Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)


COPYRIGHT 1M3 BT THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE.) VOLUME CIL NO. 241 TO ill REVEAL CLASH NEEDED TO SAVE Nazi Crack Armies Dnieper Line ussian IN POST-WAR ALLIED CLAIMS MILLION YANKS; War Summaries THOUGHTS ON FIRE PREVENTION DAY CROSS RIVER AT deer rut evidence of thm firm LONDO Three Bed armies U.S.BUROCRACY ASSUMES ROLE SENATORS SAY crash across Dnieper. Pace foreign policies of aererel nation fighting thm axis arere art forth in lit Live TO SET LONDON Germans bomb Lon DAY WHEN GCf AT 3 POINTS; SET cable dispatch yesterday. In an me cases tho nation policies dashed. don; B.

A. F. over Europe. ragel. ftWMA ALGIERS IIDQ.

Nazis open In tho stories coming from abroad attack on British 8th army. rage. then were definite outline of post war territorial claims and plan. Report on Tour of OF BOSS: GREEN TRAP NEAR KIEV Here ere thm dispaichest PACIFIC IIDQ. Japs are reported fleeing base In Solomons.

Page 6. Allied sub sinks Jap steamer. 600 die, Tokio says. Page 6. War Fronts.

BY LARRY RUE. Chieaa Tribm rresa Serrica. Map on pege 8.) LONDON, Oct. 7. Following the announcement by the Greek ambas Seize Town 70 Miles Qings to Its Power, Police Stage sador, Thanassis Aghnides, that BY WILLIAM MOORE.

ICMrace Trtaaae Ftsas Sarrtse. (Picture on pagm 2.) Washington, D. Oct. 7. Greece is claiming territorial re Governor Says.

from Latvia. The freer Chicago Are of lS7t destroyed part mreae that were rebuilt with benefit le city. W-T wards for assistance given to the the allies, it s.v was disclosed today that Hie senate was told today, at a tne jugo-wav govermeni aiso is mMMn.M eJ a I m.Vlntr n-Itnrlal riatnanrta which I Tip-Off Foiled rs i 1 LONDON, Oct. 8 I Friday 1 OP). I would strengthen Its posIUon in the nisiory, mat inc lives oi a mu OUT OF Trl WRECKAGE (t, A AlHClCNT AND OUT I hS 0FDATE WILL JUS fi TOWERING JFXNFlCeS WJb Ml fMulB' imao Adriatic The Red army has cracked the Acceptance of the combined Jugo (Pictures on back page and page 4.) lion American' ghtin tnea could be saved if Russia, America's ally, would permit the vaunted German Dnieper river line slav and Greek claims, it was A watcher for the Chicago Crime Within the last decade burocracy has reversed itselt from the role ol servant of the people to that of boss and, tar from being a war time emergency, is fighting every attempt to return power or liberty to the people.

Gov. Dwlght IL Green declared last night In addressing the Chicago Bar association. With few exceptions, Got. Green stated, would compel Italy to give to establish three west bank bridgeheads noth and south of Kiev, has commission yesterday foiled the tip- off system of the Guzik gambling up the Dodecanese islands, the Is trian peninsula, Trieste. Flume, and United to use Rossiaa bases to bomb Japan.

driven two wedges thru the Lenin syndicate. grad-Vitebsk front, and swept the several Islands and bases In the Fred Pretzie Jr. of the crime The blunt but considered Germans out of the Caucasus, Mos Adriatic. cow announced early today. statement was made by Sen, Lists Serb "Demands.

The Russian troops which crossed commission notified the state's attorney's office where two large gambling houses of the syndicate were operating in Cicero. All day Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. (R Attributing its Information to the Dnieper beat off German counter-attacks and are extending the an allied tfte Evening Mass.1 behind the locked doors said, "burocracy has discarded the principle of service and has set up, instead, a reign of administrative absolutism," which has become the Standard said the go-Slav govern-1 v. bridgeheads step by step," the London's bombed and burned area will be replaced with modern building and broad a commission Investigator stood watch at one of the places, 4730 ha. atlrad tha malor allied "6 soviet war report said.

All German streets. powers to consider its claims tol senate met to near turn ana xour most vital Issue America has had attacks were "repulsed with heavy the following territories: the entire I other senators report oa their to face since the Civil war. Cermak road. In the afternoon state's attorney's police were sent to make a raid. losses," Moscow said of the drive -THS "BUGHTED AREAS jiiii ii mil in imi that threatens to trap thousands I peninsula of Istrla; Cherso and Lus- 40,000 mile airplane trip which The governor pointed out that the expansion of burocratle power is A e-tL I a m.

I ei iriAllfia a mm ina HAPinani afn. I am I el Ika vtArlKera A Before the police arrived the crime a. mm eor I I I 1 1 II I 1 II. I I II I HI I I 11 uermans in int river loop ana xorce TO Wr6 aiu lainuue a-aa aa vi uivi aa rviu mr fAt. av t1L ft atlc; the port ot Hume acquired bytook them to all the Amencaa ii i ii inn i ri not a war time measure but that a Nad withdrawal to Rumania and commission investigator discovered WA F0K.

rrrL Ann MODERN Italy under an agreement between I fighting fronts. Poland. this policy of administrative ab- activity in the rear of the gambling Italy and Jugoslavia In 1924; a Mm l' 11 lil'IJ Ijlll''' I l'1' 'l11' More than 8.000 Germans fell In Main Observations. solutisrn was In effect for years before war was even considered a re place. He saw equipment moved out of the gambling house and load two days' fighting at one bridge strip ot territory oa the extreme eastern boundary ot Italy running crrvv in-v-r WT-rv iSdZSA ir head, the bulletin said.

ed on a truck. He followed the So grave was the report, and mote possibility in America." Never Bellnqulshes Powers. from Trieste, which was ceded to truck and saw the gambling equip- Where Dnieper Was Spanned. so many the questions whicH were asked, that only three el Every right, every power, every ment, roulette wheels, dice tables. Italy by Austria la 1918, northward to Gorizta and Tarvis and Including Moscow's war bulletin, recorded etc, carried into a basem*nt at 4738 by the soviet radio monitor, listed the regions surrounding these three the party were able to tell their Cermak road.

I these sweeping Russian gains: liberty that has been relinquished into the hands of the federal burocracy in the past is still in the hands of that burocracy today," ciues ana ine pon oi sara in we i tu Tt.ii... Art stones today. They nere 5esa Soviet forces planted themselves Police Arrive Too Late. The investigator returned to his firmly across the middle Dnieper com.t -Mrh WM annexed tori Lodre. Richard B.

Russell a Modern cities have hopelessly blighted areas that must bo destroyed and replaced. uu tut we DaaB noriu oi tun, wm Gov. Green declared. "Indeed, every effort' to regain any lost power has met the stiff est, most (D, and James M. Mead (D, N.

The Creeks were reported to be post at 4730 Cermak road. Shortly thereafter the state's attorney's police arrived, walked in, and found 150 patrons playing the horses, dice, and poker. But very little equip south ot Pereyaslav, SO miles southeast of the Ukraine capital, and southeast of Kremenchug, between implacable resistance, regardless of A second secret sessica was claiming all the territory owned by Greece before the war except the Islands of Imbros and Tenedos, Sailor Bares Red Control whether the emergency which in Kiev and Dnepropetrovsk oa the spired the original grant of power ordered for tomorrow, whea Senators Albert B. Chandler river bend. ment was in the place.

which were occupied by the Turks BLAST LONDON; R. A. F. IN EUROPE Six employes were arrested and Taman, port in the western of U.S. Merchant Fleet after the eubreak of the Medlter- of burocracy sneer at I the natrons released.

Is past." Defenders time tested (D, Ky.) and Ralph O. Brew Caucasus opposite the Crimea, and American The state's attorneys men were seven other towns were captured in Including Kos, Kalymnos. Leros, slcr miax the final cleanup ot the German foot Nisyros, Tilos, Syml, KharkL Asty I report. hold there. BORLNG FROM WITHIN.

Green said, ridicule the Constitu- ready to leave when Pretzie arrived tion as an out-dated document," to tell of the movement of the and are impatient of the system ol equipment. The raiders drove to checks and balances and are insult- the 4738 address anil fnrrA thi- BY CHARLES CHEADLE. (Picture on page 12.) Evidence that the Communist "Enemy troops who were unable palaea, Scarpanto, Kaxo, Fatmot.1 While the story of Russiaa ST! refusal to cooperate in savr How the Communists bored from within to gain control of the to evacuate the peninsula are being party has' gained control of the National Maritime union will be wiped out," Moscow'said. ingly cynical regarding the ability way into the basem*nt There they the American people to rule I found two new and mtiv rmiiott. crews ot thousands of ships in the area in southern Albania which the told in the second article of this American lives dominated the meeting, senators who attended Enemy Bombers' Paths Cross Over City.

Near Latvian Border. themselves. Greeks call northern Epirus. American merchant marine evidence directly from a man who has series. wheels and several new dice, poker and blackjack tables.

"Self-styled liberals arise to de The war report said soviet airmen Offer Base te Britain. sailed in these ships for two years said they came away with these impressions: lineate their liberal objectives," the Three safes also were found, one If these demands are finally con is in the hands of The Chicago were sinking fleeing German troops by the boatload In the narrow Kerch of which was opened. The raiders governor said, "and they affirm that their goal can be achieved only Tribune; ceded, the Greek government would welcome use of Rhodes as a naval strait between the Caucasus and the LONDON, Oct. 8 Friday W). said the opened safe contained Communist party are held aboard ships flying the American flag, at which Communist literature is sold, 111..

I The strangle hold of the Commu 1 Great Britain, while our at ess. aeasa4 1 aataae? a ot am fl Crimea, oy scrapping or evaoing consuiu- bundles of currency. The monev The German air force made its heav base by Great Britain, It was stated. 19 UV V4 tUUWJJ 4flU ta tional restrictions. They would 4ate vMt In a plunge toward the Baltic The Jugoslav and Greek claims.

fftr given away and discussed, and plans iest and longest raid on London and other sections of southeast England have us beheve they have a 'cor- state's, attorney's office and the states, Russian troops gained 15 nist party on the National Maritime union, which has closed shop contracts with 123 shipping companies operating all but a comparatively It ..111 K. I for the day of revolution studied. a mat wiiwvi sww( no ewj saaa a-. ss ur- ner on liberalism. nmMt.0 v.

miles on a 15 mile front capturing th Moscow 1 power confer- commerce that should rightfuy in two years shortly after dark last Discipline on ships of the mer IV illO V1LCI police station. The other two safes the rail Junction city ot Nevel, only 70 miles from the Latvian border, night as a great force of R. A. F. ence and by the Interallied Medlter-1 be OUTS, accepting credit for ranean commission scheduled tol American lend-leace innnlirt "These brazen apologists of the! will be opened today.

chant service is a thing of the past, and efforts to enforce it have been bombers sped over the English chan and more than 100 villages. new order' would have us believe! Four Arrested In Bald. few of the merchant ships now under the American flag, has been brought to light by a native Chica-goan. He has first hand and Intimate knowledge of what has been meet In Algiers this month. almost completely abandoned by nel for new attacks against the con given in Britain's name to ether Capture of Nevel put the Rus that centralization of government The other gambling house raided provides us with a streamlined, at 5937 Roosevelt road.

When masters and mates. sians astride a rail hub command tinent. countries and minimizing the 'FIGHTS CHEAP WAR Members of crews dictate to their the state's attorney's squad arrived going on behind the scenes. ing lines to Leningrad on the north, Vitebsk In White Russia to the more efficient administration that is infinitely more sensitive to the officers, and their decisions are sup news of American contribution to the war. llatcaaa Trtaaae l-tesa Sorvtca.1 Could Seize Cargo Fleet.

ported by the NMU in meetings LONDON, Oct. 7. Almott oa the wishes ot the people than repre The roar of the British bomber armada flying high across the searchlight studded skies of the capital synchronized with the staccato blasts of anti-aircraft barrage. south, and Baltic routes branching m. 1 Proof that the party of Premier ashore and by the orders of Joseph sentative government, with its con eve ot the three power talks, Paul uu iu vv nrsaw oisnu.

they found sheriffs deputies Inside already making a raid. Two roulette wheels, dice, poker and blackjack tables were confiscated and 150 patrons, including 40 women, were Josef Stalin of Russia can control Britain Lukewarm. Curran. communistic president of stitutional checks and balances. Wlnterton, the News Chronicle's Extending their front further our vessels so completely that the union.

"But they can deceive the Amer- north, the Russians made a nine within a few hours the party agents By kangaroo courts, at sea and 2 Great Britain is lukewarm Ate.a tta ee 4laa Ground gunners knocked down at special correspondent In Moscow, said today the only major question on which Britain and Russia see mile advance In the Volkhov sector lean people on that score no longer, chased out. Four employes were ar- could seize and operate most ot ashore, the NMU has driven from least two of the fairly large num iUKsUU olm Tw 4aVA taAaUaa iiiw because It is obvious to most of us southeast ot Leningrad. the high seas more than enough ex rested. The deputies took charge of the equipment. them, and thus, if desired, sever our waterborne communications eye to eye Is the necessity for bring-1 Japanese and is permitting the that the present national burocracy Two Day Fight for Nevel.

ber of enemy raiders which dashed over London beneath the outbound perienced crewmen to man the tag Germany to total defeat. United States to shoulder fa? Earlier th grand jury. Investigat Is the most expensive and the most recklessly extravagant in American ships now being turned over to for Marshal Josef Stalin previously with this country's millions ot overseas soldiers, robbing them of a The article coincided with the n-l ing the murder of Danny Stanton eign countries because we have had announced the fall ot Nevel, hittnrv. bombers. Bombers Exchange Fire.

and Martin Quirk, questioned Capt. steady flow of supplies, is contained 1 shortage- of trained personnel, terming it "a large strongpolnt and Anthony Eden Is leaving England tire war burden. Frank Malone of the Chicago Lawn in the mass of material, notes, and Never before have the American people seen such red tape, such These men were expelled from the London newspapers said British operationally Important German cen within a few days for Moscow, ac district for nearly two hours on the diary gathered by this Chicagoan ter of communications. He said It and German bombers exchanged gun companied' by a staff of foreign union, and thus from their Jobs, because they refused to become The United States should act promptly to insure post-war operations of John Williams, gam in his months of duty at sea. fell after a two day fight.

fire as they passed each other high bler sought for questioning in the The Communists, the evidence chaos, and such inconsistency and petty bickering in the seat of their federal government. Nor have we ever had a government that was Communists. Continued oa page 8, column Z.J Berlin broadcasts already had pre over the capital. military and commercial use of Quirk slaying. shows, have followed their usual Federal Agency "Alarmed." Air raid protection workers tolled pared the Germans for the reverses at Nevel and on the Dnieper.

They Williams Is the son ot Ann Wil method of boring from within to the air and naval bases built by the light of shaded torches to ex Rear Adm. Emory S. Land, admin seize key positions, communica with American lend-lease liams, 13th ward Democratic com-mitteewoman former police more callously Insensitive to the wishes of the We have learned only too well that the repre- istrator of the war shipping adminis tions. Intelligence and other strate URGES FOOD STAMP PLAN AS ANSWER TO tricate persons buried In wreckage in half a dozen districts struck by had told ot a' strong Russian attack near Nevel, 35 miles southwest ot Veliki Lukl. and had said the Red gic services, and have put their woman aiscnarEea Wednesday from the force by Commissioner Allman.

the Nazi bombs. In one district some tration, has admitted, in orders to masters and agents of vessels, that the WSA is alarmed over the de representatives Into important of senatlves of administrative absolutism la Washington are represent army had established a "major A The United States is plan- I et lie rr ft? fices in the NMU. ready to act it 200 ARP crewmen and 30 soldiers operated in relays to bring victims SUBSIDY PROPOSALS bridgehead on the west bank ot atives of their boss not of the peo terioration of the authority of the the party leaders so direct them. from wreckage piles, some of which the Dnieper about' 50 miles north master and licensed officers of THE WEATHER Wield Strangle Hold. aaaaa a4W4eA ea4 wtv freedoms for all the world, but Great Britain and Russia are ple.

Charges liberty Menaced. of Kiev. Berlin also had admitted Washington, D. Oct. 7 tyP).

A were moved by a 50 ton crane. American merchant ships. This and subsequent articles will food stamp plan to provide cost ot One raider, trapped in a great cone two other crossings. What Adm. Land has termed FRIDAY.

OCTOBER 8. 1043. "The third fallacy upon which living relief for those la the low I proceeding on their program of of searchlights and hammered ny describe the strangle hold of the Reds on American ships. The ar "lack of discipline and prevalence anti-aircraft, unloaded a stick of Income group was advanced today rcalism as to territorial econorni of disorder on United States ZFINDS CHEMICAL this whole unwieldy structure of centralized government is based Is the erroneous idea that we can place ticles will show that: bombs that landed across the main or Ken. unruuan a.

iierter iri. vessels- is not logged by masters 'Regular "cell" meetings of the THAT WILL TURN Mass.1. former foreign relief Id to KSl commerce, ana power. street of a crowded section. The ex for fear of reprisals by the Commu-1 our entire economic system under plosions caught a large number of nist elements ot the union.

A HIV CMS 1 AT UUtTcl Hoover, as a substitute for The great need Of the United the rigid control ot federal buroc Sunrise. :56. Snniet, 8:21. MoooKt, 3 :03 a. m.

Oct. 9. Jnpltar, Venua. and Mercury ara mornlnc stara. Mara and Saturn ara nlaht luminariaa.

(There are no evening1 etara.l CHICAGO AND VICINITY: Continued mild; wind 6 to 10 mllea per hour. ILLINOIS: Continued TEMfERATL'KES IN CHICAGO rr fceore eaeVa a. at. Oft. persons who had been watching the ina uivm rriJii as int aaminuirauon suosiay pro-1 Tribune calures racy without losing our civil liber Organizers and officers ot the Communist party and the NMU are, Thltalolnhla Ta rW 1 -T A I Pram.

I plane try to escape the light trap, ties. new chemical that turns skin of any Crossword puzzle "They are at a loss to answer the The New Englandcr Uld his pro. I policy, 10 enaoie cur manaiy, posal before the house banking I diplomatic, and business person- in maay instances, the same persona and sympathy with Commu Searchlights spotted the enemy planes, then picked up bigger. British homhera flvlnff hlcher. The color white was described today be Day by Day oh the 29 fact that this same theory which fore the 93d annual session of the nist beliefs is requisite to member Dick Tracy ragetS carried Hitler into power In Cer IP.

Oil I I -A mm Crltm commuiee. as one xo no.a govern- ne, abroad f0 work tcara ment relief directly to those strus- gling to meet grocery bills Instead wlth approprute international ship In the union. Medical Society of Pennsylvania. 8 p. .6.1 I grounu nonage kumu Editorials 14 9 p.

.60 night fighters went up, but was re 3 a. 4a.m... .63 6 a. .65 0 a. 62 7a.m...t50 8 a.

.61 11 a. Moon 72 1 p. in. ...74 2 p.m. ...75 3 p.

.76 4 p. In the Chicago area the Commu Dr. Louis Schwartz, medical di Friend of the Yanks' 13 10 p.m. ...68 of spreading government "bounty" I rank. sumed about 30 minutes later.

nist party not only has obtained rector of the United States public virtual control of the crews of 11 p. Midn't 54 1 a. m. ...63 2 a. health service, said the discovery Bombs Hit Home.

Herter estimated that his plan Ignores Ga 9 a.m.. ..65 10 a.m. ...66 5 p. .75 6 p.m. ...72 Great Lakes ships but has Infil was made during a study of a skin Many bombs fell in crowded resi would bring reUef to approximately Vigorous efforts were made to trated the steel, munitions, and disorder among Negroes employed dential areas and some direct hits many, and Mussolini in Italy, has proven false every time it has been tested.

Without exception, the platform of every dictator during the last century has been: To regulate business and protect the civil liberties of the people. And without exception the people who have been deluded into accepting an economic dictator have been forced to accept a political dictator "The answer lies in respectful in a leather plant. other industries, where its organizers are stewards and hold other were scored' on residences. Glass and other debris littered the streets 12.000.000 persons and cost between prevent Sea. Lodge's statenc 600 miUion and 700 million dollars.

Under It, the government, thro that ussia Mve lilioa a a mm A Wsae em em sss smsB Gasoline Alley Page 23 Gumps Page 26 Harold Teen Page 21 Inquiring Camera Page 21 Little Orphan Annie Page 22 Moon Mullins Page 25 Neighbors 8 Obituaries Page 16 Radio programs Page 17 Religious News 18 Smilin' Jack Page 26 The hands ot workers wearing gloves treated with roonobenzyl in some suburban sections. offices In CIO unions. Fress Recruiting Work. ether of hvdrooulnone intndI to weuare ooarus. wouia issue I lv-" prevent deterioration of the gloves food tJnps worth 25 per cent of bases from reaching the public Hlsta.

tLow. POLLEN COUNT: For 24 boars ended at 3 p. m. yesterday. 84 tratna per cubic yard ol air.

For 24 hoora ended 7:30 p. mm. Oct. 7t Mean temperature. 63 degree: normal.

67: ezceaa ainco Oct. 1. 10 degrees: excess since Jan. 1, 184. Precipitation, none: deficiency since Oct.

1. .62 of an inch; excess since Jan. 1. 2.78 Inches. Birbest wind Telocity.

11 miles an hour. Relative humidity, 7:30 a. 78 per cent; 1:30 p. 83: 7:30 p. n.

60. I Official weather report oa pace It. A southeast coast correspondent reported the R. A. F.

bomber procession continued for more than three The party, particularly in the Calumet Gary Industrial region. hours across the coast en route to lated. Later experiments on the creased more than pr mt glnc. Sen. Lodge, indeed, overrode within recent months has stepped study of and rededication to those principles ot freedom which have the continent for the fourth night Smitty Page 20 up its educational and recruiting Jaiu 1.

im or who now receive less his demand that the Rusiin cic- that the chanee lasts from aix I i nno i. ih. I ucnlana 11131 inc Russian pic- attack against German targets thus Terry and the 29 nade America the greatest, the most months to six years. single person, or SU200 it married. ure DC tola in the formal report far this month.

Winnie Winkle Page 21 Continued oa page 12, column 2 werful nation In the world.".

Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)


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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.