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Crown OFthe Continent


The University of Montana Crown of the Continent Initiative

Spring 2011 No. 5

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Crown Contents

Any use or reproduction of thisWork requires permission of theDirectors of the Crown of theContinent Initiative

Rick Graetz – InitiativeCo-Director, Geography facultyJerry Fetz – InitiativeCo-Director, Professor andDean emeritus, College of Arts and SciencesKeith Graham – Art Director,School of Journalism facultyKait Perrodin- Print Designer,Photojournalism StudentCatherine Schroeder – Web Designer,Marketing Student, Spectral FusionSusie Graetz – Editorial Consultant,International Programs

THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA CROWN OF THE CONTINENT INITIATIVEDepartment of Geography --Old Journalism BuildingThe University of MontanaMissoula, Montana 59812

Faculty and students from many University of Montana departments contribute to the Crown of the Continent Intitiative’s overall efforts, including thesis publication.

Royce C. EngstromPresidentPerry BrownProvost & Vice Presidentfor Academic AffairsJames P. FoleyExecutive Vice PresidentDan DwyerVice President forResearch & DevelopmentChristopher ComerDean, College of Artsand Sciences

The University of Montana



The Inaguration of

COVER PHOTOJohn Lambing - Rocky

Mountain Front in spring

President Royce Engstrom

-- 3Glacier National Park’sFirst Ten Years -- 9Guardiansof the park -- 25

A Theory on triple Peak





31 Flathead Lake

Cherries 33Repeat Glacier Photograhy 46WildernessSafaris 35




towns in the crownCHOTEAU 51

Views of theCrown 55

Citizen Science




67Glacier National Park Fund 75Crown Roundtable 73

81Book ReviewView with a Room

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Opening MessageHERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT discovery that keeps us young. Crossing over a ridge top in Glacier National Park,

rounding the trail’s next bend in the Bob Marshall Wilderness, or glimpsing the sudden movement of a cutthroat trout on the North Fork of the Black-foot River, the unexpected amazes us. We become as excited as children anticipating the next delight in the inspiring land we call the Crown of the Continent. As much as the Crown’s magnificent landscape sustains our wonder, the protection and manage-ment of this spellbinding natural legacy present sobering demands from us all – challenges that are serious, grown-up business. Threats from expanding human demands for energy, raw mate-rials, and even recreational experiences require a commitment to pay close attention to the conse-quences of humanity’s actions on these lands and waters. All too easily, long-standing, reinforcing natural processes and relationships can be thrown toward a trajectory that diminishes the current flows of resources and services so cherished and vital to the Crown’s residents. With the tools of science The University of Montana provides a beacon to all those desiring an under-standing of how these complex systems function and support our lives and livelihoods. We will face significant choices on how we interact with this treasured landscape and the wildlife and people who inhabit it. Armed with the knowledge that faculty, students, and partners generate through coopera-tive studies and learning events within the Crown, we can make more informed decisions, recognize the risks and tradeoffs of our choices, and allow ourselves to avoid becoming victims of shortsightedness. The cross-disciplinary approach applied by the Crown of the Continent initiative allows researchers and practitioners to work together and take advantage of the experience, capabilities, and insight of all concerned. Through our joint learning experiences, we will have the best opportunity to sustain what makes this landscape special. Welcome again to the Crown of the Continent E-magazine. May we remain ever vigilant to care for this priceless treasure. May our wonders never cease. And may this extraordinary place make you forever young.


Interim Dean, College of Forestry and Conservation, The University of Montana

Jim Burchfield

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he 17h president of The University of Montana, Royce Engstrom brings to his position a strong belief in the value of higher education. Wanting to prepare students for their role in the global century, Engstrom advocates for an education that ‘’prepares one to think broadly, deeply, and critically about complex issues.” He adds, “In today’s education, that means several things: strong twenty-first century skills in communications, quantitative fluency, and information lit-eracy. In addition, today’s graduates need to bring in-depth disciplinary expertise to inter

disciplinary topics, and they need to have had the experience of putting their education to work beyond the classroom.” The son of a mechanic-turned-businessman and a homemaker, Engstrom was born in Michigan and raised in Nebraska. He was the first in his extended family to go to college. He attended the University of Nebraska at Omaha down the road from his childhood home where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry. For graduate school, he enrolled at the University of Wisconsin -Madison, where he completed a Doctorate in Analytical Chemistry in 1979. That same year, Engstrom married his wife, Mary. The couple moved to Vermillion, South Dakota, where Eng-strom began his teaching career at the University of South Dakota (USD) and Mary worked in K-12 education and then higher education. At USD, Engstrom served as Professor and Chair of Chemistry, Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School, and Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. As a faculty member, he taught Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, and General Chemistry and conducted an active research program in electrochemistry and analytical chemistry. He came to Missoula in 2007 to serve as Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at The University of Montana. He and Mary have two grown children, Tyler, a graduate student in physics, and Carey, a physician’s assistant.

Throughout his career, President Engstrom has been an enthusiastic participant in undergraduate research, first as a student, then as a mentor, and finally as an administrator working to develop undergraduate research programs. He is a Past President of the Council on Undergraduate Research and had been active in the Experi-mental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR), a federal program designed to help states build research infrastructure and competitiveness. He served as Chair of the National EPSCoR Coalition and the National EPSCoR Foundation. In addition, Engstrom brings a strong belief in shared governance to The University of Montana. Engstrom is a consensus builder and has spent much of his first few months in office visiting with employees from all of UM’s campuses. Regarding his leadership style, he said, “I try to bring clear definition to a situation, listen carefully, integrate the input I receive, and then come to a decision.” Engstrom plays the guitar and the mandolin and is an avid boat builder, having built 10 boats by hand over the past 30 years. He has also taken up playing keyboard since moving to Missoula and possesses a pilot’s license. His wife, Mary, said, ‘at heart, he’s kind of an explorer. He loves learning about everything.” He clearly hopes to share this passion for learning about the world with University of Montana students. His goal is to guide The University of Montana into a leadership position regarding student success, education at all levels for today’s world, high impact research and creative scholarship, a learning environment second to none, and operating principles that are planning and assessment driven. Engstrom stated, “I believe there has never been a more important time for higher education, whether you think in terms of impact on an individual or on our society. What an exciting time for The University of Montana! I am proud to be a part of its future.”

President Royce EngstromThe inauguration of


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The inauguration of

Royce and Mary Engstrom on stage in the University Theater for Royce’s inauguration as The University of Montana’s 17th President photo by Todd Goodrich The University of Montana

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Directors’ elcome to this 5th issue of the University of Montana’s Crown of the Continent

E-Magazine, Spring 2011. First of all, we want to thank the numerous contribu-tors to this issue, all of whom are committed to helping us make available and accessible to our diverse readers a wide range of information and articles about

the Crown and about their individual or their organizations’ Crown-related activities, whether they are occurring today or occurred in the colorful past. Without their generous willingness to share what they are doing in the areas of research, education, conservation, and just plain enjoy-ing the Crown, our collaborative initiative here at the University of Montana would not be pos-sible.

In this issue we are fortunate to be able to feature some marvelous photos by Doug Dye. We hope and expect that they will inspire many of you to get out into your favorite parts of the Crown as spring (finally) emerges from its long winter’s sleep and makes those places accessible by means other than snowshoes and cross-country skis. Continuing readers will notice that, following up on our first “Towns of the Crown” feature in the last issue that focused on Fernie, B.C., we are including here a piece on another fascinating Crown town, Choteau, Montana. We are also pleased to include in this issue another article that highlights what has come to be called “citizen science,” which this time describes that program as it is sponsored and carried out by Glacier Park’s Crown of the Continent Research Learning Center. Readers will recall that in our previous issue we carried a feature from and about one of our Canadian partners, the Miistakis Institute in Calgary, that also sponsors several important “citizen science” projects that were de-scribed there. Thanks to the Missoulian we are including here as well a delightful and informa-tive article about Glacier Park’s Superintendents, written by Tristan Scott. And with permission of the author and publisher, we are printing a chapter from C.W. Guthrie’s book, Glacier Nation-al Park: the First Hundred Years, that we are certain will appeal to all readers interested in the park’s colorful history. And those readers should also like the excerpt we re-publish here from the book Splendid Was the Trail, by K.D. Swan, a long-time forester with the US Forest Service. And we are also offering short pieces in this issue on Flathead’s lavish cherish blossoms and on the intriguing Triple Divide Peak in Glacier Park.

This edition also contains information about summer programs sponsored by the Glacier Insti-tute of Kalispell, and The Glacier Fund, which supports a wide range of important activities in the Park, has also contributed to this issue an article that outlines its mission and some of the significant work and sponsorships that it, through its donors and capable staff, makes possible. Our “Book Recommendation” for this issue will also, we hope, inspire our readers not only to purchase or check out from a nearby library the marvelous book View with a Room. Glacier’s


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MessageHistoric Hotels and Chalets by Ray Djuff and Chris Morrison, but to think about spending a night or two or several in one of those enticing, historic mountain lodgings during the coming season.

We also want to thank our UM colleague, Jim Burchfield, Professor and currently Acting Dean of the College of Forestry and Conservation, for his introductory column in this issue. His en-thusiastic support, collaboration, and wise advice have been instrumental in the development and growth of our Crown Initiative. Finally, we hope that these E-Magazines and our Crown Website ( add to your understanding, appreciation, and enjoyment of this special Crown region, and that they serve to encourage you even a little to learn more and get out whenever you can and take advantage of all the learning experiences, recreation activities, and wonders that await you as you explore in your own ways this grand and unique ecosystem we call the Crown of the Continent.

Rick GraetzJerry Fetz

&C o-Dire c tors

As we continue this work,We do ask for your help.

We bring this E-Magazine and other publications to you free of charge.Yet, we certainly won’t reject any donations as large or small as you might

consider sending our way to support this important initiative.

$5, $10, $25 or whatever amount you find you can afford will be putto good use as we seek to expand our collaborative efforts.

You may send donations toUniversity of Montana Foundation

Brantley Hall, Missoula, MT 59812, USA,with a notion of “Crown of the Continent Initiative” on your checks.

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Prior to Grinnell’s coining of the phrase “Crown of the Conti-nent” the original owners of the land, the many indigenous people, including the Blackfeet Confed-eracy, called the landscape now managed as Waterton Lakes and Glacier national parks the Back-

bone of the World. And today we include within the scope of the “Crown” a much larger bit of ge-ography that transcends the inter-national boundary encompassing one of North America’s most pris-tine intact ecosystems.

““ Far away in Montana,

hidden from view by clustering mountain-

peaks, lies an un-mapped northwestern corner - the Crown of

the Continent.

- George Bird Grinnell, 1901

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GNGlacier National Park’s First

10 Years



C.W. Guthrie

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N PGlacier National Park’s First

10 Years



C.W. Guthrie

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Outside park borders, Americans were embracing Hol-lywood, ragtime, and razzle-dazzle, and the women’s suf-frage movement was in full swing. World War I took our boys “over there,” and a worldwide flu epidemic raged.Inside the borders, major park development was under-

way. A colorful crew of park rangers replaced the origi-nal forest rangers. The first automobiles rolled in, and roads, trails, hotels, and chalets appeared on Glacier’s landscape. Saddle horses and stagecoaches, buses and boats carried sightseeing visitors from one grand locale to another. And the segment of road connecting Belton to Apgar, critical for the later Going-to-the-Sun Highway as well, was constructed.The decade started with what Northwesterners called the Big Blowup. In July 1910 a rash of wildfires erupted throughout the Northwest, from Washington to Minnesota. In Idaho and Montana fires blackened more than 3 million acres, swallowing the towns of Wallace and Mullan in Idaho, and Taft, Haugan, and Deborgia in Montana, and taking the lives of seven-ty-eight firefighters and seven others. The fires were still running rampant in August, forcing President William Howard Taft to authorize the Forest Service to hire ad-ditional men and to order the War Department to send in troops to help fight the fires.The inferno spread throughout Glacier National Park. Dry lightning ignited wildfires from below Kintla Lake to

the Canadian border and from the Flathead River to the Livingston Range, burning 23,000 acres. Careless camp-ers started fires that charred 8,000 acres up both shores of Bowman Lake to the Numa and Quartz ridges. Dozens of small fires blazed over the western slopes. More than 7,600 acres burned above Nyack and 4,000 acres at Red Eagle. The Ole Creek drainage, Fielding, and the south-eastern corner of the park as far as Midvale (East Gla-cier) were also blackened. A spot fire leaped in from the Whitefish Range across the North Fork of the Flathead River and torched 19,000 acres along Camas, Dutch, and Anaconda creeks. Just as the Camas, Dutch, and Anaconda creek fires erupted in late August, Maj. William R. Logan, Glacier’s newly commissioned superintendent of road and trail construction, arrived.

The flamboyant Major Logan was the logical choice to become the park’s first superintendent. He knew the

country well. He had roamed the hills and valleys for years and had accompanied geologist Raphael Pumpelly through Glacier in the 1880s. Logan also knew a little about the culture of the Plains Indians; he had served as superintendent of the Indian Training School at Fort Belknap, Montana, and was supervisor of industries at large for the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Logan immediately took charge. He sent several compa-nies of soldiers who had just arrived from Fort William Henry Harrison and Fort Wright, Oregon, into the moun-tains to fight the fires. Between reviewing fire reports and bellowing orders, he set up his park headquarters in tents at Apgar and organized a patrol of six rangers.

The war against the wildfires continued through August and into the first days of September—until the rains finally came and doused the flames. All told, 120,000 acres of Glacier National Park burned that summer.

Having proven his mettle, Logan was appointed “inspec-tor in charge” and then, the following year, the first superintendent of Glacier National Park. He immediately began building a park headquarters, setting up commu-nication with ranger stations, improving what roads did exist, and cutting new ones. Logan rented the cabins at

On May 11, 1910, President

William Howard Taft signed the bill creating Glacier National Park. It had been a long road, but the park’s

advocates had prevailed in securing pro-tection for the unique glaciated wilder-ness. Glacier’s first decade as a national

park saw a dizzying flurry of activity—as did the

rest of the nation and the world.

The Big BlowupTakes Charge

Major Logan

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Apgar as temporary headquarters and began con-structing an official, permanent headquarters at Fish Creek, which would finally be completed in 1913. He extended the telephone line system to the Logging Creek Ranger Station and started a line to Sperry Gla-cier and over Gunsight Pass to St. Mary Lake. Then he began rebuilding the two-and-one-half mile stretch of road between Belton and Apgar, which later would connect with the Going-to-the-Sun Road.

Logan would not see his work completed. He died the following year of an unknown cause while on a trip to the East.The first six park rangers assigned to patrol the park for poachers and encroachers were Chief Ranger Henry Vaught, Dan Doody, Bill Burns, Frank Pierce, “Dad” Randels, and the legendary Joe Cosley. Other

rangers shortly joined the original six, the most fa-mous being Albert “Death on the Trail” Reynolds.A trapper, sharpshooter, woodsman, and occasional outlaw, Joe Cosley was that special breed of man destined to become a Western legend. There was no mistaking Cosley. He cut a dashing figure in his buckskin hat decorated with a rose and his fringed vaquero sash. Of French and Ojibway Indian descent, he was born in Canada and had hunted

and trapped in what was now Glacier National Park for most of his life. He was already a legend among the early settlers and explorers who knew him personally or by reputation.

Cosley was fifty percent romantic and fifty percent scoundrel. Journalist Julia Nelson, in a 1953 Canadian Cattlemen magazine article, wrote rather politely that “Joe loved many women, not just one, as each of them thought.” It was Cosley’s custom to honor his sweet-heart of the moment by telling her he had named a lake or mountain for her or by carving a heart around their initials on a tree.

It was also Cosley’s custom to carve his name or initials on trees to mark—possibly for posterity—where he camped or worked in the wilderness. Trees bearing Co-sley’s unmistakable hearts and initials have been found near Blind Rivers, Ontario, and in the Belly River lakes country. The National Park Service has preserved a tree bearing his initials and the date of 1897.

As a park ranger, Cosley’s job was to build trails, patrol for fires, shoot marauding coyotes and cougars, count deer, bighorn sheep, and mountain goats, and prevent hunters and trappers from practicing their trade inside the park. The only problem was that when no one was looking, Cosley plied his former trade inside the park. About four years into his park ranger career, Cosley was caught hunting and trapping and was promptly fired.

The First Rangers

Joe CosleyNotorius

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The wily Joe Cosley couldn’t hide forever. In the winter of 1928 to 1929, he set up camp in the Belly River country of Glacier National Park. While he was off hunting, park ranger Joe Heimes discovered Cosley’s camp and decided to wait him out. It was a long, cold wait.

Joe Heimes had come west from Wisconsin in 1919, taking whatever jobs he could find along the way. He worked in Yellowstone’s Old Faithful Inn as a butcher’s helper until 1923. That year he went to Shelby, Montana, to see the Dempsey–Gibbons fight and then moved on to Glacier National Park to look for work. He built telephone lines to Camas Creek, worked in the park sawmill at Fish Creek, and then in 1924 he took a job as a fire lookout on Huckleberry Mountain.

In 1926 Heimes officially joined the ranks of park rangers and worked alone at the Belly River Station. For nearly nine months in 1927 and 1928, Heimes’ only contact with other people was when he took an occasional trip down the Belly River to visit his closest neighbors at the John J. West Ranch in Canada.

Now, in 1929, Heimes was waiting in the cold to capture poacher and legend Joe Cosley. Just as Heimes was about to give up hope, Cosley wandered into camp. Heimes pounced, catching Cosley by surprise. The two men struggled. Heimes, to his own amazement, managed to come out on top. Soon two other rangers showed up, and the three took the fugitive over Gable Pass to East Glacier. The next morning they boarded the train to Bel-ton, where Cosley was charged with poaching and tried in the same afternoon. Heimes expected Cosley to serve a few days in jail, which might have taught him a lesson. Instead Cosley was fined $100 and given a suspended jail sentence.

Later that afternoon Heimes heard that Cosley, hoping to beat park officials to his beaver cache, was already on his way back to the Belly River. Hoping to beat Cosley to the cache, Heimes and park ranger Tom Whitcraft left early the next morning, traveling by train to East Glacier, by Model T to the Belly River Canadian ranger station, and on snowshoes to Cosley’s camp. They were con-vinced they would easily beat Cosley to the cache. It was a two-day hike from Belton to Cosley’s camp even in the summer. In winter it would take longer. They reckoned wrong. When the rangers arrived at the camp, all they found were tracks. The fifty-nine year-old Cosley had snowshoed across the Continental Divide in less than twenty hours, picked up his furs, and disappeared into the wilds of Alberta.

Cosley never returned to Glacier National Park, at least as far as anyone knew. He continued trapping for fifteen more years and died alone in 1944 in a cabin high in the Canadian Rockies. Cosley Lake and Cosley Ridge are named for the slippery fugitive.

In the early years of the park, there was little that Louis Hill’s Great Northern Railway did not build, finance, con-

H is short-lived yet lively ca-reer as a park ranger ended about the time World War I began. He joined the Cana-dian Army, where his sharp-

shooting was put to good use, and returned a highly deco-

rated war hero. After the war he returned

to trapping game in the north-ern Rockies, where he consis-tently managed to evade U.S. and Canadian authorities and

seemed to disappear like a ghost into the wilderness.

Louis W. HillBuilds a Park


TheWho Joe


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trol, or influence.

The U.S. Congress had made Glacier a national park, but it did not provide funds for constructing facilities to accommodate visitors. The desire, the power, and the wherewithal to build the hotels, chalets, roads, and trails we still enjoy today came from Louis Warren Hill and the Great Northern Railway.

Louis Hill was the son of the legendary Empire Builder James J. Hill, who built the Great Northern Railway. He succeeded his father as president of the railroad in 1907 and found his calling as the Godfather of Glacier. He used

his influence with Congress as heir to the Hill empire to help push through the bill that made Glacier a national park. When that goal was realized, he set out to bring to Glacier the comforts wealthy Easterners enjoyed in other national parks and recreational areas.

Louis Hill envisioned Glacier’s alpine grandeur as Amer-ica’s Swiss Alps. It was an intriguing comparison—and a practical one. It had the potential to draw wealthy tour-ists, who traditionally vacationed in Europe, to instead take his Great Northern trains to Glacier National Park.

Between 1910 and 1913 he commissioned nine Swiss-

ABOVE: Hauling supplies in 1926 near Mt. Cannon – Courtesy GNP Archives

LEFT: On the Granite Park trail tow-ing culverts in 1926 – Courtesy GNP Archives

PREVIOUS PAGE: Joe Cosley - Cour-tesy GNP Archives

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-style chalets to be built around Glacier. They were constructed at Belton, Cut Bank, Granite Park, Gunsight Lake, Many Glacier, Two Medicine, St. Mary, Sperry, and Going-to-the-Sun at Sun Point. The grand Glacier Park Hotel was built at Midvale (now East Glacier).

While his chalets and the lodge were being built, Hill con-tracted to set up tent camps throughout the park, most of them near the planned chalet sites. In addition he contracted for permanent tent camps at Red Eagle Lake, Goat Haunt, Cosley Lake, and Fifty Mountain.

At the time Hill was constructing the chalets, there were very few trails or roads. The new national park needed stage roads and horseback trails to transport the hoped-for tourists from chalet to chalet. The Department of the Interior had allotted very little money to Glacier National Park, so the Great Northern initially financed many of the early roads and trails.

In 1912 Hill brought in Banff outfitters William and James Brewster to set up a saddle horse and stagecoach con-cession to transport tourists between tent camps. He also contracted with Capt. William Swanson to build boats to ferry sightseeing tourists on the park’s scenic lakes and rivers in 1916.

The Great Northern Railway designed and built most of the early trails and wagon roads in the park to take tour-ists to scenic points and to connect the growing number of facilities being built. In 1912 the railroad constructed a 4.8-mile spur road from the village of St. Mary on the park’s eastern border to Roes Creek inside the park. Later this spur road was realigned as part of the Going-to-the-Sun Road.

During the same year, the railroad also constructed a rough thirty-four-mile dirt road that ran through the Blackfeet Reservation. This road, which later became part of the Blackfeet Highway, connected the Great Northern Railway station at Midvale (East Glacier) to the spur road into the park and to the tourist facilities at Swiftcurrent. The National Park Service later reimbursed the railroad for the construction of the St. Mary spur and eventually rebuilt the road.

In 1914 Hill arranged with the White Motor Company to provide autobus services in the park, and in 1915 White formed the Glacier Park Transportation Company to op-erate the buses.

Overwhelmed by his own success in bringing business to Glacier, Hill decided in 1914 that he could not con-tinue to personally manage everything in the park in the manner he had been—which was in minute, fussy detail, right down to selecting the flowers for the flower beds. He formed the Glacier Park Hotel Company, hired manag-ers and staff, and took an oversight role for himself.

He then contracted for the construction of the Many Glacier Hotel, which opened in 1915, and the Prince of Wales Hotel in Waterton, which opened in 1927. He authorized his Glacier Hotel Company to buy John Lewis’ Glacier Hotel on Lake McDonald that same year in antici-pation of the completion of the Going-to-the-Sun Road. By 1930 the Great Northern Railway owned the facility and renamed it Lake McDonald Hotel.

By 1917 the Great Northern Railway had spent more than double the amount the government had to develop Glacier National Park. By the late 1920s the railroad had invested a total of more than $2.3 million.

While Hill was busy developing the park, he had his best Great Northern Railway advertising agents producing advertising. The creators of the impressive time tables, pamphlets, calendars, and railroad menu designs settled on three themes: “See America First,” “Glacier’s Care-killing Scenery,” and “Living the Western Adventure in the Home of the Blackfeet Indians.”

Louis Hill resigned as chairman of the board of the Great Northern Railway in 1929. He had done the job he set out to do. He had built hotels, chalets, camps, riding and walking trails, and roads throughout the park. Visitors could enjoy the scenic wonders and Western adventure of Glacier in rustic elegance. Louis Hill had built a park.

Sperry and Granite Park chalets, Glacier’s backcountry refuges, were built in 1913 and 1914. The two stone buildings of Sperry Chalet were built on Gunsight Moun-tain, two miles from Sperry Glacier. They overlook the deep valley of Sprague Creek. The Sperry Chalets are accessible only by trail.


Park Chalets

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our “Book Recommendation” in this issue, “Views with a Room. Glacier Park’s Historicals Hotels and Chalets of Glacier Park,” by Ray Djuff and Chris Morrison (Farcoun-try Press, 2001), both interesting and informative.

Evenings sitting around a campfire under a blanket of stars, listening to cowboys telling their tales, sleeping in a bed of boughs, waking to cool air and hot coffee—this was the adventure experience many visitors sought when they came to Glacier National Park. They wanted a true Wild West experience, and wranglers and cowboy guides were more than happy to deliver.

In 1911 Louis Hill contracted to have a string of tepee or tent camps set up at various scenic spots along the trails from East Glacier to Lake McDonald. Saddle horse parties

could then take long trips through the park without having to set up camp each night. These camps were popular—adding some com-forts such as cots or real beds but preserving the rustic experience of camping in the wilderness.

Riding mountain trails had become a popular pastime for tourists well before Glacier became a park. The Piikáni and other tribes that ven-tured across the Continental Divide to trade or hunt once traveled many of the trails in these moun-tains. That nostalgic fact appealed to tourists who wanted to experi-ence the Old West while viewing

the magnificence of the mountains, lakes, and valleys. Riding horses was also the only way, other than on foot, to really see Glacier. Early organized trail rides or saddle horse concessions were operated by independent ranch-ers from their nearby ranches or from base camps set up inside the park.

In 1912 Louis Hill brought in Banff outfitters William and James Brewster to set up a trail ride and stagecoach concession to operate between the camps and the newly built chalets and hotels. Brewster’s stagecoach operation was terminated at the end of the season in 1914 when motorized buses came to Glacier. The following spring a number of the small, independent saddle horse outfits combined as the Park Saddle Horse Company under the leadership of W. N. Noffsinger, an attorney from Kalispell, Montana. The base ranch was on the Blackfeet Reserva-tion east of the park, near Babb, Montana. The company eventually obtained a contract with the National Park Service and became the official saddle horse operator in Glacier.

The Park Saddle Horse Company continued to expand its operations under the brand “—X6” (Bar X Six). The com-

Granite Park Chalet is reached

by a four-mile trail from the Loop; it is

Originally both chalets offered food and lodging services, but now overnight visitors to Granite Park Chalet must pack in food, water, and bedding

7.6 miles from Logan Pass. The Granite Park Chalet was upgraded and reopened in 1997

as a primitive backcountry shelter.

to spend the night. The park sells and rents some items.

For readers who would like to learn more about these and other historical

chalets and hotels in Glacier NationalPark and see photos of many

of them should find

Park Chalets


Rides andGuides

Riding Along the


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They CalledThemselves

‘Dude Wranglers’

pany became the largest saddle horse outfit of its kind in the world, owning more than 1,000 head of horses and taking more than 10,000 visitors a year on the park’s trails.

“I am going to set down a few facts about wrangling dudes, before my candle sputters out into utter darkness. First of all, a guide must dress West-ern—big hat, chaps, spurs, tough rag and what have you—be mannerly, courteous and, in fact, he should show a glint of human intelligence even though heis not housebroke.”—Jim Whilt in Giggles from Glacier Guides, 1935

Some were big and husky, and some were small and wiry. Some drank too much, and some didn’t drink at all. What they shared was a knowledge of horses and the backcountry—and a healthy sense of humor. One of Glacier’s best-known wranglers was Jim Whilt, who moonlighted as a poet and authored Giggles from Glacier Guides, a collection of stories from cowboy guides. Jim tells his own story best:

“Having been an utter failure in all other lines of work and having never attended school but three days—two days the teacher wasn’t there and the other day I wasn’t—my education did not work on myself as I have noticed in so many cases, going to their heads and leav-ing their hands useless. So here in Glacier Park, God’s own outdoors, God’s and mine, myself and sixty others take the dudes over the trails and tell them some of the facts about this land of shining mountains for a period of three months. Then our work begins. We have to go over the entire park, shut off the waterfalls, fold up the

switch-backs, brand all the young sheep and goats, dig all the dens for the bears, teach the little fish to swim and plant them in different lakes and streams. The latter is a hard job, for in the fall the water is hard and digging the holes is an arduous task.” After his wrangling days were done, Jim Whilt became well known as the Poet of the Rockies. Edwina Noffsinger, who helped her husband George run the Park Saddle Horse Company after his father W. N. Noffsinger died in 1924, said in an 1982 interview with Mary Murphy that George did have cowboys that worked…endeared themselves to people, and year after year they would ask for them. Well, Ace Powell was a cowboy, and extremely unreliable. He would get his dudes up in the park, and they’d get a-drinking, or he’d lose his horses. They turned them loose in those days, hobbled or with a bell mare. They would go out at four o’clock in the morning and round them up and bring them in. Ace would lose his horses. Year after year, George would say he wouldn’t have Ace back again. But

On the Granite Park trail towing culverts in 1926 – Courtesy GNP Archives S t. Mary Lake - Rick & Susie Graetz

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he always did.

Powell would go on to become a nationally known west-ern artist.

According to Edwina Noffsinger, Blacky Dillon was an-other wrangler that George Noffsinger would fire every year and then hire in the spring because “some dude had written and wanted him. All of these unreliable people were charming, you know.”

Blacky Dillon was a wrangler at Many Glacier. He had a thick black beard and was said to almost always smell of horse manure and alcohol. He also had a terrific flair for the theatrical. Blacky would burst through the doors of the Many Glacier Hotel wearing a long, black oper-atic cape that he would sweep about him as he paraded toward the bar. A tourist once asked, “Blacky, where did your get your costume?” Indignant, Blacky answered in his best Shakespearean voice, “Lady, this is no costume! These are my clothes!”

He also had a hand in Many Glacier’s only recorded riot. He and two cowboys were drinking late one evening in the downstairs bar. The cowboys were getting rowdy, and the security guard asked that they finish their beers by midnight and leave. Blacky was ready to do just that,

but the cowboys ignored the guard. The infuriated guard whisked the bottles away and was promptly attacked by the cowboys. Five airmen who were seated nearby and several hotel employees leaped into the fight—on the guard’s side of the ruckus. Blacky considered himself a peaceable fellow and crawled under a table. During a lull in the fight, the cowboys escaped. They were captured later when they returned to beat up Blacky for not com-ing to their assistance.

For decades Blacky was hired and fired every year. When he was too old to wrangle, he drove a four-horse “tally-ho” the three miles between the Many Glacier Hotel and the Swiftcurrent Auto Camp. One day, a slightly inebriated and somewhat bored Blacky cracked his whip on the horses’ rumps, sending them into a wild gallop.

On the Granite Park trail towing culverts in 1926 – Courtesy GNP Archives S t. Mary Lake - Rick & Susie Graetz

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During Glacier National Park’s first decade, it became clear that boats were more convenient than stages or wagons for transporting tourists and supplies to the ho-tels and other scenic spots.

In 1895 George Snyder, who built the Snyder House hotel at the head of Lake McDonald, purchased a forty-foot steamboat in Wisconsin and had it loaded on a Great Northern train and hauled to Belton. Meanwhile, Snyder and the Apgars widened and corduroyed (laid logs side by side to create a road surface) the stage road from the Middle Fork of the Flathead River to Lake McDonald to portage the boat to the lake.

He christened it the F. I. Whitney in honor of the Great Northern agent whose clever pamphlets, train schedules,

and booklets invited tourists to take the Great Northern Railway to see Lake McDonald. The F. I. Whitney was the first known commercial craft to cruise any of Glacier’s lakes. It ferried passengers and supplies back and forth from Apgar at the foot of Lake McDonald to the Snyder Hotel at the head of the lake.

In 1906 Frank Kelly, who lived in a cabin on the lake, built the thirty-five-foot Emeline to take guests on tours around the lake. The two-boat Lake McDonald fleet grew to five by 1910.

In 1914 John Lewis, who had acquired the Snyder Ho-tel in 1906 and renamed it the Glacier Hotel, offered to purchase the sixty-foot City of Polson from Bill Swanson, a boat builder and operator on Flathead Lake. Swanson’s business on Flathead Lake was in decline and he agreed to the sale. The deal required delivery of the boat to Lake McDonald, which proved to be no easy task.

Swanson recounted his experiences navigating the Flathead River from Flathead Lake to Lake McDonald in a June 1970 story written by Phyllis Clark in the Daily Inter-Lake newspaper in Kalispell, Montana: “We headed up river June 15 during high water. I had a green crew of six men—each hired for a dollar a day and board. It took about two weeks.”

At first the trip was largely uneventful—until the boat ran aground on a gravel bar in the middle of the river near Bad Rock Canyon. As the crew backed off the bar, the boat hit rocks, knocking a propeller loose. The next morning the crew fished the propeller out of the river and reattached it, but the boat was stuck in rock and gravel and wouldn’t budge.

Swanson sent the engineer upriver in a “tender” (a small rowboat) to tie one end of a line to a large tree and let out the line as he returned to the grounded City of Polson. On the way back the tender floated in too fast, bounced off the bow of the Polson, and sank. The crew-men managed to catch the thrashing engineer with a pike pole and pull him aboard, but they couldn’t save the

The several elderly ladies who were tossed about the coach

screamed in terror until Blacky finally pulled the runaway

horses to a stop. During the fiasco the tally-ho

struck and damaged the wran-gler boss’s new car. He didn’t

take it very well, and poor Blacky was fired for the last time.

Blacky Dillon left Glacier and lived out his remaining years performing as a stagecoach

robber at Knott’s Berry Farm in California.


MovingCity the

of Polson

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Losing the tender was a problem. There was no way to get to shore without it, except to swim. Swanson and the crew built a makeshift boat out of wood scavenged onboard the Polson and floated it to shore. From there, Swanson walked to the small town of Columbia Falls and bought lumber and material for a new tender, which they built the next day.

“The trip up the river took us through Red Lick Rap-ids, and some folks said we’d never make it—can’t get through,” Swanson recalled. “We had 1,800 feet of steel cable, and I fastened it to a rock and ran the cable along the riverbank. We picked up the end and used a winch to wind the boat over the swift current. It took about fifteen minutes to get through, then we went fishing.”

Before they finally reached Apgar, they had to pull through fifteen more gravel bars, gouging deep channels as they passed. When the boat was launched on Lake McDonald, it was christened the Lewtana, for John Lewis.

Swanson captained the Lewtana until Louis Hill’s Glacier Park Hotel Company contracted with him to build and operate tour boats for the park. He built many of the boats that cruised Glacier’s lakes, including the forty-pas-senger Rising Wolf, later renamed Sinopah, which cruised Two Medicine Lake, the DeSmet on Lake McDonald, the sixty-three-foot International on Waterton Lake, the St. Mary on St. Mary Lake, and the Little Chief, which was added to the Two Medicine fleet.

For several years there were at least three separate boat concessions in Glacier, and ownership rotated through the years. The boat operations on Lake McDonald that began in 1895 with George Snyder’s F. I. Whitney were eventually transferred to the Glacier Park Transportation Company. In 1911 both James T. Maher and the Glacier Park Hotel Company had boats floating on St. Mary Lake to take guests, staff, and supplies to Sun Point. Ten years later Bill Swanson’s boat concession for the Glacier Park Hotel Company had launches cruising Two Medicine and Swiftcurrent lakes and in 1927 their flagship—the Inter-

national was floating on Waterton Lake.

In 1938 Swanson sold it to Arthur J. Burch and Carl An-derson of Kalispell, who operated the enterprise as the Glacier Park Boat Company. By 1985 the company had consolidated all the boat operations in Glacier and had nine boats sailing on six lakes. The International and the Waterton Lakes operation were later sold to Shoeline Cruise Company of Alberta.

Gear Jammers and the First Tour Buses

The predecessors of today’s red tour buses, or “reds,” Glacier’s early buses began replacing stagecoaches in 1915. These buses, affectionately called “jammers” or “jammer buses”—and their drivers, known as “gear jammers”—are a beloved part of Glacier National Park history.

In 1913 Walter White of the White Motor Company convinced Louis Hill that motorized buses could transport visitors around Glacier at least as well and probably bet-ter than the stagecoaches then being used. Hill agreed to test White’s vehicles for the 1914 season, and in mid-June ten eleven-passenger buses, five touring cars, and a couple of two-ton trucks arrived by railroad at the Glacier Park Station at Midvale (East Glacier). There were no garage storage or repair facilities; the operators would just have to “make do” for the season.

The 1914 buses were black, open-top buses with can-vas tops that could be pulled forward in case of rain. The tops hooked to the windshield with long straps that extended down to the front fenders to hold the canvas in place. Instead of a door on the driver’s side, there was a spare tire and a tank, so the driver had to climb over the tire and tank to get into the bus. The headlights were illuminated by acetylene gas. When the skies grew dark, the gear jammer had to stop the bus, get out, and turn the knob on the gas tank on the left fender, which fed the acetylene line to the headlights. Then they lit the headlights with a match.

Heavily loaded with carefree sightseeing passengers

Fleets Consolidating the

The First Buses

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traveling over rough, rocky stagecoach roads, these early buses had their fair share of problems: flat tires, failed differentials, overheating engines, and other auto break-downs. In the spring and early fall, the buses frequently became mired in mud and had to be pulled out by teams of horses.

Americans have had a love affair with automobiles since the first Duryea chugged forth from a bicycle shop in Massachusetts. So it was no surprise that tourists who embraced America’s new motorized transportation outnumbered the nostalgic few who still enjoyed the rough and tumble ride of the stagecoaches and the feel of the Old West. The general consensus of the Glacier Park Hotel Company was that buses were more desirable and practical for taking sightseers through the park than stagecoaches. Toward the end of the trial season for the first buses, Hill released the Brewster brothers from their contract to provide stagecoach services in the park.

The following year Hill signed an agreement with Walter

White to provide transportation services in Glacier using White Motor Company equipment. White and his business partner Roe Emery organized the Glacier Park Trans-portation Company, and in 1915 White’s buses became the park’s public transportation.

“Whenever we had to change grades when going up the mountain road or coming down, we had to shift from one gear to another, and we had to do that by double clutch-ing,” said Robert L. Wise, a 1936 gear jammer. “If you did it correctly there was just harmony, it was just silent . . . but if you fouled up there was a loud noise of the gears. That’s why we were called gear jammers.”

Most of the gear jammers were young college men work-ing in the park during the summer. Each wore a uniform of gray whipped-cord britches, a gray shirt and blue tie, polished English cavalry boots, a blue pea coat, and a cap. They were a dashing lot lined up in front of their buses.

See the display ad in this issue if you are interested in purchasing the book Glacier National Park: The First 100 Years by C.W. Guthrie

For readers who would like to learn

more about these and other historical chalets and hotels in Glacier

National Park and seeing photos of many of them should find our “Book Recommendation” in

this issue, “Views with a Room. Glacier Park’s Historicals Hotels and Chalets of Glacier Park,” by Ray Djuff and Chris Morrison (Farcountry Press, 2001) both

interesting and informative.





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Editor’s Note

This article is a chapter

from the book Glacier National

Park: The First 100 Years by

C.W. Guthrie and published

by Far Country Press.

At about the time of the publication of this issue, Glacier Park

begins year 101, as a National

Park so here is a look back at the first decade.

Two Medicine Lake on Glacier’s east side - Rick & Susie Graetz

PREVIOUSE PAGE: Mt. Gould and Swift-current Lake – Many Glacier areas – Rick

& Susie Graetz

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Guardiansof thePark C h a r l e s J . K r a e b e l , G l a c i e r s u p e r i n t e n d e n t f r o m 1 9 2 4 - 1 9 2 7 ,

c e n t e r , p o s e s f o r a p h o t o g r a p h i n 1 9 2 7 w i t h N a t i o n a l P a r k S e r v i c e l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t T h o m a s V i n t , l e f t , a n d U n i v e r -

s i t y o f M o n t a n a b i o l o g y p r o f e s s o r M o r t o n E l r o d . G l a c i e r N a t i o n a l P a r k A r c h i v e s

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By Tristan Scott, the Missoulain’s reporter for the Flathead Valley in December 1910 and reprinted with permission.

Photos by Kurt Wilson of the Missoulian.

Chas Cartwright is kicking and gliding along a snow-covered trail in the crisp, crystalline winter wilderness of Glacier National Park, subduing friction with fluent diagonal ski strides and describing with rhapsodic conviction “the art of public land management.” “Public land management is my calling, and there is no place I would rather be than Glacier,” says the 60-year-old Cartwright, relishing the simple pleasure of an early morning ski before a day fraught with meetings, phone calls and administrative hand-wringing over a suite of complex management issues. The park’s 21st superintendent is fit and compact, conditioned as he is to hiking 20-plus arduous miles in a day, and when he pauses on occasion to rest it’s not due to fatigue but rather a measured and deliberate interest in his surroundings, a deep appreciation of natural beauty impervi-ous to the job’s executive hazards. Cartwright’s resume spans nearly 40 years of federal service, the last 24 years with the National Park Service, and includes five prior super-intendent-ships. Since his appointment as custodian of Glacier in 2008, he has overseen nearly 450 permanent and seasonal employees who attend to more than 1 million acres of wilderness, wildlife habitat and recreational facilities. He is responsible for an annual budget of more than $12 million, and this year ushered a record-setting 2.2 million visitors through Glacier’s gates. He is nowhere near retirement and plans to manage Glacier Park “long enough to have a lasting impact.” Still, Cartwright minces no words when declaring Glacier as his last custodial charge. “This is my final assignment,” he says. It sounds almost suspect coming from a man who has been tasked with managing so many national treasures, all possessing geograph-ic features as remarkable and deserving of protection as Glacier Park’s. But Cartwright doesn’t harbor any last-hoorah fantasies, and he remains keenly aware that his place among these abiding mountains and streams, while well worn, is fleeting and finite. As he nears the end of a decades-long career in public service, Cartwright’s chief concern is not to carve out a personal legacy in the park’s 100-year history, but to serve as a temporary guardian - to make a lasting contribution so the continent’s crown jewel that can endure another 100 years and serve as a shining example to future generations of land managers. “I’ve never been a big personal legacy type,” Cartwright says. “That’s not my focus. I’m more concerned with what I hand off to the next generation of park managers and staff, and with what the visitors inherit.” Given the challenges that have cropped up during the past cen-tury of human stewardship at Glacier Park - climate change, wilderness management, increasing visitation, shifting land policies, fickle mountain ecosystems and the ongoing reconstruction of the famed Going-to-the-Sun Road - it is a mission fraught with difficulty. But, as Cartwright says, “superintendents have a responsibility to the park, and to the people.”The role of park superintendent is ultimately one of protection, preserva-tion and access, and each of Glacier’s 21 overseers has helmed the position with an eye toward that lofty goal, albeit at the mercy of history dictating their priorities.

C h a r l e s J . K r a e b e l , G l a c i e r s u p e r i n t e n d e n t f r o m 1 9 2 4 - 1 9 2 7 , c e n t e r , p o s e s f o r a p h o t o g r a p h i n 1 9 2 7 w i t h N a t i o n a l P a r k S e r v i c e l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t T h o m a s V i n t , l e f t , a n d U n i v e r -

s i t y o f M o n t a n a b i o l o g y p r o f e s s o r M o r t o n E l r o d . G l a c i e r N a t i o n a l P a r k A r c h i v e s

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“All park managers face the dilemma of striking a balance between preservation and use,” Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall said in 1965. “Within our park con-cept, there can be no question of locking up the wilderness. The wilderness proper serves all park visitors.”Since its inception, Park Service officials in Glacier have constantly dealt with the pressures of rising visitation, particularly as it increased from 200,000 people in 1946 to 600,000 in 1954.But in Glacier Park’s infancy, perhaps the most immediate issue that land managers faced was unlocking its wilderness for the visitors.When Glacier was created in 1910, the National Park Service did not yet exist, and the first park headquarters was a small-tented compound located at what is now Apgar Village, at the south end of Lake McDonald. There were only two service-able trails through the mountains, one from Lake McDonald across Gunsight Pass to St. Mary Lake, and the other up the Mc-

Donald Creek Valley and over Swiftcurrent Pass to Many Glacier.Maj. William R. Logan was hired as superintendent of road and trail construc-tion for the park, and later appointed by the secretary of the Interior as “inspector in charge” of Glacier Park before the position of superintendent was established in April 1911.As the park’s first superintendent, Logan, a former soldier and Indian agent in Brown-ing, hoped to build a new road between Belton and Apgar, establish telephone lines, construct trails, locate sites for future administrative buildings “and generally organize the area for future recreational purposes,” according to C.W. Buchholtz’s 1976 book, “Man in Glacier.”“It is the desire of my heart to make this park the most wonderful land in the world,” Logan said one year before his death in 1912.When he arrived, however, Glacier’s wildness lashed out at Logan, and he was forced to contend with a season of forest

fires that consumed more than 100,000 acres, diverting his efforts away from the road projects and toward the fire emer-gency.Logan’s tenure as superintendent was short-lived, but his contributions to the park and his vision for its future were significant, and he is commemorated in the names Logan Pass, creek, glacier and mountain.One of his smaller contributions was a mail order placed with Parker, Bridget & Co. in Washington, D.C., to supply uniforms for his troupe of park rangers. At $15, the uniform consisted of “one Norfolk jacket, one wool shirt, one pair riding trousers, one pair leggings, and one felt camping hat after the Stetson style,” according to “Wa-terton and Glacier in a Snap,” authored by Ray Djuff and Chris Morrison.The Department of the Interior, which had come under pressure to standardize the dress of park staff across the country, issued a letter sanctioning the olive green Glacier uniform throughout the park system.

F i r s t s u p e r i n t e n d e n t o f G l a c i e r N a t i o n a l P a r kMajorWilliam R. Logan

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Logan’s ambitious vision for a road project would soon be realized, too, and construc-tion of the Sun Road began almost as soon as Glacier Park was born. By the time the road was completed in 1933, the need for other modern facilities was being fulfilled as well, and motels, stores and restaurants at Swiftcurrent and Rising Sun began replac-ing the deteriorating chalets.The blueprint for Glacier Park was be-ing rolled out farther and farther into the future, and by 1956 Park Service director Conrad Wirth felt that “planning for today and the immediate future, and construction on that basis, can lead only to future embar-rassment and to renewed demands for more of everything.”Throughout the National Park system, plans were developed based on a 10-year fore-cast, and park officials in Glacier launched “Mission 66” with the goal that by 1966 all construction would be completed and “travel development for visitor needs, and park protection, would be brought into proper harmony,” Buchholtz wrote.

It was the largest construction program in the park’s history, and quelled any argu-ments that the park was undeveloped.As park officials strived to meet the needs of the greater public, however, environmen-talists warned that “urbanization” of Glacier would endanger the aesthetic value of its wilderness environment, tipping the scales toward preservation.A turning point in park management came in 1967, when two grizzly bears attacked separate groups of backcountry campers, fatally mauling Julie Helgeson and Michele Koons. Critics claimed that poor backcoun-try management allowed the bears to travel in and out of the campsites and chalet areas, feeding on garbage and litter provided by campers and employees. Two years later, the revelation that sewage from the Logan Pass visitor center had escaped treatment and flowed into Reynolds Creek and St. Mary Lake stirred environmental controversy.Superintendent Bill Briggle was hired with the task of clearing up the problems of bears, pollution and mismanagement, but

an awakened public railed against park ad-ministrators, arguing that Glacier was being managed as a recreation area rather than as a wilderness.The road ahead would be long and trying, and not without other flare-ups over the priorities of park management.In September 1971, 14 Park Service trail crewmen set down their pulaskis and mcleods to protest the construction of a boardwalk on a trail near the Logan Pass Visitor Center. The walkway had been built with chemically treated wooden planks, and the preservative was leaching into the groundwater and killing subalpine fir trees along the Hidden Lake Trail.The crew’s protest letter was published in a local newspaper, and the following day the trail workers were fired due to “weather conditions” and “lack of supplies to con-tinue the job.” Responding to public outcry, Superintendent Briggle said, “these men will be considered for re-employment next summer.” “The actions of park employees who had been hired to carry out construc-

p h o t o W i l l K l a c z y n s k i

Lake McDonald

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tion and the park administrators who initiated the controversial project stemmed from the same objective: the ideal of protecting and preserving Glacier National Park,” Buchholtz wrote.As recently as 1976, Glacier Park attained “biosphere reserve” status, and in 1995 it was declared a World Heritage Site, protec-tions that reconciled Glacier’s conservation with its potential for sustainable use.Striking the perfect balance of use and preservation remains the greatest chal-lenge that superintendents face today, and while it’s not an unattainable harmony, it’s a difficult one to achieve, and one which the park’s integrity depends on.The work of protection and preservation, Cartwright says, was never meant to end with a presidential signature marking the park’s inception. Although he is only the most recent in a long line of park custodi-ans who have worked to achieve that har-mony, his efforts today will define his career in public service, and will be reflected on by those who follow. “That’s really the heart of the job,” says Cartwright.

Dave Mihalic, who served as superinten-dent at Glacier Park from 1994 to 2002, was instrumental in obtaining Glacier’s World Heritage declaration, and counts it among his greatest achievements in a lengthy career geared toward stewardship.“The World Heritage declaration is prob-ably what I’m proudest of in the long range because it added protection to the park in such a way that we were able to see the benefits,” Mihalic said. The designation came at a time when the North Fork was under threat of coal mining, and the World Heritage designation effectively stymied those plans.Doing his part, Cartwright has been seek-ing wilderness status for Glacier Park, a designation that has eluded these 1 million acres since the early 1970s, when a wil-derness study concluded that roughly 95 percent of the park’s backcountry park was well suited for official and permanent protection. The findings were presented to Congress in 1974, and for three decades lawmakers have failed to act. “Now I’m just trying to keep the conversation going,”

Cartwright said.Mihalic commended his successor’s efforts and said the role of superintendent is no longer just about a 10-year forecast, but requires a seer’s intuition to look through the folds of time and predict what acts of preservation, large or small, will best per-petuate the harmony.“Glacier has always been fortunate to have top-notch managers. Whether they’re the chief of maintenance or a roads foreman or a wildlife researcher, they know more than just their jobs, they know the park,” Mihalic said. “But the superintendent has to look years into the future. He’s looking at the big picture, looking at how we can protect the park, help serve the visitors better, do a bet-ter job in terms of wildlife management.”It seems like a heavy millstone to bear, but gliding along a snow-covered trail, Cart-wright characterizes it as a blessing rather than a burden.“The park is for the people, and it’s my obligation to make sure they inherit a place of beauty, and a valuable experience,” Cart-wright said.


Chas CartwrightG l i d e s o v e r t h e Q u a r t e r C i r c l e B r i d g e n e a r

t h e s o u t h e r n e n d o f L a k e M c D o n a l d .

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Glacier National Park Ranger Scott Emmerich

Scott has been a ranger with the National Park Service for 21 years. Since 1991 he has served as Gla-cier’s North Fork District Ranger out of Polebridge, Montana.

On June 8, 2010 he received the highest honor a NPS Ranger can receive when he accepted the 2010 Harry Yount National Park Ranger Award in a Washington, D.C. cer-emony. Simply put he was selected as the top ranger in the nation.

Scott and his (human) assistant Regi Altop have been friends to University of Montana students for many years helping with a class the University’s Geography De-partment holds in the North Fork of the Flathead every January.

Having spent time with him, as one of the instructors we can tes-tify the award was well earned.

Rick Graetz and Sarah Halvorson

Scott and Mya – Susie Graetz photo

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Is Triple Divide Peak

really a triple divide?

. . . A new theory.

Story: Rick and Susie Graetz

Photo: Triple Divide Peak from the southeast – J. Mohlhenrich

photo GNP archives

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e hate to throw cold water on the celeb-rity status of any of our majestic Mon-tana mountains, but recent studies have caused us to review a long-held belief. It’s

widely held that Triple Divide Peak on the Continental Divide in southern Glacier National Park is so named because it sends waters to three oceans, one of only two such apexes in all of North America to do so.

Waters draining from the west side of the peak clearly enter the Pacific Ocean through Nyack Creek and the Flathead, Clarks Fork and Columbia rivers. By way of Atlantic Creek, North Fork Cut Bank Creek, the Marias River and other tributar-ies flowing into the Missouri and on to the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic Ocean receives Triple Divide’s east flank runoff. This is all well documented.

Now here’s the rub. Popular belief holds that snowmelt and raindrops falling on the northern gradi-ent of Triple Divide Peak, entering Hud-son Bay Creek, help fill St. Mary’s Lake, which empties into the St. Mary’s River, which leads through the Saskatchewan River system north and northeast to Hudson Bay, eventually ending up in the Arctic Ocean.

However, currents show that Hudson Bay is part of the Atlantic Ocean. Tidal exchanges occur through deep straits connecting the Bay to the Atlantic. The in-lets leading to the Arctic Ocean are shallow; therefore Hudson Bay most likely does not add to the Arctic and

perhaps it is the other way around.

If this is all true, that would leave only one mountain - Snow Dome, a high ice-covered peak on the north side of the Columbia Ice Fields in Jasper National Park, Canada - to truly hold the distinction. With this massif, it is certain waters reach the Pacific via the Columbia River system; to the Atlantic from Hudson’s Bay (assuming again that Hudson’s Bay is part of the Atlantic as Jasper National Park folks believe); and

all precipitation and melt on the north side drains to the Athabasca Glacier (a tongue of the Columbia Ice Fields), which forms the Athabasca River, which in turn pours into the McKenzie River flowing north through the Yukon and finally empty-ing into the Arctic Ocean.

An interesting question to pon-der: If Hudson Bay could be proven to discharge into the Arctic Ocean and not the Atlantic, then Montana’s Triple Divide Peak would be the only peak truly launch-ing waters to three oceans. As it is, this Glacier National Park summit does flow in three direc-tions but apparently

not to three seas. J. Gordon Edwards’ book, A Climb-ers Guide to Glacier National Park, states that waters from the peak go to the Pacific, Atlantic and North Atlantic; no mention of the Arctic Ocean. Canadian geographers feel the same way, including Dr. Derald G. Smith, former Professor of Geography and chair of the Department of Earth Science at The University of Calgary.


The red pin with the letter A is the location of Triple Divide Peak – Google Map

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S ay “the Flathead” and sweet cherries come to mind. Bing, Ranier, Lambert, Royal Ann…their delicate white blos-soms in May signify spring as much as its leafy green branches laden with ruby red fruit do summer. Once the harvest is under way, the rustic cherry stands, each with their colorful hand painted signs claiming to have the freshest and tastiest produce, open up all along High-way 35, forming a continuous farmers market from Polson to Bigfork. The microclimate of this part of the valley is conducive to the cherries’ growth. More moderate weather than the rest of Montana and few rapid tem-perature changes protect

the crop as spring comes to the state, killing frosts are common, but along the lakeshore, the water heats slowly and retards the arrival of spring, thus ensur-ing the cherry blossoms will not bud too early and be claimed by frost. Warmer water in the fall, after summer heating, shelters the trees from an early freeze that would destroy them before they go dormant for the winter. As long as this equilibrium holds, the trees stay healthy. Throw the cycle off with a lengthy January warming spell and then an abrupt return to winter, such as occurred in January 1988, and the trees die. A continually cold winter is the best insurance policy for a successful crop.

Sometime in mid May one of the promises of the spring equinox begins to show on the shores of

Flathead Lake as cherry blossoms begin coloring the land.

– Susie Graetz photo and prose

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E d i t o r ’ s N o t e : This article first appeared as a chapter in a book titled Splendid Was the Trail by Kenneth D. Swan published in 1968 by Mountain Press Publish-ing of Missoula Montana. It was reprinted by Far Country Press under their imprint Sweet Grass Books, and is avail-able through Farm Country Press 1-800-654-1105. The book is a Forester’s recollection of 37 years spent with the United States Forest Service. Wilderness Safaris covers Swan’s trips in areas of the Crown of the Continent.

WILDERNESS SAFARISA r t i c l e b y K . D S w a nPhotos by K.D Swan LEFT Big Salmon Lake (now within the Bob Marshall Wilderness). Flathead National Forest 1934ABOVE Swan Mission Mountains east side – April 1930 99-7291

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in the summer of 1916 the Milwaukee Road asked the Forest Service for informa-tion about possible tourist trips into the wildlands near Missoula, suggesting they might send a representative from Seattle to look the ground over and get first-hand information for publicity material. Un-doubtedly the railroad management was impressed by the lucrative travel business the Great Northern had built up in connection with Glacier Park. The idea of bringing visitors to

the national forests of western Montana was pleasing to our personnel. A cordial invita-tion was extended to the railroad’s represen-tative, with the promise that we would do everything possible to give him a real taste of wilderness adventure. It was decided that a trip into the South Fork of the Flathead country - a region now largely embraced by the Bob Marshall Wilderness - would be most productive of results. Ezra Shaw, ranger on the Seeley Lake District of the old Mis-soula Forest, was delegated to engineer the trip, and I was to be the photographer for the expedition. Ezra would handle the live-stock and do the packing, and I would take pictures and help with the camp chores. In those days I was often called on to function as a camp cook. Shaw asked me to hire four horses properly equipped and bring them to the Seeley Lake station; also to purchase supplies and gather up needed camp equipment at the Forest Service warehouse, all of which would be shipped to the station by the See-ley Lake mail stage. In the meantime, word confirming the early arrival of our guest was received. A day or two later I was on my way up the Blackfoot Valley, riding a good horse and leading three-two with pack saddles, the other with a riding saddle for our guest. It was a broiling hot August after-noon when I left Missoula. The rough unpaved road sent up clouds of choking dust, but this didn’t smother my enthusiasm for a trip, which was taking me away from the office and into the hills. MacNamara’s, an inn about sixteen miles from Missoula, was reached just before a terrific thunderstorm ended the dust menace. In those

days meals, lodging, and horse feed could be had at this lumberjack hostel, and there I put up for the night. After looking over the questionable sleeping accommodations, I spread my bed in the stable loft where I could listen to the homey noises of the horses below. The air was sparkling clear the next morning after the rain; there was no dust, and I enjoyed every minute of the ride. That night I stayed at a ranch on the Clear-water River not far from its junction with the Blackfoot.

Early in the afternoon of the following day I reached the Seeley Lake station, where Shaw, who had just received a telephone message saying our guest was on the way, greeted me. Sure enough, in a very short time the mail stage lumbered into the driveway with a lone passenger in the seat with the driver. It was a tiresome trip from

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Missoula over the unpaved roads of those days, and our guest seemed a little stiff and sore as he climbed down from his perch. His name was Grindell. It would be hard, if not impossible, to find a more likable and cooperative individual. Shaw and I uncrossed our fingers after he had introduced himself – an introduction that was the begin-ning of a most harmonious trip and lasting friendship. A bright summer morning set the stage for our horseback trip up the Clearwater Valley and over the

divide to headwaters of the Swan River, a ride that took us by a necklace of sequestered lakes - Inez, Alva, Rainy, and Summit. Our guest was new to the saddle, but he seemed to have no trouble in adjusting himself to this unfamiliar mode of transportation. We made our first stop at a choice spot on Lake Alva, where a family of Mis-

soula people (I think the name was Bolles) had pitched camp for a week’s stay. The long trip from town had been made with a wagon pulled by a team of horses - a jour-ney of several days. There were no tables, fireplaces, or other conveniences there in those days, but their camp was spic and span, and the tents under the towering larches made an attractive picture. A paved highway now encroaches on the lake at this spot - a painful reminder of the frailty of wilderness!

Haying was in full swing at the Gordon Ranch, and we were invited to eat our supper and breakfast with the hay hands, and make use of the corral for our stock. To fill in the time be-fore the evening meal, we rode over to Holland Lake. The view of this mountain tarn nestled close to the base of the abrupt Swan Range, is remembered as a satisfying climax to the first day of our trip. The air was still and the lake formed a perfect mirror for the lofty peaks to the east. The mellow afternoon light enhanced the whole scene. As we listened we could hear the murmur of the falls on Holland Creek just above the inlet of the lake. I became quite familiar with this beautiful lake in the ensuing years, but this first view still remains an impressive memory. Several years later Mrs. Swan and I had the pleasant experience of taking Robert Sterling Yard and Mrs. Yard to this same spot. Mr. Yard, as many of you will recall, was a militant conser-vationist who spearheaded the drive to have our national parks preserved inviolate from self-ish interests, and gave loyal support to Robert Marshall in the establishment of the Wilderness Society. Mr. Yard was in Missoula briefly on busi-ness connected with the Society, and expressed a desire to see some of our wildlands before continuing his journey. When my chief, Richard Hammatt, asked me to plan a trip and act as escort for the party, I immediately thought of Holland Lake as a spot feasible to visit in the available time. When we reached the lakeshore, Mr. Yard walked alone to the edge of the water and, tak-

ing off his hat, stood for some time gazing at the moun-tains and their reflection in the quiet water. Coming back to the car he said, almost in the manner of one who has had a moving spiritual experience, “You say it’s wilder-ness beyond those mountains?” Then after a pause he added, “I’ve been very close today!”

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here would be much to write should I attempt to tell all that happened on our South Fork trip. There would be word pictures of timberline lakes bordered by meadows still gay with late-blooming flowers; mention of streams, which would bring joy to the heart of the angler; tales of encounters with game along the way. Perhaps the crowning highlight would be a description of Big Salmon Lake, a favor-ite spot with the Indians who came there to catch and smoke their fish. Here we

camped for three days before starting home by way of Hahn Creek and Monture Pass. At the Monture Ranger Station we parted with our guest who was taken to Mis-soula to catch an afternoon train for Seattle. In leaving us he made a remark, which I still remember: “I know now what they mean when they talk about God’s country!” In 1924 the Northern Pacific Railroad and the Forest Service organized a party to explore and photo-graph much the same country we visited with Grindell. Word was getting around rapidly about the wonderful possibilities of that region for wilderness adventure, and dude outfitters were stepping up their efforts to bring people to the country for camping, fishing, and hunting trips. Apparently, the Northern Pacific folks felt justified in making a considerable outlay to finance this trip, as they were not at all stingy with the funds. In the party were Asahel Curtis, well-known mountain photographer, Olin D. Wheeler, a writer who had a two-volume book on the Lewis and Clark Party to his credit, and two motion picture men from the Twin Cities. Theodore Shoemaker, chief of the Office of Public Relations, my boss, was given the job of planning the trip and making the necessary arrangements for transportation and subsistence. Jack Clack was named as his assistant, and a very able one he proved to be. I was to take over the office while Shoe-maker was away. A tentative plan of taking the Northern Pacific party to Big Salmon Lake over the same route followed by Shaw, Grindell and myself was never carried out. As the cavalcade worked its way up the switchbacks above Holland Lake, Curtis was fascinated by glimpses of the Mission Range to the westward where a glacier of con-siderable size and numerous lingering snowfields were gleaming white in the morning sun. “That’s where the pictures are,” said Curtis, and insisted that the itiner-ary be changed accordingly. Jack, who found in Curtis a kindred spirit from the first, agreed that was the thing to do, and after some discussion with Shoemaker the

party about-faced and headed across the Swan Valley for Elbow Lake (now Lindbergh Lake) and Glacier Creek. Later events proved the decision to have been a wise one. Curtis got about a hundred remarkably fine 8 x 10 negatives, which remained the property of the Northern Pacific Railroad. He and Jack would leave camp early each morning to spend the day hiking over the trailless high country and picking out choice spots for pictures. Jack told of helping Curtis change films at night under a blanket spread over a smooth ledge at Lagoon Lake, site of the base camp. It was a disappointment to me to re-main in town during times like these, but my turn came later! That summer Shoemaker returned in August with a party of Montana Mountaineers to camp at Lagoon Lake, the logical place for a base camp. The party stayed there for ten days exploring the area, climbing many of the peaks, and giving names to many topographic fea-tures. Credit goes to Curtis, according to Jack, for nam-ing Daughter-of-the-Sun Mountain, Turquoise Lake, and Sunrise Glacier; the Mountaineers named Mountaineer Peak, which they were the first organized party to climb. Mrs. Swan, then Miss Ruth Barrows, was a member of this group. Other names given by this party seem very appropriate: Grey Wolf Peak, Lake of the Stars, Panoram-ic Peak, Lone Tree Pass, Iceflow Lake among others. It is fitting that a peak in this fine cluster of mountains now bears the name Mt. Shoemaker in honor of the intrepid leader who gave unselfishly of his time to bring people to enjoy this outstanding country. The name has the full approval of the National Board of Geographic Names. To one not familiar with the Mission Moun-tains the topography seems a bit confusing. Jack found some of his questions about the terrain unanswered, and wanted to do a little exploring on his own account, wishing principally to follow down Post Creek from its source in Iceflow Lake. He suggested that the two of us go on a backpack trip - an idea that met with my immedi-ate approval. This trip was my introduction to the Mis-sion Mountains Wilderness, and what an introduction it proved to be! It was part of the unwritten code of the Forest Service in those days that vacations be taken only after all danger from forest fires was over, usually some time in October. Weather conditions are more or less un-certain at this time; sometimes there is a considerable period of crisp Indian summer weather and quite often a fall storm makes a hiking trip in the hills a rather misera-ble experience. Jack was an optimist, and we made plans to leave about the middle of the month.


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TOP: View of the south end of the Mission Mountains from a ridge in the Rattlesnake Mts. in September

1927 September

MIDDLE: Chinese Wall from above Moose Creek taken in 1934

BOTTOM: Mission Mountains west face taken in 1930

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our outfit included a pup tent, a double-bitted axe, cook ing utensils, down quilts, and an ample supply of grub. Jack’s pack weighed 65 pounds, mine about 35. Mrs. Clack drove us to Holland Lake one afternoon and there left us with the understanding that we were to call on the telephone when we came out of the hills and tell her where to meet us. Gone now is the log ranger cabin where we spent the night, demolished to make room for more modern improvements, but in those days it was considered a comfortable stopping place. We were on the trail early the next

day, a bright day, which we hoped indicated a continuing spell of Indian summer weather. Our way took us across the Swan Valley to Elbow (now Lindbergh) Lake, over Elbow Ridge, and down to a crossing of Glacier Creek, where we started the tedious climb to Lagoon Lake, our camp spot for the night. The air was crisp throughout the day and autumn’s touch was noted everywhere along the trail: here and there aspen leaves spiraled gently down to form a yellow carpet beneath the trees; patches of huckleberry bushes were turn-ing to deep crimson; clusters of orange mountain ash berries were eye-compelling when glimpsed against a blue sky. Bird life, too, was evident: crossbills were busy pulling cones apart to reach the seeds, red-breasted nuthatches were calling plaintively to vie with the more emphatic notes of the chickadees. The pine squirrels seemed espe-cially busy, sounding staccato notes of alarm as they scampered away at our approach. It seemed a friendly forest on that bright October day, and best of all we had a feeling of being a part of it - a feeling very precious, to be cherished and long-remembered. It was almost sundown when we reached Lagoon Lake, and we lost no time in pitching our tent and starting a fire from wood left neatly stacked by the Mountaineer party in August. After a supper of canned beans, cheese, and bread, we sat awhile by the cheerful blaze, grateful to have accomplished one of the longest legs of the trip, - in miles at least. Before turning in we noticed a veil of high cirrus clouds coming from the north to drift across the face of the moon, which lacked a few days of being full. In the early morning hours the noisy flapping of the pup tent disturbed our slumbers. Poking our heads

out from the covers to see what it was all about, we were greeted by a blast of frigid air and stinging snowflakes; quite definitely there had come a break in the halcyon autumn weather, at least in the high country. Rearrang-ing our duffle to act as a partial windbreak and mak-ing sure our tent was securely anchored, we burrowed beneath the down covers to get a few fitful winks until daylight. Crawling out of the tent at daybreak we were greeted by a wintry world. The air was filled with blowing snow, which eventually came to rest in drifts of consider-

able depth. The troubled waters of Lagoon Lake slapping the rocky shores could be heard above the roaring of the storm. Definitely this was no day to travel in the high country; even a hot breakfast was out of the question, and to retreat before this onslaught of winter seemed the logical thing to do. After making up emergency packs containing our down quilts, the axe, and a generous supply of provi-sions, we cached the remainder of our outfit under the tent, well weighted down with rocks, and headed for the lower country. In less than an hour we were in a more

Looking across the “Bob” Red Buttes in the foreground and the northern end of the Chinese Wall at White River Pass behind it – Rick and Susie Graetz

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temperate climate, with the snow turning to rain. How-ever, there was no lessening of the wind, which seemed to be coming out of the north with the fury of a winter blizzard. The mountains were completely obscured by low-hanging clouds; the trees writhed and groaned and frequently there would be a loud crack as some victim fell before the tempest. “No place to be in a windstorm,” said Jack. “Nothing to do but hole up until it’s over.” And that is just what we did. The Holland Lake cabin provided the shelter we needed, and there we stayed the better part of two days and nights. A captain

and his orderly from Fort Missoula shared quarters with us. The deer-hunting season was in full swing and these men were out for game. They were likable chaps, and we enjoyed swapping yarns with them in front of the over-worked little stove. All the next day it rained steadily, and there wasn’t much to do but to stay inside and listen to the steady drum of the drops on the roof. We felt completely isolated - no telephone or other means of contact with the outside world. But we made the best of it, and rather welcomed the opportunity to rest our tired muscles,

which were not wholly broken in to the hard exercise. Nothing to do but wait, or to wonder perhaps how our outfit left in the high country was faring. At noon on the third day the storm broke and the sun came out. Jack suggested we start immediately for Lagoon Lake. “We can jungle out tonight somewhere along the trail,” he said, “and reach our cache at Lagoon before noon tomorrow.” And so equipped with a rusty fry pan, a lard pail, a couple of tin cups, a battered plate or two with some tableware - all of which could be aban-doned after use - we started. The captain promised to

call Jack’s wife as soon as he reached town, and to tell her that our return would be delayed. This he neglected to do, with consequences that will be related later. We camped that night in a little hollow on the side of Elbow Lake Ridge in a wickiup made from spruce boughs. Jack located a dead tree, which he worked up into firewood, and we kept a fire burning all night, as it turned bitterly cold. Stepping away from the bright circle it made we found the moon had risen to lighten the dark woods. There was not even a trace of wind to murmur among the tree branches. The only sound was the crackle from our campfire calling us back to its cozy warmth. Jack brewed himself a cup of tea with melted snow, and told of hap-penings when he was building railroads across the Canadian plains. Finally, after piling wood on the fire to last most of the night, we turned in to the luxury of a deep bough bed. We reached Lagoon Lake before noon as planned, and after digging our gear out of the snow we repacked and headed for the Lake of the Clouds. The way was a hard one; the drifted snow made the footing uncertain, and we pro-ceeded with caution. Minor lakes such as Gem and Prospector were frozen over. Turquoise, a larger tarn, had ice along the shoreline, but was

open in the middle. Sunrise Glacier gleamed white with its covering of new snow. We made camp just short of the Lake of the Clouds in a saddle known as Lone Tree Pass, several hundred feet higher than Turquoise Lake. We took care to make our camp snug as we expected to be there two nights. Again Jack cut down a dead pine, and we were soon at home by our fire. This spot was near timberline, probably at an elevation of seven or eight thousand feet, and the night was bitterly cold. There was just enough breeze across the pass to whisper all night in the stunted pines near our tent. In

Looking across the “Bob” Red Buttes in the foreground and the northern end of the Chinese Wall at White River Pass behind it – Rick and Susie Graetz

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LEFT: Bob Marshall trail sign – Rick and Susie Graetz photo RIGHT: Grey Wolf Lake – Mission Mts. John Lambing photo

the morning a kettle of water was frozen solid, and Jack had to thaw it out to get water to mix his famous pan-cakes. Hardships were forgotten as we climbed Glacier Peak. The air was crystal clear, and we could see that at lower elevations the day was sunny and warm - a return to Indian summer. Here, high up on the peaks the air was crisp and invigorating. The glare of the sun on the snow was intense. Having no snow glasses, we did the next best thing: rubbed charcoal from the campfire on our faces just under the lower eyelids. This helped, but by evening we both had glorious sunburns. We crossed one corner of Sunrise Glacier on our climb to the peak. At one place there was a crevasse, too broad and deep to be concealed by the new snow. It had an ugly, repellent look and we avoided it altogether. The warm sun on the cliffs above caused some melting which resulted every now and then in a fusillade of small rocks which went bounding and skipping by us, warning us of incipient danger. Eventually we reached the crest of the backbone of the Missions, which extended miles to the south. A section of this knife edge forms the headwall of Mission Canyon, a basin on the floor of which are several lakes, not visible from where we were standing. Not far away in a southerly direction was the massive pyramid of Mountaineer Peak. A host of other mountains, including impressive Daughter-of-the-Sun completed this southern panorama. To the north was the huge bulk of MacDonald Peak, a challenge to climb, which we accepted the fol-lowing day. We took a slightly different route on our descent

to camp, passing a snow-shrouded tooth, which we dubbed “The Ghost.” Sitting beside the campfire that eve-ning, thoroughly relaxed and cheered by a warm meal, we laid plans for the next day. We decided to go down Iceflow Lake, the source of Post Creek, and to follow down that stream to MacDonald Lake and the Flathead Valley. High cirrus clouds were drifting in from the west and south next morning and we sensed a change in the weath-er. We lost no time in packing up and picking a precarious way down to the bottom of

the abysmal ravine, which cradles Iceflow Lake. A more dismal spot would be hard to find - or to imagine. The beetling cliffs of the Glacier Peaks cut off the sunlight except possibly for a few hours each day in mid-summer. The lake was frozen solid that morning. Looking up at MacDonald Peak, we speculated on how much of a climb it would be, without packs, to reach the top from where we were. Jack thought about an hour and a half would put us on top, and we decided to give it a try. After leaving the lake we climbed west-ward to a saddle from which we could see the Flathead Valley. Then turning northeast we started up a talus slope - a stiff climb where the footing was insecure be-cause of the new snow, which became deeper the higher we went. Finally we came to the crest of the ridge and found we were some distance from the main summit, which appeared to be a hundred or more feet higher than the point on which we were standing. The wind was now blowing a gale and the sky had become completely overcast. Blowing snow was combing out over a cirque, which we thought might hold a small glacier. We could not face the wind standing up, so we crouched as we worked our way along the top of the serrated ridge. At last we were confronted by a gap, which could not be crossed with any degree of safety. It is possible that this gap could be crossed easily in good weather, but we did not care to attempt the passage in the face of the wind and snow. Although we did not gain the summit of MacDon-ald Peak, we felt repaid for the effort of the climb. Views near and far were ample compensation: close at hand

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the nearby peaks savage in their wintry aspect; in the distance the white ramparts of the Swan Range; to the west the broad Flathead Valley with its cultivated acres. Skidding and sliding down the scree slopes and making deep tracks in patches of drifted snow, we reached our packs in a fraction of the time taken for the tedious upward climb, We were soon on our way down the valley below Iceflow Lake. For the first mile or so Post Creek flows in an easterly direction; then it turns north, and finally west to MacDonald Lake. Two of the most attractive lakes we saw on this trip lie in this high valley. One, which is possibly a half-mile across, is situated just north of Panoramic Peak, which has been mentioned before. It is only a short distance from this lake to an-other one almost as large. We camped at the lower end from where there was an unobstructed view of Panoramic Peak. The clouds in the west broke away just before sunset and the peak was suffused with a salmon glow, which in turn was reflected in the lake. This was one of the richest color effects seen on the entire trip, but it lasted for only a few minutes. We built a rous-ing campfire from wood picked up along the shore, and cooked a kettle of spotted pup (rice and raisins) which, with cheese and dried prunes to chew on, appeased appetites whetted by the day’s exertions. We took stock of our remaining supplies and found that we had food enough for three or four meals. “Close figuring,” said Jack. “We may have to live off the country!” “And what a pleasant experience that would be,” thought I as I looked across the lake at towering Panoramic Peak, now snow-bound until spring. It started to snow in the night - not a dry snow such as we encountered earlier on the trip, but a wet snow, which clung to everything it touched. The falling flakes were so dense that we could not see the lake as we ate breakfast. Packing up our equipment in the cold, gusty wind that was sucking down the valley was quite a chore. Before we had gone far through the brush we were soaking wet from the waist down. Only the exercise of climbing over windfalls and working our way around cliffs kept us from getting stiff and numb. We passed a number of lakes, one below the other, with cliffy escarpments between. It was necessary to detour in many places and let ourselves down several hundred feet by holding onto the brush. As we dropped in elevation the snow turned to rain, which was little bet-ter than the snow and more penetrating. We were soon literally soaked to the skin. It was so cold and we were so wet that it was impossible to stop and rest with comfort,

so we kept on the move continually. I shivered most of the time and my knees creaked. Our only comfort was in knowing that each descending step put us closer to our destination and farther from the chill of the snowline. We left camp about seven-thirty, and it was after noon when we reached the big timber above MacDonald Lake. Here in a clump of western red cedars we found the bones of a horse; the whitened skeleton was one of the most heartening sights of the trip, for it indicated that we were near a trail of some kind - probably the Indian trail which led up the valley and over the divide at the head of the North Fork of Post Creek. We soon found this trail and followed it down to a Reclamation Ser-vice camp where the cook cheered us with freshly-fried doughnuts - for Jack there were copious mugs of hot coffee. Below the camp we found a spot where we could build a huge fire. There the rest of the day was spent in drying out. Next morning was bright and sunny. Trudging along the road towards Ronan we were picked up by the driver of a Model T Ford who was on his way to town. There a friend at the bank loaned us money for haircuts and shaves, and tickets for the afternoon train to Mis-soula. From the station platform we took a farewell look at the Missions, the tops mostly obscured by angry-look-ing storm clouds that had settled far down on the great peaks. There was a feeling of wonderful satisfaction in knowing we had made a successful crossing of the great barrier: the challenge of the mountain wilderness had been met and won. That challenge is still there for those who would go on foot into that superb country. Things had been happening in Missoula, so we found on our return. Because we were long overdue and

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no word as to our whereabouts had been received, a search party was being organized. The Associated Press had carried a nation-wide story and Jack’s relatives living in California had wired for latest reports. But on the whole I think our respective families were less worried than the Forest Service boys. These men were truly concerned, for they well knew the hazards of wilderness travel under wintry conditions. Towards the end of the summer of 1928, Shoemaker proposed that he and I get pictures in the Mis-sions to supplement those taken by Asahel Curtis - a collection which remained the property of the Northern Pacific Railroad. Ernest Holmes, a teacher at the Idaho Normal College who had been on Montana Mountain-eer trips led by Shoemaker, wished to go with us. We were glad to have him as a third member of the party for he was a good man in the hills and always willing to do his share of the work. The few pictures I brought back from the snowy trip with Jack Clack were made with an Eastman roll film Kodak. As this present trip was primarily for pictures, we decided to carry my favorite piece of equipment, the 6)’2 x 8)’2 inch view camera using cut film which I loaded into the holders by means of a changing bag. A sturdy tripod was included in the outfit, which all told weighed about thirty pounds. Shoemaker and Holmes carried a goodly share of this hefty equipment, a courtesy which I certainly appreciated. At the lodge on Lindbergh Lake we rented a packhorse to take our outfit to Lagoon Lake; once there the animal would be turned loose to find his way home - something he had done several times before. The trip was made without event, and after unpacking the animal we took a swim in the lake, which had been nicely warmed by the summer sun. Two overnight side trips were made from our base camp: one to the Lake of the Clouds, the other to High Park, where in the evening we watched two grizzlies turning over rocks in a search for ladybugs. Both Shoemaker and Holmes had seen grizzly bears before in several places in the Missions, notably near the top of MacDonald Peak. This is a land of wind-tortured trees. One could spend days searching out and taking pictures of these sturdy individuals on the timberline frontier. To me they epitomize a gallant struggle for survival. Of the nega-tives made on the trip, those of the sub-alpine trees were the choicest in my estimation. Trail-riding parties initiated by the American Forestry Association in the early nineteen thirties made it possible for increasing numbers of people to gain a more intimate acquaintance with wilderness areas in many parts of the country. One of the best of these horseback tours - a trip popular from the first - led into the very heart of the mountain country of the Lewis and Clark and Flathead National Forests now designated the Bob Marshall Wilderness in honor of the man who did so much to give us a greater appreciation of our wildlands and an understanding of the need to protect certain of them from unwise encroachment. Largely through his efforts and generosity the dream of a wilderness society became a reality. Joe Murphy, well known outfitter of Ovando, Montana, guided the first Trail Riders’ trip into this area in July, 1932. With the exception of the war years, the trip has been repeated annually ever since. However, Joe no longer acts as guide. I joined the party making the ride in 1935 and again in 1946 for the purpose of getting movies and stills, which would depict life in camp and on the trail. Total results amounted to many still nega-tives and a two-reel movie entitled “Trail Riders of the Wilderness” which had a rather wide circulation, par-ticularly in the East. My expenses were taken care of by the Forest Service. Mrs. Swan, although not a member of the Association, went along as a paying guest at the suggestion of Joe, who knew of her years of experience in outdoor living and nature guiding. The Forest Service Remount Depot, located in the Ninemile Valley a short distance from Missoula, furnished me with a saddle horse and a pack mule, which were taken by truck to the jumping off place at the Montore Ranger Station. My mount was a large black horse well broken-in for mountain travel; the mule was a lovable animal of gentle and cooperative disposition. Jack Clack gave freely of his time to make a couple of stout pack boxes which could be slung from a Decker saddle. I am reasonably sure that no photographer had ever taken to the hills with better equipment. A briefing session for the 1935 party was held in the Florence Hotel on the evening before departure. There the members were told what they might expect in the days ahead. The timid ones were reassured; ad-vice on footwear and clothing was given; guidebooks prepared by the Forest Service were handed out.

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ICERepeat pho tog raphy s how s how much i ce ha s d i sappea red f r om t he Bou lde r G lac i e r s i n ce t he b lac k and wh i t e pho to was made i n 1932 . T he co lo r i mage was ta ken i n 2005 , and s i n ce t hen even mo re i ce ha s d i sappea red . Dan fa*g re , a s c i e n t i s t w i t h t he US Geo log i ca l S u r vey and based on t he G lac i e r Na t i ona l Pa r k “ campu s ” ha s been s t udy i ng t he me l t i ng g lac i e r s o f t he pa r k f o r many yea r s and ha s been i n vo l ved

w i t h r epea t pho tog raphy o f a l l o f t he GNP ’ s r ema i n i ng g lac i e r s .

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When the park was created in May 1910, there were about 150 ac-tive alpine glaciers. Today there are fewer than 25, and at the cur-rent melt rate they could be gone in less than 10 years. A major contributing factor to this dire prediction is that, accord-ing to Dan fa*gre, average temperatures in Glacier have risen 1.8 times faster than the global average.

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To be considered a glacier the body of ice must be at least 25 acres in size, so what might seem to some as a moving glacier, may only be a dominant field of ice and snow that will also disappear. 1925 - Hileman GNP Archives photo2005 Greg Pederson USGS photo

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The second set of photos shows the dramatic changes the Grinnell Glacier and the Grinnell Rock has undergone be-tween 1926 and 2008.

1926 - Morton Elrod photo – K. Ross Toole Archives UM

2008 – Archives, UM Mansfield Library

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ntitled the “Front Porch of the Rockies!” and in-deed it is. Choteau sits about 20 miles to the east of one of the great American landscapes … the abrupt collision of the Northern Rocky Moun-tains and the prairie … Montana’s Rocky Moun-tain Front. The 1,684 folks living here own brag-ging rights to residing amid some of the finest outdoor opportunities and scenery anywhere. The place has a story that goes back in time to the dinosaurs and ancient travelers. Paleontolo-gists, including Jack Horner, of MSU’s Museum of the Rockies, have discovered dinosaur-nesting grounds on the appropriately named Egg Moun-tain just west of town. This finding of a vegetar-ian, nurturing, prehistoric animal challenges the old vicious, voracious carnivore image that had been held of these creatures. The approximately 10,000-year-old Old North Trail, leading from the Arctic to Central America, and used by the first people to enter North America, as well as Indian tribes that arrived in what would become Mon-E

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tana, is still visible in places along the base of the mountains to the west. Records indicate in 1854, James Doty was prob-ably the first white man to explore this area, al-though fur traders and trappers who didn’t leave a written record visited the Rocky Mountain Front well before Doty. In 1859, Jesuit priests es-tablished a short-lived mission three miles south of today’s Choteau. Cattle ranching got its start in 1853 when James Gibson brought livestock into the country. And A.B. Hamilton and Isaac Hazlett opened a trading post on the Teton River in the early 1870s, stocking it with goods brought by steamboats to Fort Benton. The town’s strongest roots come from “the Old Agency.” From 1855 until 1869, the Blackfeet Indian Agency was located at Fort Benton. Hos-tilities of the settlers against Indians visiting the agency there forced the US Government to move it. In December 1868, Captain Nat Pope,

the Blackfeet agent, with the aid of some of the chiefs, selected a site three and one-half miles northwest of present day Choteau. That site eventually took on the name Old Agency. The post closed in 1876 when the New Agency was built on Badger Creek. In 1883, Hamilton and Hazlett platted the new town of Choteau. Apparently, it still retained the moniker “Old Agency” because Hamilton arranged for the post office there, serving the local white settlers, to be named that. It was of-ficially dubbed Choteau in 1893. The name is a misspelling of the Chouteau family name. Pierre Chouteau, Sr. was the head of the American Fur Company, the dominant trading outfit on the upper Missouri River. The Choteau inhabitants preferred to keep the incorrect spelling so as to distinguish their city from Chouteau County. The town of Choteau is the seat of Teton County, while Fort Benton is the seat of Chouteau Coun-ty.

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ife in this gentle community revolves around ranching and farming. The US Forest Service’s Rocky Mountain ranger station is located on the north end of town. The Old Trail Museum, exhibiting fossils, dinosaur bones and items of Choteau’s history used to offer paleontology workshops. And a myriad of other businesses including a movie theater, hospital, eateries, various shops, gas stations, motels and a highly respected weekly community newspaper, The Choteau Acantha, mix together to create an inviting atmosphere. Built around the old (1906) County Courthouse at the head of Main Street, the town has a prosperous look to it. It’s the landscape that attracts people to this place. On the west, beyond the Rocky Mountain Front, the peaks, rivers and forests of one of the nation’s great pieces of wild coun-try sprawls out - the contiguous Bob Marshall and Great Bear wilderness areas. One of the main routes into “The Bob,” the Headquarters Pass Trail, takes off at the terminus of the South Fork of the Teton Road, about 35 miles from the cen-ter of town.

Teton County is one of the few places left where grizzly bears still venture out to the prairie as they did in the days of Lewis and Clark, before the march of civilization forced them into the mountains. The Nature Conservancy of Montana’s Pine Butte Swamp Preserve, a magnificent stretch of prairie wetlands, between the Front and Choteau, serves as spring habitat for these big bears. Twelve miles to the southeast, Freezeout Lake Wildlife Management Area provides nesting grounds for waterfowl and a rest stop for thousands of migrating birds. Pelicans, geese, hawks, and tundra swan are amongst the winged critters that frequent its waters and sky. Pishkun Reservoir, southwest of Choteau, is popular for rainbow trout and northern pike. The South and North forks of the Teton River, tumbling out of the high country to the prairie, are fished for rainbow, brook and brown trout. The North Fork and South Fork Teton roads open up numerous hiking and cross country ski routes into the backcountry and display spectacular mountain scenery. And Teton Pass Ski Area, now open after a two-year hiatus and re-named Teton Pass Ski Resort, located off the North Fork of the Teton Road, is perhaps one of the most scenic downhill ski areas in the state. Choteau, with a population according to the 2010 census of 1,781 inhabitants, is one of the most perfectly placed towns. No wonder those who call it home have such a great sense of ownership and feel the responsibility to take good care of the landscape.

We thank Melody Martinsen, editor of the Choteau Acantha as well as reporter and founder of Friends of the Old Agency, a historical group, Nancy Thornton for their assistance in checking this article for accuracy.

LPREVIOUS PAGE: Sunset from Freezout Lake looking west towards Choteau and the Rocky Mountain Front – Rick & Susie Graetz photo ABOVE CENTER: Ear Mt. on the Rocky Mountain Front rises just west of Choteau - Rick & Susie Graetz photoABOVE LEFT: Main street looking south. -LaBaugh/Choteau Acantha photo ABOVE RIGHT: Overview of the Mountains - LaBaugh/Choteau Acantha photo

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PREVIOUS PAGE: Sunset from Freezout Lake looking west towards Choteau and the Rocky Mountain Front – Rick & Susie Graetz photo ABOVE CENTER: Ear Mt. on the Rocky Mountain Front rises just west of Choteau - Rick & Susie Graetz photoABOVE LEFT: Main street looking south. -LaBaugh/Choteau Acantha photo ABOVE RIGHT: Overview of the Mountains - LaBaugh/Choteau Acantha photo

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Views of the Crown

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Views of the Crown

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PREVIOUS PAGE: Stooting Star flowers in a rain storm on the Rocky Mountain Front. ABOVE: Flowers found on the edge of Iceberg Lake in Many Glacier Valley in Glacier Na-tional Park. RIGHT: A rainbow emerges in a prarie storm on the Rocky Montain Front.

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PREVIOUSE PAGE: Bad Marriage Mountain near the Cut Bank Creek Drainage. LEFT: Iceberg Lake in Glacier National Park. ABOVE: Flowers found on Wynn Moun-

tain in Many Glacier Valley at Glacier National Park.

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I was born and raised on the north central plains of Montana. Af-ter graduation from high school, I continued my education at Mon-tana State University and received a degree in secondary education with a Science/Chemistry emphasis. After teaching chemistry at Columbia Falls High School for 27 years I took an early retirement in 2002.

My interest in photography blossomed close in time to the advent of the Montana Magazine. I photographed with an eye to one day being published in the magazine and this dream happened in the early 1980’s. Since then I have been published in many magazines, books, brochures, advertizing campaigns and commercial publica-tions.

In 2002 I purchased two pack llamas and for eight years used them to pack into the backcountry of the Cabinet Mountain Wilderness, the Bob Marshall Wilderness, the Mission Mountain Wilderness and other areas of northwestern Montana.

My main success in photography has been with landscape images though I consider myself a “Nature Photographer”. My photogra-phy business is called Dusty Star Photo, after one of the peaks in Glacier National Park and I describe my photography as “Photo-graphing the Nature of Montana”.

I will be working this summer with Glacier Photo in West Glacier, Mt. I will be leading tours and workshops in Glacier National Park. Information can be found at I can be reached via my website: or at 406 752 5852.

Meet the Photographer

Douglas Dye

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C i t i z e nS c i e n c e

Citizen science is a term that describes scientific programs

and projects in which volunteers—some with no prior scien-

tific training—perform research-related tasks. Citizen science

allows citizens to contribute to accomplishing research ob-

jectives that might otherwise be financially unfeasible while

promoting public involvement with research and science.

lacier National Park’s Citizen Science program was established by the Crown of the Continent Research Learning Center in 2005. The program

engages members of the general public to assist in gathering bio-logical research data while fos-tering stewardship. Our citizen science efforts started with Common Loon monitoring, and now have been expanded to provide critical baseline information on mountain goats, pikas, and invasive plants. Citizen scientists in Glacier National Park pro-vide a wealth of data which is used to

Glacier National Park’S

Citizen Science Program.

Crown of the Continent

Research Learning

Center GNP

obtain much-needed baseline information and to increase our understanding of our natural resources. The Glacier National Park Fund has been the primary supporter of Citizen Science in Glacier National Park (see article in this issue on the Glacier National Park Fund). The program has been extremely successful, attracting over 400 different participants to collect data for the park on common loons, pikas, mountain goats, and weeds. The citizen scientists log thousands of

hours in the field each summer, collecting far more data than can be gathered by park staff. The data collected by the citi-zen scientists has been highly

valuable to the park in planning further research and management of these species of concern. Recently released study results show the quality of data submitted by citizen scientists is suitable for statistical analysis and as a basis for manage-ment decisions.

By Jami Belt


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ot only has citizen science proven to provide good quality data for park manage-

ment decision making, it is also an excel-lent education and outreach tool. In addition

to the trained citizen scientists, presentations on the citizen science program are delivered to several hundred people each year, and the program has been highlighted in numerous media publications. Individuals who have been exposed to these publications and programs have expressed enthusiasm for conservation of sensitive park resources. In addition to the value of the data for park management, it is a benefit to the park to have visitors educated on the value of our park resources and on how to observe wildlife with minimal disturbance. We educate each citi-zen scientist about the issues that wildlife and native plants face and put a face on such broad and complicated issues as climate change, invasive plant invasion and endangered species persistence. We also provide them an oppor-tunity to be directly involved in stewardship while they in turn help us understand more about our species of concern. Every educated visitor will have opportunities to influence

others to share their concern for sensitive park resources.


We will begin recruiting and training participants in early May. Trained citizen science observers gather critical baseline information on Common Loons, mountain goats, pikas, invasive plants and aquatic in-sects to assist current and future research. Observers attend a one day educational program to learn about identification of species, the purpose of the surveys, how to monitor, and how to fill out survey forms. Once you have attended the training we ask that you conduct at least 3 surveys during the course of the year. Hiking distances to survey locations are varied; par-ticipants choose sites to survey based on their hiking ability and preferences. If you would like to be involved in this year’s program, please contact the Crown of the Continent Research Learning Center at our Citizen Science email address, [emailprotected], or by phone at (406)888-7986 2010 Citizen Science Summary

In 2010, 178 citizen scientists were active in our proj-ects and 87 new volunteers were trained. 2010 citizen scientists contributed over 4900 hours of survey effort, which is equivalent to 7.5 employees working full-time between May and September. At $15.00/hour, this in-kind contribution would amount to $74,115.00. We greatly appreciate their hours of hard work in all kinds of weather.

Common Loon News

The Citizen Science Project for Common Loons in Glacier engages volunteers to monitor this Montana Species of Special Concern to develop annual estimates of population and reproductive success. The project trains citizen scientists on loon identification and ecology and documents loon numbers, behaviors, and nesting status throughout the nesting season. Glacier National Park harbors about 20% of Montana’s breed-ing loons. Because Montana only has an average state

How to get Involved

Our Major Projects

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loon population of about 35 chicks per year, each loon chick is important to the continuation the loon popula-tion into the future. Loons are adversely impacted by human disturbance at nest and nursery sites, so citizen scientists also document potential disturbance factors that may affect nesting success.

While the park has monitored trends in common loon populations once annually since 1988, we’ve had a sig-nificant leap in quality and quantity of our data results since the inception of the citizen science program in 2005. Our citizen scientists have gathered previously unknown information about nest locations, nesting success rates, and average chick hatch and migration dates. We also share data from our loon population with the State of Montana for its statewide assessment of loon status. Citizen scientists conducted 220 loon surveys at 46 lakes, completing at least 3 surveys at all priority 1, 2, and 3 lakes (lakes with historical nesting or lakes oc-cupied by a pair during the last 4 years). In 2010, we trained 33 new volunteers, for a total of 105 citizen sci-entists monitoring Common Loons. These loon citizen scientists contributed over 1790 hours of survey effort.

During Loon Day this year, 46 observers surveyed 44 lakes (contributing approximately 2135 hours of sur-vey effort) and observed 28 adult loons (9 pairs and 10 singles) and 5 chicks in 3 separate broods (all on lakes in the North Fork). This compares to 30 adult loons (10 pairs) and 7 chicks in 5 broods in 2009 and 29 adults (12 pairs) and 4 chicks in 2007. Season long population estimates are in the works.

Mountain Goat and Pika News

The High Country Citizen Science project, which began in 2008, engages trained volunteers to collect data on the abundance and distribution of mountain goats and pikas throughout the Park. Glacier National Park resource managers need this baseline information to detect potential population changes in these species that may be precipitated by climate change and other changes in alpine habitats. The primary goals are to develop an abundance estimate and map park-wide distribution of mountain goats, to document presence-absence of pikas at known locations and document new locations, and to contribute to ongoing and future research on these sentinel species. We will use these

baseline estimates of population levels of mountain goats and distribution of pikas for comparison in deter-mining whether their abundance and distribution are changing with the climate in future years.

In 2010, 141 citizen scientists were active in the High Country Citizen Science Program. We trained 71 new citizen scientists to monitor high country species. Citizen scientists conducted 160 mountain goat surveys and 38 pika surveys, contributing 2800 hours of survey effort. Citizen scientists surveyed 44 mountain goat sites (36 official sites and 8 additional sites) this year. With help from over 30 volunteers who contributed 585 hours during the Third Annual Mountain Goat Days, citizen scientists also conducted an index count of goat populations at representative sites throughout nearly the entire park between August 17th and 27th. In total, 155 goats were recorded (143 goats from 35 official sites and 12 goats from an unofficial site). These index counts represent a snapshot of the population at repre-sentative sites from year to year, but do not represent a park-wide population estimate.

Citizen scientists also conducted surveys at 22 pika sites (18 official and 4 sites discovered by citizen scientists). Pika presence was confirmed (through an actual pika sighting and a scat collection) at 20 sites, but could not be confirmed at 2 sites where pikas were present previ-ously; additional surveys are needed at those sites. Due to construction work on the Going to the Sun Road, 3 additional sites were inaccessible and could not be surveyed.

Year Sites Visited Total Goat Tally # of Volunteers Volunteer Hours

2010 36 155 31 585 2009 36 134 34 547.75

2008 34 151 46 414

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Invasive Plant News

Glacier National Park’s Invasive Plant Management Program manages non-native invasive plants that displace native flora, interrupt ecological processes, or degrade natural scenery. Most infestations of invasive plants in Glacier NP are closely correlated to disturbed areas such as roadsides, recreational areas, and construction sites. However, backcountry trails also provide a corridor for invasive plants to spread. Monitoring the spread of inva-sive plants along Glacier’s 700+ miles of trails in the backcountry is a difficult task. Weed populations identified by citizen science “weed warriors” are promptly treated by the park weed crew. This early detection program is helping to eliminate weed populations in Glacier’s pristine backcountry while they are small when chances of successful containment are greater and cost is less. In 2008, the Invasive Plant Management Program and Crown of the Continent Research Learning Center estab-lished a citizen science program to enlist the help of members of the public to map the spread of invasive species into Glacier’s backcountry and increase the likelihood for early treatment of new infestations. During training, participants learn how to identify 5 targeted non-native plant species, how to conduct invasive plant surveys and how to map the locations of invasives using GPS units. We trained 25 new citizen scientists, and along with the other 52 volunteers active in the Citizen Science Monitoring for Invasive Plants, 54 invasive plant surveys were conducted, scouting for weeds on 36 trails. 2010 Invasive Plant citizen scientists contributed over 351 hours of survey effort. Weeds were detected on 24 trails. On 14 trails, no invasive plants were found. We held the first annual Noxious Weed Blitz. Blitz participants were trained as citizen scientists to assist Gla-cier’s Invasive Plant Management Program by learning to identify, map and pull invasive plants. Fourteen par-ticipants mapped and pulled weeds along Lower McDonald Creek and the Middle Fork of the Flathead. Other Citizen Science News

We also conducted several educational outreach programs, training participants about the ecology and concerns of the wildlife and plant species we are monitoring, and engaging them in data collection. Approximately 60 individuals were educated during outreach presentations, in addition to those who conducted surveys and were included as new citizen scientist recruits. We trained students from the Flathead Lake Biological Station Ecology course, University of Montana Wildlife Biology Course, and Wildlands Institute, as well as hosting 22 Climate Change Ambassadors, ages 13-17, from the San Diego Elementary Institute of Science for a week of camping, citizen science, and learning about Glacier National Park. We also educated Sperry Chalet Staff, teachers from Conservation Across Boundaries, and individuals attending the Glacier Park Associates Annual Fundraiser.

Jami Belt has been coordinating the CCRLC’s citizen science program since 2006 and enjoys engag-ing people in research. Jami holds a Master’s of Science in Wildlife Biology from The University of Montana and a Bachelor’s in Neurology from UM.

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We mentored 4 interns this past summer (2010) who contributed an additional 828 hours of effort.

· Hale Morrell, from New Hampshire, is attending College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, Maine and majoring in Ecology and Wild-life Biology. Hale learned a lot about research and human/ wildlife

interactions and spent every free moment exploring the Park.

· Marc Jeker, from Hong Kong, Dubai, and Chicago, completed his last semester at Northwestern University’s Environmental Field

Program during his internship. Marc experienced many “firsts” this summer, including his first hike, his first backpacking and ca-noeing trips, and his first sightings of bears, mountain goats, big-

horn sheep, and loons.

· Dylan Lewis, from New York, is a senior at Northwestern Uni-versity, majoring in Political Science with a minor in Environmental

Policy. He is writing a thesis on volunteerism in National Parks, looking at what motivates individuals to donate their time to the

Park Service.

· Meredith Kenlon from Swan Lake, Montana is interested in pursu-ing a career in natural resources in the National Parks.

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Roundtable on the Crown of


The Swan Range in autumn dress – Rick & Susie Graetz

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n September 22 and 23, the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes will host the Second Annual Conference of the Roundtable on the Crown of the Continent in Polson, Montana. In preparation for the conference, the Tribes are working with the Center for Nat-ural Resources & Environmental Policy at the University of Mon-tana and other people involved in the Roundtable on the Crown of

the Continent ( to develop an agenda around this year’s organizing theme of “Culture, Community, and Conservation: The Way Forward.”

This year’s theme recognizes the importance of looking at shared challenges and opportunities simultaneously through three lenses: culture, community, and conser-vation. These lenses speak to the value of cultural, scientific and economic wisdom that contributes to dialogue and decision-making on the important issues that affect the communities and landscapes in the Crown of the Continent.

Specific goals that might be achieved by looking through the lenses of culture, com-munity and conservation at issues of common interest may include: (1) build rela-tionships, exchange information, and foster a sense of regional identity and purpose; (2) provide a cultural lens through which modern science and economics can be viewed; (3) inform and invigorate our work by learning about federal initiatives and international case studies; and (4) provide the opportunity for participants to work together and develop shared action plans for the coming year.

The theme of “Culture, Community, and Conservation” builds on the progress made at the First Annual Conference to build relationships, share knowledge, and connect people and projects across the landscape. Last September, on the shores of Water-ton Lake, over 220 people reflected on the characteristics that make the Crown a remarkable place and helped shape a statement of shared interests and values for people who care about the Crown of the Continent (you can view the statement at:

The conference is open to anyone who cares about the Crown of the Continent re-gion. If you have specific ideas for the conference or would like to be a co-sponsor, please contact Kim Davitt at [emailprotected]. Please consider joining us in Septem-ber to celebrate this remarkable region, share success stories and lessons learned, and find new ways to work together to promote and preserve what we love about the Crown of the Continent.


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Glacier National Park Fund

Glacier National Park is among the most beloved of the nation’s parks. Resplendent in natural beauty and rich in cultural history, Glacier has touched the hearts and minds of millions of visitors since its establishment in 1910. As one of the most biologically intact ecosystems remaining in the contiguous United States, Glacier is a remarkable natural preserve. It is home to more than 1200 species of native plants, more than 240 species of birds and more than 65 species of native mammals. Predator species such as grizzly bears, wolves, lynx and wolverines roam its mountains and valleys. In addition to its inhabitants, Glacier’s commanding vistas, pristine waterways, stately lodges, 730 miles of hiking trails and ever-popular Going-to-the-Sun road attract more than two million visitors each year. The Park represents an important source of income for Montana as well, adding over $90 million annually. The Glacier National Park Fund (GNPF), Glacier’s official fund-raising partner, is dedicated to ensuring that future generations will enjoy the Park much like we do today. Never has the need been greater for solid research data upon which park personnel can make sound decisions regarding the Park’s natural resources. Nor has it ever been more urgent to engage youngsters, too often tethered to their electronic gadgets, in the thrills and discovery of being in nature - both for their good and that of the Park. Who, if not these future adults, will be the conservators of wild places in the years to come? Through a public-private partnership, Glacier National Park and the Glacier National Park Fund are addressing these challenges facing Glacier. To these ends, GNPF has focused on three areas of funding – discover, experience and research – for our funding priorities. Here are just a few examples of the difference the Fund has made: DISCOVER

Our Discover Glacier program, created five years ago, now helps bring 12,000 kids annually to the Park to give them experiences that bond them with Glacier. In addition, through these programs, we have created curriculum for high school programs across the country, summer field programs and local high school partnerships with our Citizen Science program. Reaching beyond kids, the Reconnecting Children with the Outdoors program helps teachers, parents, scout leaders and leaders of kids’ organizations learn creative and fun ways to engage young people in the outdoors, not just Glacier. All of these programs are free ranger-led programs that introduce

Glacier to these future stewards of Glacier. Our most visible support in this area has been the webcams, virtual trail programs, interpretative and trail head signs and the new social media tools run by the Park.

Glacier National Park Fund

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EXPERIENCE Trails continue to be a top priority of the Fund. From stepping up to challenges like the 2007 Flooded Trails Initiative with emergency funding for the day-to-day rehabilitation of trails that simply could not be worked through federal allocations, the Fund is dedicated to ensuring that the 730 miles of trails are accessible to our visitors. In addition, GNPF has recently addressed making more of our trails accessible for wheelchairs, strollers and walkers. In 2010, we funded the first accessible trail in the Many Glacier Valley. To help ensure that the backcountry experience is safe, we have funded bear lockers and back country shelters as well as bridge repairs. In the front country, we have funded walkways and overlooks to ensure visitors have a quality experience enjoying the awesome views. Our latest project has included the watchable wildlife viewing areas.

RESEARCH GNPF’s research is aimed at balancing a quality visitor experience while protecting and preserving a delicate ecosystem. We simply have to help provide the science needed in order for management to make good decisions that will affect the Park well into the future. Research typically receives very limited funding from federal resources. Thus, we have focused on wildlife inventories, connectivity corridors and monitoring projects that allow a baseline of information for decision making. We have supported vital research for flora and fauna projects including bears, wolverines, lynx, bighorn sheep,

mountain goats, pikas, owls, bull trout and native plants. The most notable research project has not only engaged citizen stewards but provided some much needed and excellent baseline data for the Park’s management personnel. With over 90 volunteers a year, the Citizen Science program utilizes volunteers to gather information on flora and fauna. Led by a University of Montana graduate and interns, the program not only allows for information to be gathered in a cost effective manner but also educates people about the need for research in Glacier.

According to Jane Ratzlaff, GNPF’s Executive Director, “Glacier’s true stewards - those who will ensure its preservation for future generations - are all of us who have benefited from its powerful, restorative influence.” Glacier is a hiker’s paradise, a naturalist’s dream, an artist’s inspiration and a magical haven for everyone. Early proponents of the park established this priceless legacy……now it is up to all of us to pass it on to our descendants. The Glacier National Park Fund is the non-profit fund raising partner for Glacier National Park. Their mission is to support the preservation and protection of the natural beauty and cultural heritage of the Park for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. For further information go to or call Jane Ratzlaff at 406-892-3250.

Jane Ratzlaff, a Montana native, has been coming to Glacier since 1961. A graduate of Montana State University in Billings, she has spent her career in university development with her last job being the vice president for development for the University of Montana Foundation. In 2006, she followed her passion for Glacier and accepted the job of executive director of the GlacierNnational Park Fund. Jane feels that Glacier is a park for all people and believes that the Fund’s most important work is to ensure that visitors can enjoy Glacier to the fullest while tenderly caring for the health and well-being of its fragile ecosystem. She enjoys sharing the common bond and stewardship respon-sibility with other Glacier enthusiasts and takes great delight in leading hikes, visiting with Glacier lovers across the country and in connecting people to the sense of pride and accomplishment that comes with preserving our treasured park.

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“Farcountry Press, 2001” $24.95

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View with a RoomGlacier’s Historic Hotels & Chalets.

By Ray Djuff and Chris Maorrison. Helena, MT: Farcountry Press, 2001.

Photo Courtesy Glacier Historical SocietyA Book Review by Jerry Fetz

can’t imagine that there are many people who have spent a night or two or ten in one of the majestic hotels or rustic chalets in Glacier or Waterton Lakes National Parks who don’t look back on their experiences with excitement, a little nostalgia, and a desire to return and enjoy the company of other visitors who have been released, even if only briefly, from their “nor-mal” lives. In these lodgings one is invited to enter into a place where wilderness, romance, the smell of wood smoke, the taste of amazing food, and unparalleled vistas to die for are inspiring, thrilling, and highly memorable. To my mind, anyone who isn’t enchanted by these parks’ lodg-ings is missing one of life’s great

experiences. Let me state here at the outset: if there is such a thing as a “lodge” or “chalet” junkie, I am one.

There are clearly numerous, legitimate angles or perspec-tives one can take when relating the history of certain events or of a place. In the case of Glacier National Park and/or Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park, one can present, for instance, the natural history of this spectacu-lar part of the Crown of the Con-tinent, as David Rockwell has done so informatively and ef-fectively in his Glacier. A Natural History Guide, the second edi-tion of which we reviewed and recommended to our readers in the 2nd issue of this UM Crown E-Magazine from Winter 2009. I

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n his natural history, stretching back millions of years, buildings erected by humans play no major role. Or, as is the case with this marvelous book we are recom-mending here, View with a Room.

Glacier’s Historic Hotels and Chalets, one can choose a different angle, as Ray Djuff and Chris Morrison have done, and, using both elegant text and an abun-dance of evocative illustrations, relate another kind of history: the history of the parks through the lens of the development of and stories about the hotels and chalets, both magnificent and rustic, both still pres-ent and no longer there, to which visitors have been attracted and in which they have spent time during the past one-hundred-plus years.

The history and stories of these park lodgings, as presented in this book, also give readers a fascinat-ing look into the lives, actions, and impacts of most of the major players in the establishment and de-velopment of Glacier and Waterton Lakes National Parks. One learns much about the institutions (the Great Northern Railway and Glacier National Park, for instance) that have played the most central roles in making these exceptional parks what they are today, institutions that had to change, adapt, and deal with a highly dynamic creation. They and their represen-tatives came, stayed for shorter or longer periods of time, cooperated with one another some times, disagreed and quarreled at other times. They all had to alter their plans, which were often conceived else-where or without full consideration of the exigencies of this extreme place, and adapt them to the reali-ties of weather, finances, changing expectations, new means of transportation, and fluctuations in numbers of visitors. Unpredictable weather, floods and fires, wars and depressions, automobiles and roads—these are all important players in the creation, develop-ment, significant changes, and history of these hotels and chalets and of the parks in which they are locat-ed. This book provides an extremely well-researched, well-written, and richly illustrated history of these

hotels, lodges, and chalets. In the process of that focus, though, it also gives us a very important kind of overall history of these two magical places, Glacier and Waterton Lakes National Parks.

View with a Room is organized effectively into 12 chapters, each of which runs between 10 to 20 pag-es. The first chapter, titled “Call of the Mountains,” provides an excellent discussion of how the parks came into existence, the roles played by Louis Hill and the Great Northern Railway, by Dr. Lyman Sperry and George Bird Grinnell, by the U.S. Congress and the National Park Service, and by numerous other colorful characters and institutions that populate the intriguing history of the parks. As with all of the chapters, this first one offers a plethora of terrific il-lustrations (photos, posters, drawings, art work) that add a very powerful visual component to the history it relates. This first chapter covers --carefully, informa-tively, but unavoidably briefly-- the overall develop-ment of the parks and their lodging facilities, stretch-ing from the years before Glacier National Park was officially created in 1910 up to the 1990s. It provides a very useful general context for the chapters that then follow, each of which is dedicated to specific hotels, chalets, or chalet groups, and both those that still exist and those long gone.

nyone who has had the good fortune of staying in one or more of the still existing hotels or cha-lets in Glacier and Waterton Lakes

National Parks will undoubtedly find the chapter or chapters that deal with those that are known from personal experience most compelling; these are familiar and evocative of exciting times spent in the parks. This reader and devotee of these two unique parks has had the good fortune of staying, multiple times, in several of them over the past 50 years: Gla-cier Park Lodge, Many Glacier Hotel, Prince of Wales Hotel, Sperry Chalet, and Lake McDonald Lodge. And each of these hotels or chalets is granted one chapter



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in the book. Even though I already knew something about these lodgings, in each case I learned not only a lot more of the history of their origins, about their high times and low times, about their renovations and challenges, but also and importantly about the external factors that turned them into microcosms of what was going on in the world beyond their walls—in the parks themselves, in the region, and in the countries and societies in which they are located. Each of these chapters contains explanations and examples of how the facilities needed to change as visitors changed --with different means of transpor-tation (horse and railroad to the automobile, for instance), with different expectations of what a park sojourn could and should include, and with different (and sometimes competing) views about what na-tional parks themselves, and these two in particular, should be. One learns, for example, about the direct effect of the building of roads and their locations on these hotels and chalets, of the two World Wars and the depression, of the hands-on involvement and then withdrawal of the Great Northern Railway from the management of these facilities and the parks, and of the toll taken by winter weather, floods, and fires on them. These chapters that focus on these lodgings that I know personally provide both a depth and breadth of historical information that will make them even more fascinating to me the next time I experience them as a visitor. I am certain that this will be the case for other readers who know these lodges and chalets personally as well.

As I read the chapters one after another, my under-standing of how the park developed and changed over the past 100-plus years also grew cumulatively. And when I began to read the chapters about the lodgings that no longer exist, this for differing reasons in each case that are well told, I was primed and bet-ter prepared to imagine even those marvelous hotels and lodgings that are now ghosts of a colorful past.

If one is interested in the buildings themselves, their

styles, their early forms, their renovations and ex-pansions over the years, the reasons some of the lodgings still exist and flourish and the reasons why some are only ghosts today—one can learn a lot from these individual chapters. One can learn, for instance, how the unique architectural style of these facilities overall (“parkitecture,” as some have called it) came to be: a combination of Swiss-Alpine chalet styles, Adirondack cabin and lodge styles, and Craftsman style, all with unique Rocky Mountain touches and materials. One can learn in the chapters on those facilities that no longer exist –Two Medicine Chalets, Cut Bank Chalets, St.Mary Chalets, and Going-to-the-Sun Chalets – what their brief histories were all about and just why they fell victim to waning interest, weather damage, roads, closures caused by the Great Depression, competition, or the Second World War, as well as about some of the important and colorful characters who came and went with them.

hus: over the course of this highly instructive and thoroughly enjoyable book, one learns a great deal about these parks and their histories in gen-eral as well. It is a book that contains great substance and excellent histori-

cal writing, a book from which pretty much anyone with any level of knowledge about the parks will be able to learn many new things. It is also a wonder-ful “coffee table” book, a book that invites casual browsing of many kinds of compelling visual images. It would make a wonderful gift to anyone who has stayed in any of these lodges or chalets, anyone who has visited the parks once or many times, or to any-one who plans to visit them or just imagines what it would be like to do so. I just made a couple of res-ervations for the lodges myself and can hardly wait to walk through their doors, smell the wood smoke from the lobbies, and enter places that are magical in themselves and serve as launching pads for many other magical places in these two spectacular parks. Thanks to the two authors for making this special book and all the information it contains available to us all.


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Hand Drawn HistoryA beautiful detailed hand-illustrated map of Glacier National

Park printed on heavey paper and suitable for framing.

Through arrangements with Xplorer Maps, our readers can purchase this

map directly. The Crown of the Continent Initiative and The Univer-sity of Montana will recieve a gener-

ous donation for each map sold.

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$30 including postage

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Through arrangements with Farcountry Press,

our readers can purchase this book

directly.the Crown of the Continent Initiative

and The University of Montana will receive a generous donation for

each book sold.

Discover Glacier’s Beginningwith a beautiful book detailing GNP decade by decade,

covering the geologic and human history, from American Indian tribes to early settlers,

including a chronolgy of events from prehistory to present

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$48.00 including postage

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Susie Graetz is a rearch-er and visiting scholar in the University’s Central South west Asia Program. Together the couple has authored and published numer-ous books and papers on Montana, regions of the USA, and titles for countries in Asia and the West Indies. They also write a syn

Crown of the Continent - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.