReady (removes the rust and leaves a zinc phosphatecoating for the sealer to bond to), & US Standard FuelTank Sealer (forms a liner inside the tank filling-in anypinholes and cracks) for $53 total with shipping. FromHome Depot or any hardware store buy four newbracket bolts (M8-1.25mm x 20mm) for $3 andCamper Mounting Tape (1.25” x 30 feet) for $5 whichis a compressed foam seal for the rim of the tank.From your local VW supplier buy a new fuel tank kit(screen filter, gasket, nut, & tube for $8), fresh fuelhose ($1.50/foot), a 3.25” piece of fuel tank breatherhose (10mm inner diameter), & a fuel sender gasket.A new Type III fuel sender will cost $75, so check your

used one first (see “Testing Your Connections”paragraph). And get some rubber gloves to be safe.If you’d prefer not to do the cleaning & coating yourself,you can have a radiator shop do the work for about$180 + tax. It’s only money, right? It’s your choice.

RESTORING THEINSIDE: Remove thefuel tank from yourT34 then remove thesending unit from thetop and the tube fittingfrom the bottom (andthe remains of whatonce was the cylindrical screen fuel filter). Add a metalchain inside the empty tank and thrash it liberally toloosen off any flaky rust, then dump the debris out andyou’ll be surprised by what’s been inside! Mine hadleaves, a nail, lots of rust, a mostly-dissolved metalmesh filter, and even a petrified wasp (above)!Day One: Combine Marine Clean with hot water in thetank for a couple hours to degrease, empty the brownsludge, rinse with the pressured hose, & let dryovernight. Day Two: seal off the openings with tapebefore pouring in the Metal Ready. This can sit all dayif the tank is really rusty but it needs to be agitatedregularly but no overnight treatments. I rotated thetank to cover all surfaces, let sit for a couple hours,then drained back into the container (reusable), rinsedwith a gallon of hot water (not a high-pressure hose)and then let dry for several hours. Day Three: add theSealer and rotate the tank to cover all areas. You’vegot 20 minutes before the goo begins to set, then drainand let dry 24 hours, fully cured in 4 days.RESTORING THE OUTSIDE: While the tank is drying,remove the rust and old paint on the outside of the tankwith sandpaper. Paint the exterior surfaces first in arust-preventative primer and then with a couple coatsof gloss-black premium paint. Paint the four tank

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brackets with silver for a new look. The tank will becovered anyway with the cardboard mat & vinyl lining,but it’ll look nicer and you’ll know you did a completejob. Finally, sand-down your old fuel cap and paint itglossy silver and add a couple coats of clear-coat.While you’ve got the tank out, check out the conditionof your steering box (see other article for details on thissimple adjustment), tie rods, steering damper, mastercylinder, & front brake hoses. These are difficult toreach when the tank is installed so it’s best to do itwhile the access is easy now.After stripping off the old foam insulation from aroundthe perimeter of the fuel tank area, cut the new foamstrips and stick them into place (above right). Leavespaces for the four mounting brackets. Connect the new bottom drain metal tube & fuel hose

before installing the tank. Once installed, connect thefuel hose to the main fuel line on the car. Install thenew gasket under the fuel sender unit and connect thesender wire. Now you’re almost done.TESTING YOUR CONNECTIONS: to check if yoursender is working properly remove the sender wirefrom the sender on the tank and with the ignition keyON touch the sender wire to a ground bolt on your T34.If the fuel gauge needle shows a full tank then yoursender connections are good.Replace the sender wire on the sender and it shouldregister on your fuel gauge if there’s fuel in the tank. Ifnot then you may have a grounding problem. Abouncing fuel gauge needle is also a groundingproblem. This is caused by poor grounding of thesending unit-to-tank or tank-to-body. You can spendan hour cleaning the electrical connections & metalcontacts at the bolts, or you can simply run a short wirefrom the fuel sender to under one of the gas tankmounting brackets. This wire will be hidden by thecardboard tank cover as well as the trunk liner and theproblem will go away.Special thanks to Steve Makepeace, IanCuthbertson, Paul Stone, & Paul Colbert for theirexpert advice!

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TECH TIP: Valve Adjustments Done EasyScott Perry (Simi Valley, California)

In the last edition I wrote a simple article on how tochange your own oil. That was easy and probablysaved you a few $$$. Great, you’re feeling handy now.This edition we’ll cover the procedure for a valveadjustment. This one isn’t too tough either and after afew times it’ll be old hat. With this and all procedures, Iassume you have a basic knowledge of your motor andit’s components. Be sure to have a workshop manualsome type so you’ll have diagrams to refer to anddifferent perspective if needed. These manuals can befound anywhere and are essential. A hand-held shoplight, drop cloth, parts tray, radio and a cold drink arealso very helpful to me.

What we’ll be doing here is adjusting the clearancebetween the valves and the rocker arms by way of asmall screw and lock nut.Too loose isn’t good andtoo tight can lead to a hotengine and burned valves.The proper clearance is.006” and you will need afeeler gauge for this. Yourlocal auto parts store willhave this along with somegood cork-rubber valvecover gaskets. Have afew gaskets on hand at alltimes. They are cheapand you will always needthem. I buy mine and alltune-up parts on eBay so Inever have to searcharound. Pick those items up and let’s get to work.

Ok, the engine needs to be cold so make sure you’velet it sit overnight. Remove the engine cover andspread your oil-catching blanket underneath the engineand have some sort of parts tray where the oily stuffcan rest. This procedure calls for rolling aroundunderneath each wheel-well area so I have a set ofcoveralls and old shoes so it’s not a filthy exercise Icannot recover from. The valve covers are right aboveeach heat exchanger on either side of the engine. Takea large screwdriver and remover each cover by workingthose metal bails downward. Once they slide down itreleases the pressure on those covers and with a littlecoaxing they will come off and away from the head. Oilwill drip here but your drop cloth will catch it. Just laythem on the tray or metal pan and we’ll visit those later.

In front of you on either side of the engine you’ll see therocker arms staring right at you. See the small screws

on the upper end of each arm? Those are theadjusters and the nuts wrapped around them are thelocking nuts which hold them in place once you’ve setthem. As you turn that screw in or out it changes theclearance between the rocker arm and valve itself.That is what this procedure is about!

Now that we are familiar with the head and valves, let’sget back on top and look down on the engine. Weadjust the valves for each cylinder at it’s firing position.To do this we need to know how the heck wedetermine what cylinder is where and how we know it’sat the firing position. As you are staring down at yourmotor, the cylinders on the right side are #1 in front and#2 closest to you. On the left side it is #3 in front and#4 closest to you. These numbers are actually

stamped on thesheetmetal above thosecylinders. Memorize thisas you’ll refer to it for thetiming procedure and ingeneral diagnosing in thefuture.

What we need to do isrotate the engine to eachcylinder’s firing point toadjust the valves for thatcylinder. We do that byturning the generator nutclockwise while the car isnot in gear. This is mucheasier to do with the sparkplugs out but that isn’t

always practical unless you are changing the plugs(every 12,000 miles). Undo the clips on your distributorcap and pull it off. Your rotor turns with the engine andas it crosses any given spark plug wire on the cap, itfires that cylinder. On most Type 3 distributors the #1cylinder firing position is marked on the distributor rimwith a notch or groove. Turn the engine over with yourwrench until the rotor points to that notch and verify itcorresponds to the #1 wire on your cap and the threebridged marks on your flywheel. These marks can beseen through a timing hole in the fan shroud, Shineyour light in the hole and you’ll see the little marksclustered together on the top of the flywheel. Theyshould be staring straight up at you. With these marksand your rotor pointing to the #1 spark plug wire, you’regood to go. My distributor’s notch doesn’t correspondbut I know what cylinder it’s firing based on thoseflywheel marks and the fact that it point to that #1 wire.

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REGISTRATION * RESTORATION * PRESERVATION VW Type 34 …· 2014-01-30· REGISTRATION * RESTORATION * PRESERVATION VW Type 34 Karmann Ghia Registry 6068 Paseo Pradera, Carlsbad, - [PDF Document] (26)

So, let’s start with the #1 cylinder and adjust the valves.Crank it to the firing position as determined above.Crawl underneath the car to that cylinder with your.006” feeler gauge in hand. I always push on therocker arms on the knurled end to feel the clearancefirst. It’s a very small area so it’s no more than a lightclick. I’m so used to the sound of .006” of clearancethat I can feel if they are in adjustment without thegauge. For our purposes, we’ll do it the right way. Theclearance we need to measure is between the “nut”end of the rocker arm and the top of the valve (seediagram). Your .006” feeler gauge should slidethrough that area with a slight drag or resistance if theyare right. If it needs adjustment (a few always do), wedo it by first loosening the locknut which frees theadjuster screw to turn in or out. Sounds easy but it’s bitof a trick. As you loosen and tighten the locknut, thatscrew turns a little and every slight turn affects theclearance.

I loosen the lock nutand turn the screwin or out until theclearance is justperfect with the.006” gauge. Onceit is, I hold it’sposition with a tinyscrewdriver on theadjuster while Itighten down thatlocknut. Not overtight but 1/8 turnpast tight. Then Icheck it again.Every adjuster hasa mind of it’s own and it’s just a matter of feeling howthe two work together. Inevitably, the locking of thatnut changes the clearance a bit so keep doing it untilyou have .006” clearance when the locknut is tightenedup. Once you’ve done these 2 valves, go back up topand rotate the engine to the next cylinder and repeat.You do this by rotating the engine so the rotor goesexactly 90 degrees clockwise and points toward the #4cylinder plug wire. Verify this by resting the cap backon the distributor and checking that the plug wire doesin fact go to the #4 cylinder. The firing order for ourmotor is 1-4-3-2 so that’s the order in which you’ll beadjusting the different pairs of valves.

The first time you do this you’ll feel like it took foreverand your knuckles will probably be scuffed. It getsmuch easier as time goes by, trust me. After a fewvalve adjustments you’ll be an old pro. An old rule Ilearned is “better loose valves than tight ones” You

might not get it exactly right the first time but if youmust err, do it on the loose side. Extra clearance inthere will only make for clatter. Too tight and you mightheat the head up too much and burn a valve.

Now all of your valves are adjusted, your locknuts aretight (important!!!) and we’re ready to install the valvecovers again. Take a clean rag and clean the inside ofthose valve covers so there is no running or drippingoil. Be sure to clean the flat area around the edgewhere the gasket sits. This is important as it effectshow well your seals will work. If some fool glued theold gaskets in, make sure you remove all of the glueresidue or oil will slip past it. There is no need for glue,these are a pressure fit and I’ve never had a problemas long as I’ve used the good cork-rubber gaskets. Fitthe new gaskets into your clean happy valve covers(they only fit one way). Now, clean the surface of thehead where the valve covers attach. Make sure there

is no oil or debrishere before you slipthese guys back on.Once on, take yourbig screwdriver androll that bail up untilit clicks in position.Wipe the heatexchanger belowthe valve cover ofany oil so you cansee if the new oneleaks. Done! Dothe other side in thesame way and we’realmost home…

We’re back on topof the engine now, replace the fan pulley cover and re-attach the distributor cap. Make sure you remove yourtools, books, beer bottle, whatever so that all is as itshould be and replace the engine cover. Start theengine and let it run for a bit to check for leaks. Leakshappen once in a while but not often. If they do, it’s abad gasket or the mating surface between the coverand head isn’t right somehow. If so, investigate. It’smost likely a bent cover, loose bail or a bad seal.

When done with a tune-up, this procedure will result inan easier starting, happier engine. VW motors respondvery well to routine tuning. When done independent ofthe tune-up it won’t be noticeable unless you’ve hadsome noisy valves but you can be sure you’reprotecting your engine. Normally at every 3,000 miles,only a few valves even need adjusting. Good luck!

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REGISTRATION * RESTORATION * PRESERVATION VW Type 34 …· 2014-01-30· REGISTRATION * RESTORATION * PRESERVATION VW Type 34 Karmann Ghia Registry 6068 Paseo Pradera, Carlsbad, - [PDF Document] (27)

STEERING BOX ADJUSTMENT: Taking Up the SlackSo you’ve been driving your T34 for some time nowand you’ve noticed that the steering wheel is a bitsloppy, loose, and it doesn’t have that “new car” feel.But what can you do about it that doesn’t involve a$500 repair shop bill? While you’ve got the fuel tankout (you were gonna do that anyway, right?) it’s a greattime to make a simple adjustment to your steering box.

The steering box is that square box that’s at the end ofyour steering column with four bolts holding it downand two nuts on top. It’s probably dirty from years ofcrud building up (above). The 15mm nut that’s at thevery center of the steering box is the adjustment screw.If you look closely you’ll see a slotted tip held down bythat 15mm nut. Remove the nut and clean the grimeout of the area with degreaser & a wire brush first.Once it’s clean (right) you’ll be able to adjust the slottedtip (adjusting screw) CLOCKWISE to tighten thesteering box & reduce the slack in your steering wheel.

My T34 had about a 3-inch play in the steering wheelbefore I felt resistance. I knew it was not set correctlybecause when driving it felt loose at speed on thefreeway. After turning the adjusting screw all the wayclockwise until it stopped there was only a 1-inch play,which is what the Workshop Manual says is correct. Ifyou still have too much play then your steering boxlikely needs to be replaced (ie big repair bill). Once thefuel tank is removed this job is only a 5 minute job.Tighten the nut back down and you’re done.While you’re in there, take a few minutes to remove theground wire going from the steering box to the frontbeam. Clean the connections well and then install thewire again. This should help to keep a good ground.

HOW TO: Inner Turn Signal SealsBy Everett Barnes, Phoenix Arizona

I bought a new set of front turn signal-to-body sealsfrom PoP in Thailand. They installed easily and lookgreat but when it came time to reinstall my lenses, Ifound rotted original inner seals. I bought a 12" x 12"square of 3 mm soft neoprene rubber from my localrubber supply house. I had an NOS seal as a patternso after tracing out the original pattern on the newrubber, I used a metal ruler and a new razor blade tomake the straight cuts, then followed up with a sharppair of scissors for the corners. For the lens mountinghole, I used my electric drill and a 1/4" drill bit. Oncethe seal was ready and test fit, I applied a smallamount of contact cement and glued the seal in place.Good as new!Created by alientools PDF Generator, trial version, to remove this mark, please register this software.

REGISTRATION * RESTORATION * PRESERVATION VW Type 34 …· 2014-01-30· REGISTRATION * RESTORATION * PRESERVATION VW Type 34 Karmann Ghia Registry 6068 Paseo Pradera, Carlsbad, - [PDF Document] (28)

HOW TO: New Horn Block-Off Plate Seal (1965-69)Since horn-block off seals are no longer available(NLA), I was able to fashion a similar replacementusing a pre-1968 Bus rear window seal. I chose aKombi seal from West Coast Metric as it was thesmallest and cheapest to buy. I cut it to length, thenused super glue to reattach the ends, creating acircular seal. A single Bus rear window seal providesenough material for 2-3 seals. I used the opportunity toreplace my horn plate with a nicer one, which I

stripped, primed, and painted with a spray can of color-matched paint from my local auto paint store. I found iteasiest to install the plate into the seal first, then installthe complete plate and seal into the body from insidethe trunk. Slide your drain hose through the drain platehole and you are done.

CLASSIFIED ADS: Get ‘Em While They’re Hot!CLASSIFIED ADS INFOTo maintain the quantity and quality of cars and parts available to themembers, the Registry does not charge for the submission of ads. Westrive to list as many sources as possible for the ads to make yourrestoration process easier.SUBMITTING ADS: go to for details

T34s For Sale:1. 1962 343 ( 0 008 285) It has one NOS front fender welded on thecar and a gas heater. Price around 2000 us dollar. Oslo, [emailprotected] [Jan03]2. 1962 343 Blue & White, great restoration project, needs rear quarterpanel > & floors, dash is perfect, bumpers OK, asking $1800 obo.Daniel Scribner (Vermont) 802-442-8073 or [emailprotected].[Nov03]3. 1963 343. Must sell for medical reasons. Far too much to list. Over$4000 invested in the engine. Thousands of dollars worth of spareparts, original type 3 repair manuals and VW tools included as part ofthe deal. High-resolution pictures available on request. Asking $12,000trades possible. Contact Dirk at dbrog28301@ or Telephone #805-737-1553 for more info. [Jan03]4. 1963 343. All original car, used as daily driver, very good condition,10 months MOT 5 new Firestone tires. 00356 9925 8771, Mellieha,Malta, Malta.[Nov03]5. 1964 343: ( 0 410 709) Purchased in 2001- Parts never un-PackedPrice $ 1500.00 Engine disassembled (3 jugs missing) everything elseseems to be there including carbs. Complete interior seats, everything,all needs to be re-done, but complete nothing robbed. Original AMRadio, Gasoline Heater , Wheels, Will Roll, Knobs, All Glass NoDamage. Some Manuals, Title, Some records, Lots of Rust, butdefinetly re-buildable. I will consider delivering. Billie, Batesville,Mississippi, 662-563-1170 [Jan03]

6. 1964 343 (0 447 560), rusty project but good overall shape, needsfloors & > restoration, engine runs, interior needs to be redone, $2200obo. Alan (West Springfield, MA) 413-739-5994 or [emailprotected][Nov03]7. 1964 343 Pearl White, stored 15 years, nice, fairly complete, 90%rust-free (except battery area), runs & drives great with no leaks, Califplates & title, $3900. Thomas Nottelman (Vancouver, Canada) 604 9044465 or email [emailprotected] [Nov03]8. 1964 343, $7500 559/229-3521 or 559/431-7124 Location is in theFresno, CA area.[Nov03]9. 1964 343. It’s currently non-op in Calif. Original black plates & 6v.Very nice Emerald green paint job. Working Frankfurt radio. Everythingworks and drives like a charm. Original 5.60 black wall Continentalsand rare Green coco mats, $6500.[Nov03}10. 1964 T343: 64 with a push button dash. Cibie headlights withseparate yellow tubes surrounding both the high and low beam bulbs.Clear headlight lens that turns yellow when the bulbs light up throughthe yellow tubes. I brought it over from France in 1982. I have everygas receipt since '82 but have too many cars/projects, so I haveprobably driven it 6 or 8 thousand miles (Europe and So Cal). Needswork, I have some spare parts available (some NOS). My friend tooksome pics a long time ago, and if you email me, I can fwd them to [emailprotected] Mike11. 1965 343 (345 115 815): original unrestored driver in goodcondition, Beige with Black roof. No time or $$$ for complete resto.Nestori Brück ([emailprotected]) $7000 (Finland). [Aug02]12. 1965 343(345 007 838) project or parts car, rusty & hit but lots ofgood parts, $600. Chris (Winston, NC)[emailprotected][Nov03]13. 1965 343(345 077 277) Cherry Red & Black, all parts removed forrepainting & included, needs restoration, nice interior & dash, 6V, dualcarbs, black & gold CA plates, $2400 obo. Chad Corey (Escondido,CA) 760-738-8951 or email [emailprotected][Nov03]

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REGISTRATION * RESTORATION * PRESERVATION VW Type 34 …· 2014-01-30· REGISTRATION * RESTORATION * PRESERVATION VW Type 34 Karmann Ghia Registry 6068 Paseo Pradera, Carlsbad, - [PDF Document] (29)

14. 1965 343(345 167 800) Electric Sunroof model, no rust, needs fullresto, includes 64 parts car, $5000. Dan McKellip (Bayfield, CO) 970-884-2659 [emailprotected] [Nov03]15. 1965 343. Rebuilt 1500, rebuilt gauges, 50% new rubber seals,new floor pans with car, new headliner with car. $2000 obo. ContactCarole at Sewfine, 800-SEWFINE, or 303-347-0212.16. 1965 343. For sale or trade for a bug. 58k and has been hit in therear end. I have the owner's manual in [emailprotected], Winston-Salem, NC USA -17. 1965 343: Partially rstrd Manila Yellow Coupe, no time for it, wheelcylinders, master cylinders and a whole lot more! (So Cal) at 562 9233251 or 800 258 4VWS.18. 1966 Type 34 Ghia- Project Car. Has been in some sort ofaccident; nose and rear have Bondo. Bumpers are good. Lots of parts.All reasonable offers considered. Medford, Oregon.([emailprotected]) 541-282-0730. [August, 02]19. 1966 343 Arcona White, clean, runs good, & kept in the garage,$5500 or > make offer. Kelly Agner (Redding, CA) @ 530-246-0988 [emailprotected]. 1969 Sunroof: one family owned from new. Oriole Yellow withfabric folding sunroof. Full history and documents. Fully restored 5years ago including new front wings, sills and engine. 61385 miles.Last used in 2000, no MOT due to owners illness. One of the last carsproduced - offers around £5,500. Susan Ferdinand +44 1423 331401 -Car in York area, UK. Email [emailprotected]

Dealer Parts for Sale1. Bill and Steve’s: Repro T3 heat exchangers! New T3 under-dashbamboo parcel trays $50! NOS 6v Fan Shroud, NOS push-buttonchrome trim, early ‘62 chrome wheel trim (holds to outer rim), T34 RoofRacks $325, NOS sets of solid, slotted & unusual VW accessory trimrings for ‘62-’65 AND ‘66-’69 T3s @ $100/set; NOS 6v wiper switches,6v horn/fog light relays & 6v bulbs, NOS ‘62 T34 Gray shift boots, T3rocker panel trim & clips, NOS wheel & master cylinders, brake drums(front & rear) for ‘62-’65 T3s...these are getting extremely hard to find**,NOS ‘64-only 1500S distributor caps, NOS set of domed 1500Spistons, NOS door handles, NOS T34 front hood hinges, Ivory rear seatstraps, NOS rear decklid locks w/ keys, rubber boot for carb to aircleaner (311 129 581B): $10; rubber boot for air cleaner to body (311129 695B): $20; pre-heat valve for single carb engine $20. DougNarczewski, [emailprotected] (Illinois) [May02]2. Neuffer - Kompetenz in Sachen Karmann: www.vw-nos.deReproduction rocker panels, front, center & rear sections from 89 DMeach!!! Repro window scrapers guaranteed to be like the originals withrubber & aluminum strip available now @169 DM each; NOS front &rear glass, NOS and repro windshield rubber, door rubber, Thefollowing parts are NOS and available now: complete foglampassembly, bulb-style headlamp rings, rear air-deflector rubber, rearlenses, front lenses, fuel gauges, late window cranks (black), front bulbholders, door handles, bumper guards, speedos, door hinges, insidemirror, vent wing (complete), door glass, wiper motors (6v & 12v), wiperarms, blades, and much more. Call Lars Neuffer (Germany) @ 49 55150 50 70, fax: 49 551 50 50 7 50 or [emailprotected]. VW-Veteranenteile: NOS door rubber, repro windshield & rear glassrubber. Repro rear lenses (solid red) @ $42.50 each, amber or clearrepro front lenses @ $19/each. Access to many 2nd hand T34parts...e-mail or fax with needs (including part numbers). JoergBeckmann: (Germany) Phone + Fax: +49 25 02 17 77 or E-mail:[emailprotected]. Sewfine: Stock or custom interior door panels, headliners andcarpet kits for the T34. Call for their free catalog and tell them youheard about it through the Registry. Carol (CO) 303 347 0212, 303 7738455 or e-mail: [emailprotected]. Baum Tools Unlimited, Inc: Special Tools for German and SwedishAutomobiles. Technical Support and Publications: 415 566 9229, TechServices & Publications: 415 566 0694, Tech Fax: 800 848 6657, ToolOrder Desk: 941 927 14146. Vintage Vee-Dub Supplies: Cal Look front & rear window rubber, foruse without aluminum trims strips. $45, including postage/handling.

Boris (Australia) from within Australia on 02 9789 1777 from outsideAustralia 011 61 2 9789 1777, fax 011 61 2 9718-8704.7. Veteranendienst Peter Fried NOS Parts: 131 601 151 Flat HubcapsDM180, 311 837 217 door lock with keys DM280/pair, 343 837 205Left Door Handle DM350, 343 837 206 Right Door Handle DM350, 343831 401A Hinge Upper Left DM149, 343 831 411A Hinge Lower LeftDM99, 341 953 515 Turn Indicator Lever (Black) DM250, 343 707 109Front Bumper Center DM900, 343 707 113 Front Bumper Left CornerDM650, 343 707 114 Front Bumper Right Corner DM650, 343 707 309Rear Bumper Center DM900, 343 707 313A Rear Bumper Left CornerDM990, 343 707 314A Rear Bumper Right Corner DM990. (PeterFried) has some new T34 parts (NOS) for sale: Right Door $850, RearDeck Lid $250, Front Trunk $300, Front Mask (complete sheet metalpiece $1750, Main Headlight $215, Fog Lights $200, Headlight rings$50, Front base w/ glass $150, Rear base w/ glass $200, front windowseal $100, rear window seal $100. Other parts may be available [emailprotected]. House of Ghia: Free catalog for Type 34 rubber, lenses, misc. reproparts. Ask for Jim when you call and order their T34 catalog. Someitems may be back ordered 4-6 weeks so be sure to clarify deliverytimes when you call. Jim (Albany, OR) at 541 926 6513.9. West Coast Classics: Top quality interior restoration from carpet todoor panels, they have a T34 on site and have done complete interiorsfor T34s ... call for a custom quote. (So Cal) at 714 871 1322.10. Type 3 Detectives: Front Brake drums NOS, $95.00 each or$160.00 for two; NOS type 34 dash mounted ashtray $75.00 Call/emailfor currently available parts. Paul Medhurst (UK) @ (vox & fax) +441638 668693 or online Welf Brandes Type 34 Spare Parts GmbH: New and used T34parts including repro rubber. T34 Catalog: $20 US. (Germany) 50 33 950 40 or Fax 50 33 9 50 42.12. Volkswagen Sport, Inc. Some used T3 parts that fit T34s, call forcurrent items in stock. Eric Lussier (Phoenix, AZ) @ 602 234 3598.13. ISP West: Sealed-beam assemblies (not rings) $150, ring sealed-beam $100, fog light rings $150ea, fog lights complete used $150ea,fog light lens $75ea, front turn bases $175ea, clear front turn lenses$45ea, rear tai light lenses $100ea (early & late), tail light base $300eawith lens, 1967 kilometer speedo (excellent used) $100, 1962 kilometerspeedo (excellent used) $100, 12V fog light relays $50ea, dual horn12V relays $50ea, bumper guard set $500/set (late style), dome lights(trunk & interior) $100ea, rounded 63-65 outer mirror good used $100,bumper corners front $250ea, right outer door handle $150, rear viewmirrors $200ea (early & late), grab handle $100, rust repair panels(rockers, fenders & corner pieces from Lars) $1000/set, cornerwindshield clips (4), glove box lock with key $75, rear trunk liner (largepiece only) $250, front & rear window seals $100ea, upper dash padused uncracked $500ea, lower used uncracked $300ea, rear push-button lock with keys $125, turn signal arm $200, fuse box $50ea (both10 & 12 fuse), ignition switches $150 used or used w/ new electrical$200 or NOS $225, SWF early wiper arms $100/pair, shifter knobs 2-tone $25 used nice or solid white $100 used nice, m cyl #021A/B/C$175ea, m cyl #023 1966-only $175, 61-63 or 64-65 w cyl $225/set (4pcs fronts only), 1966 owner manual $100, side marker set $60/pairused or $100/pair NOS, side marker seals $15ea, shifter boots $25ea(gray or anthracite), coco mats $200 (3 pc set in either Sea Blue orSafari Beige), domed window winder handles used nice $60/pair &cupped-style NOS $50ea. All parts above are NOS unless indicated,and are limited to existing stock. He'll be going to Germany in earlyApril for more T34 goodies! Also has other Type 3 NOS & used parts,full restoration facility, used cars, and parts locating service. Alex (SoCal) 310 637 2109 or, [emailprotected] .14. Karmann Konnection: Rechromed bumper pieces @ $300/section,headlamp chrome rings $85 each, misc. used parts: call with specificneed. Julian (Essex,UK) 44 (0) 170255176615. Wolfsburg West: NOS Bosch Fanfare accessory horns (12V)$100/set. Reproduction spray-can lacquers for VWs using the originalL-codes! $12 ea., rubber glove box stoppers $1 ea., fuel-pump rebuildkits, etc., Ron (So Cal) @ 714 630 965316. Windshields: Glass Search, Ohio - 800-848-1351, ask for Shawn,has 3 in stock which are delaminated around the outside he said they

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REGISTRATION * RESTORATION * PRESERVATION VW Type 34 …· 2014-01-30· REGISTRATION * RESTORATION * PRESERVATION VW Type 34 Karmann Ghia Registry 6068 Paseo Pradera, Carlsbad, - [PDF Document] (30)

would be foggy for about 1/4 to 1/2 inch beyond the windshield rubber.For the budget minded, $150 (I think if you offered $100 they'd take it)+ $75 for crating and shipping.17. Windshields: Glass Seekers, New York - 800-345-4527, ask forIra, has access to 12 windshields, $235-255 delivered in the U.S.18. Windshields: Hollywood Supplies, Boston, MA - 800-345-9595, askfor Candy, has 3 in stock, $294 + $125 for crating and shipping.19. Windshields: Iowa Glass, 800-553-8134, ask for Debbie at ext 247Registry discount, 6 in stock, $300 + $65 for crating/shipping.20. NOS front fenders for sale. The part numbers are: 343809021,Side panel, left and 343809022 Side panel right. The price isapparently $300 each. The person to contact is Dave at Bug City, 1-888-284-2489, (Bug-City), inside Connecticut (860)666-2489, orwww.bugcity.com21. Original style radio face plates: The chrome surrounding piece weoffer for $ 55.00 plus postage. The knobs we offer for $ 12.50 eachplus postage, eather ivory or light grey. Autoradio Wagner Tel.: 0049214 61421 Fax.: 0049 214 66050 Email: [emailprotected]. Reproduction T34 rubber seals: PoP from Thailand. Currentlyreproducing front turn seals, headlight seals, front and rear windowseals, front pop-out seals, side marker seals, bumper over-rider seals,and taillight seals. Working on others. Email for prices and [emailprotected]. Show quality knob repro’s. Window crank repair knobs, $47 set.Dash knob sets of 3 knobs are $45. Brezelwerks 978-649-7710.24. High quality billet aluminum sunvisor clips. John Copello, the sameperson that rebuilds door hinges. Clips can be anodized in manycolors. $40/pair. [emailprotected]

Private T34 Parts for Sale1. Used T34 Parts: Blaupunkt AM/FM 12V 4-band black buttons withchrome covers & T3 faceplate $150, 6V fuel gauge insert (341 919029) $30, sun visors without chrome (1 has mirror) $10ea, tail lightbase with dents $5, Solex carb (341 129 027C) 32-PDSIT-3 $150, fuelsender (311 919 051) $45, "pear" shaped outside mirror $35, ivoryplastic inner window cranks $10ea, ashtray $20, hinge plugs $2.50ea,6V engine parts, door threshold aluminum plates $12ea, stock chromegearshift $25. Many more NOS parts for sale. Call 626 256 1345.Contact Jim Maljanian (So Cal]2. T34 Roof Rack Locks: chromed, case hardened steel, Americanmade and patented. Rick (CA) 650 583 8245 or 650 619 2663. ]3. NOS Type 3 master cyl 61-66 $75, NOS Type 3 wheel cyl front $45,NOS Type 3 wheel cyl rear $30. Geoff (BC Canada) 604 760 5899 ore-mail: [emailprotected]. Under Dash Parcel Tray, 1 NOS bulb-style headlight, rear redlenses, door handles, 2 fog lamps and 1 NOS right vent wing window.Fabrice (Belgium) 065 7244 80.5. NOS T34 Kilometer Speedo with all the mounting hardware and inthe original box. Dated 2/65. Asking $250. [emailprotected] or callRafael (AZ) 520 745 5059.6. Type 34 seats Two used T34 front seats, $100-pair. Carol (CO) 303347 0212, 303 773 8455 or e-mail: [emailprotected]. Heat able Rear Window (option M 102) Exc. shape $150. NOS frontlens (amber), Mats (Sweden) e-mail: [emailprotected]. NOS T34 Parts in Norway: 343 955 113 E Wiper motor 12V $85,341 107 301 Piston rings (40 avail) $5 each, 341 115 303 A Tube$15, 341 129 257 Bushings (2 avail) $8 each, 341 129 399 Brasspins (4 avail) $5 each, 341 129 401 Plugs (4 avail) $4 each. Alsohave a lot of NOS Type III parts. Stan (Norway) phone: + 47 38 16 7570 or email to [emailprotected]. UK Type 3 NOS Parts: loads of NOS T3 parts from England selleronline, contact him for prices & availability. [emailprotected]. T34 Parts: Too many to list. Contact Clive Richardson [emailprotected]:11. Repro T34 Decals: Expert repro of what most every T34 ownerneeds to complete that restoration. These 3 decals located in the glovebox and engine air-duct are now available. Sold as sets @ $15 withEnglish or German text. Paul Colbert, [emailprotected], 564Chiquita Ct. Incline Village, NV 89451

12. Type 3 Floor pan: restored, zero rust, red oxide and tractor chassispainted. £50 ($83 US). Buyer collects. Neal (England) 049 1822 445 [emailprotected]. Used T34 Parts: VG front bumper guard, 1 pair of good rearbumper guard, 1 quarter window, 1 rear center section, needsrechroming, maybe even some straightening. Peter (Sweden) (46) 70512 93 46, fax (46) 706 16 93 46 or e-mail:[emailprotected]. Used T34 Parts: 2 Complete Sets of Glass, 2 rear deck lids: doorwindow mechanical parts, ’62 single carb engine, needs rebuild, ’65dual carb engine, needs rebuild, '65 & older Brake Drums, front andrear (USED)- '65 Body Pan, good shape- 2 engines. Doug (Illinois) 815664 2712 [emailprotected]. 1965 Type III Factory Workshop Manual Set (Vol I & Vol II). Inbrand new condition! Includes Type 34 section, specifically, electricsunroof. $250 obo. Inquire at [emailprotected] or 603 835 6133.David Diehl15.Glass. Two original (from a 1966 and a 1969) front and backwindshields. I just have to clean them to look for scratches. But theyare not broken or chipped. Wolfgang Peter, Ringgold, [emailprotected]. [may03]16. T3/T34 Parts For Sale: Passenger Seat (Adjustment Knob isbroken) - $50, Door Sill plate (from 1966) - $20, Nose Panel (notcomplete - has foglamp buckets) - $70, Rear Quarter Window - $10,Rear Glass - $50, Quarter Window Posts - $10/ea, Spare Wheel Cover- $15, Decklid Latch Assy - $5, T3/T34 Early Style Gas Tank - $30,Jack (needs cleaning) - $20, Engine Bay Grilles - $10, Dash GrabHandle (Black) - $10, Rear Bumper Center Section (needs work) - $10,Gary Leonhardt (405) 640-7607 (cell phone, lv message) Home: (405)573-0938, [may03]17. Type 3 ghia front seats. Good frames, need new upholstery, no trimpieces. $75 for the pair. Contact: Email: Location: [emailprotected] (Portland, Oregon) [May03]18. Type 34 door hinges: john copello, [emailprotected]

T34 Restoration Services1. Dash Gauge Restoration: will do "show quality" gauge restorationson your T34 gauges. $150-200 for all four. Rings polished, inner ringsrepainted, needles repainted, & speedo calibrated. Will accept creditcards. Foreign Speedo Inc, 2246 1/2 University Ave, San Diego, CA92104 USA. Tel: 619 298 5278.2. Bumper Rechroming: $165 front, $175 rear for complete 3-pieceblades. The quality is excellent, the work is fast, & price is reasonable.Bill & Steve’s VW Restorations 562 923 3251 (So Cal).3. Door Hinge Resto: completely rebushed to work like new, $120/set.Contact John Copello, 16880 American River Drive West, Sonora, CA95370. 209-536-1449.4. T34 Drawing! Full color oil pencil drawing of your T34 or other VW.Takes 2 weeks for an 8x10 drawing from your photo. $85 for 8x10drawing, more if larger. Call David Turton at 409 564 7593 after 6pmcentral or email [emailprotected]. Polishing & Plating, 1230 Saviors Rd. Unit "O", Oxnard Ca. 93033,Ph.# 805-487-5917 or voice mail 805-3391350, Owner: Robert Torres8. Baja Upholstery, they are located in Highland Park, close to SouthPasadena, Ca. Jesus, 323-222-6109.9. Ignition/door re-key. Can re-key ignition and doors to match alllocks. Makes the tumblers, so he is able to offer what no one elsecan. 24 hour delivery and will happily use UPS or Postal to shipanywhere. Axcess Auto Lock and Key, California, Tim Shirey, (661)823-8990. In business for 20 years and is a VW enthusiast.10. VDO instrument repair: Forster Instruments Inc., Attn. JohnAnderson or Jeff Heal, 7141 Edwards Blvd., Mississsauga, Ontario L5S1Z2 Canada, Phone: 800-661-2994, Fax: 800-632-9943 [emailprotected]. VDO instrument repair: Nichols Speedometer, 1336 Oakland Ave.,Greensboro, NC 2740313. Locksmith: Can re-key door locks, cut keys, etc. Hays, [emailprotected],, 785-623-4281

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REGISTRATION * RESTORATION * PRESERVATION VW Type 34 …· 2014-01-30· REGISTRATION * RESTORATION * PRESERVATION VW Type 34 Karmann Ghia Registry 6068 Paseo Pradera, Carlsbad, - [PDF Document] (31)

REGALIA COLLECTION: Literature, Stickers, Mugs, & More!

To order regalia items go to

T34 Parts List Book reprint: The original dealerparts book for locating replacement parts. Itcontains both mechanical & body part explodeddiagrams, part numbers, colors, & annualdifferences. 8.5" X 11" & 1000+ pages, softboundwith color dividers. $65 postpaid in USA (+$20shipping to intl members).

T34 Color Wiring Diagrams: full color 11" x 17"pages detailing all electrical wires & components.Three versions available: 1962-63 (single carb 6V),1964-66 (dual carbs 6V), or 1967-69 (dual carb12V with sunroof wiring). Each one is $10 postpaid.Fuse box diagrams also available, $5 postpaid.These are available for FREE on our Member’sOnly web site!

1964 Glovebox Reference Pamphlet reprint:small folded page reprint from 1964 designed toinform new owners about the T34, also includes a1964 calendar, $2 postpaid.

Owners Manual reprints: old stock reprints; 1962German text or 1967 English text, $10 postpaid.

Window Stickers: mounts to inside of window,available in Black or Blue, $2 postpaid.

Coffee Mug: white ceramic mug with black inside,logo on outside with motto, $8 postpaid.

Registry Key Fob: white 1" round plastic key fobwith Registry logo, $2 each postpaid.

T34 Postcards: four different postcards (threecolor, one b&w) from original VW art & watercolordrawings, $2 each postpaid.

Registry Newsletter Back Issues: over 40 issuesfrom 1987-99, $2 each (specify issues with order)or $50 for the complete set postpaid. Hundreds ofrestoration articles, events, and featured T34s.

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REGISTRATION * RESTORATION * PRESERVATION VW Type 34 …· 2014-01-30· REGISTRATION * RESTORATION * PRESERVATION VW Type 34 Karmann Ghia Registry 6068 Paseo Pradera, Carlsbad, - [PDF Document] (32)


Carlsbad, California 92009-2241USA

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REGISTRATION * RESTORATION * PRESERVATION VW Type 34 … · 2014-01-30 · REGISTRATION * RESTORATION * PRESERVATION VW Type 34 Karmann Ghia Registry 6068 Paseo Pradera, Carlsbad, - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.