ABC World News With Diane Sawyer : WJLA : May 18, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

6:30 pm

tonight on "world news," facebook fever. one of the biggest stock sales ever creating a thousand new millionaires. but does this mean there's going to be a lot more advertising on your facebook page? blazing heat. a fire emergency declared in the west. and a new forecast about the long, hot summer ahead. something fishy. "world news" investigates the overseas shrimp sold at your local supermarket. our laboratory tests find something everyone should know. and our "person of the week." something new from michael j. fox and a lesson to all of us in living a happy life.

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a good friday evening to you. and we begin with facebook and had this history making day. as expected, the buying and receiving of facebook stock today was feverish. the price at the end of the day started just 23 cents higher. still, no problem for mark zuckerberg who became a multibillionaire today, just eight years after he created facebook in his college dorm. so, as the sun sets, what does this say, this big event about facebook and its future? and whether anything is going to change on europe facebook page. abc's dan harris has been tracking it all day. >> mark, please come to the podium. >> reporter: there he was, in his signature hoodie. the geek-king of a generation. looking, as always, a little ill at ease. but also, definitely, pleased. >> i just want to say to all the people out there who use facebook and our products, thank you.

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>> reporter: it must have been a heady experience for this 28-year-old, a son of a dentist father and psychologist mother. a child computer prodigy who went to harvard, where he started facebook in a dorm room in 2004, as dramatized in the movie "the social network." >> you know what's cool? >> you? >> a billion dollar evaluation. >> reporter: today, wall street valued facebook at $104 billion. bigger than mcdonald's. as for zuckerberg, he is now worth $19 billion. i got in on the action in the opening seconds. i'm going to buy one share. review order. place order. bingo. i'm a buyer. price $41.10. at first the stock dipped sharply, but then it rallied, and then dove again, ending the day where it started, at $38. the lack of enthusiasm is a sign

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of investor anxiety over facebook profits. in order to boost those profits, facebook may have to change your experience on the site. so, he could be under the sort of pressure that, and i knew he's resisted that, that we turn our facebook on in the morning and there are ads all over the place? >> right. and mark zuckerberg is a smart guy and he doesn't want to do that. i think that he's thinking larger. he's not just thinking about selling ads on every square inch of facebook. >> reporter: zuckerberg has promised that he will never sacrifice the user experience. he knows, though, that in order to please both his users and all the new investors, he's going to have to keep on innovating. such are the massive pressures facing a newly minted 28-year-old multi-billionaire. >> okay, dan, thank you. as you well know, facebook employees began the day with a kind of tradition. they had been up all night, a hack-a-thon. it's a kind of all-nighter for creative computer geeks. if you look closely, you are now

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looking at the faces of newly minted millionaires and billionaires. on average, each facebook employee is worth nearly $3 million at the start of trading today. but since that special and sometimes quirky breed, we asked abc's sharyn alfonsi on how they might spend it. >> reporter: david cheo turned down $60,000 cash for shares in the company instead. today, he reportedly made upwards of $200 million. >>er think it's more than that, actually. >> reporter: 1,000 newly manipulated millionaires, at least on paper. "nightline" anchor bill weir ran into one of them today in times square. what are you doing here and not buying a ferrari? >> you know, that eelgs not the company culture. >> reporter: in menlow park, home of facebook, no sign of a stampede at the ferrari dealership. >> the hoodie that mark wears is a great example of it.

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it's not product. >> reporter: they aren't buying flashy mansions. they are fighting it out for fixer uppers. this one went for more than $1 million, all cash. consider co-founder dustin moskovitz. he lives in an $800,000 condo. keeps his vw hashback in the garage. and bikes to work at his tiny startup. that could be the real legacy of facebook. >> the biggest beneficiary besides the people getting the money aren't going to be jewelers or ferrari dealers but young people doing internet startup. >> reporter: a culture that values what these new millionaires build, not what they buy. sharyn alfonsi, abc news, new york. >> and sharyn may have seen this tweet, it's one that made us smile. it was from randy zuckerberg, the sister of the now billionaire founder. she tweeted, so proud of my brother, and, hypo, mark, now can you pay me back that $10 i lent you for our lem naonade st?

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and by the way, it was a rough day overall on wall street. the dow closing down 73 points, making this the single worth week of the year. why? three words. worry about europe. and that worry is the urgent challenge facing leaders from across europe, flying in tonight to camp david. it is the g-8 summit, the largest gathering of world leaders ever assembled at the presidential retreat in the mountains of maryland, where they will be tackling the economic crisis and abc's jake tapper has more. >> reporter: the tranquility and rustic beauty of camp david will soon be interremitted by a battle over apocalyptic economic fears. eight world leaders are coming here to fight over how to calm the economic instability in greece. and to keep that chaos from threatening all of europe and therefore the u.s. it's a precarious moment. at camp david, in one camp, the austerity caucus, led by german

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chancellor angela merkel, who believes the way to economic health is drastic cuts to government employees and pensions, which give greater confidence to markets. in the other camp, president obama leads the stimulus crew, emphasizing economic growth through spending programs, or as the president today put it. >> a strong growth agenda. >> reporter: the american president has a new ally in this crew -- the new president of france, francois hollande. who today affirmed that he and president obama agree on a way forward. hollande brings with him his much more colorful girlfriend, valarie trieweller, the first unmarried french first lady. she's a feisty former journalist nicknamed rotweiller, after her former employer, the magazine "paris match," put her on its cover with the headline -- "francois hollande's charming asset." she tweeted "bravo to 'paris match' for it's sexism." the two men also bonded over

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fast food, which hollande studied in the u.s. as a business student. >> cheese burgers go very well with french fries. >> reporter: and diane, you've been to camp david. it is gorgeous. president obama hopes to take advantage of the rustic beauty by going on one-on-one hikes with individual leaders. but it's not going to be all serious conversation. there's a big european soccer match tomorrow and several of the leaders have made special arrangements to watch the game together at the camp david theater. diane? >> duking it out tomorrow over that. thank you so much, jake. and now, to the trayvon martin case, the newly released video and eyewitness report s o the struggle in the moments before that gunshot range out. abc's matt gutman has been analyzing the new evidence all day. >> reporter: a first look at how that fateful night began for trayvon martin, buying skittles and iced tea at the 7-eleven.

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we can hear eye witnesses describe zimmerman's behavior in the seconds after the shooting. >> saw another guy with his hands in the air, saying "the gun's on the ground, i shot the guy in self defense." >> reporter: to another witness, zimmerman seemed dazed. >> looked like he just got his butt whipped. not shook, but just getting up, just basically getting up from a fight. >> reporter: zimmerman then spoke to that witness who characterized him as oddly matter of fact. >> not like he was in shock, not like, i can't believe i just shot someone, but like, just tell my wife i just shot someone. like it was nothing. >> reporter: the prosecution has hours of recordings like these. hundreds of pages of documents. but lost to history, the 80 seconds after zimmerman told the 911 operator he was following martin -- >> are you following him? >> yeah. >> okay, we don't need you to do that. >> reporter: and the first calls from neighbors, reporting a fight. >> guy yelling help. oh, my god. >> hurry up. they're right outside my house. >> from what i've heard, there is no eye witness to it. no videotape of it.

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may be audio inferences we may see. >> reporter: that hits at the heart of this case. it could all hinge in what happened in those missing 80 seconds. >> we don't note for certain who approached who. we don't know for certain who provoked it. >> reporter: now, sanford police, diane, continue to insist it was zimmerman who started the fight that night. and that's what the prosecution is going to have to prove, in order to win a conviction. diane? >> all right, thank you so much, matt, fr mat matt. to a note about another case we've been following. the trial of former presidential candidate john edwards. the jury melt behind closed doors today, their first full day of deliberations. but they are going to take the weekend off and then return to start deliberating again fresh monday morning. now, heading out west, to the wild fires raging through arizona and colorado. officials have declared a state of emergency. and the nation's top scientist today warn unusually hot temperatures are on the horizon this summer, which means more outbreaks on the way.

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abc's clayton sandell with that story. >> reporter: today, helicopters attacked flames through giant plumes of smoke. this fire has chewed through nearly 8,000 acres since monday. 500 firefighters are trying to stop it. >> we woke up to a lot of smoke. we watched the fire come down hill all night long. >> reporter: the fires are being fueled by a-year-old that has been hot and dry. and now the new national summer forecast say the next few months will see higher than normal temperatures. >> the drought candidate i across much of the west will become worse. >> reporter: you can blame what happened last winter for what's coming this summer. you can see stream bepds like this are bone dry because there was so little snowfall. and now, all of these plants have become tinder dry fuel for wildfires. sign tilss are now studying whether fires are becoming a more frequent side effect of climate change, making scenes like this far more common. clayton sandell, abc news,

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livermore, colorado. and coming up next on "world news," something fishy. our laboratory tests find something everyone should know about the overseas shrimp sold at your local supermarket. down here, folks measure commitment

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by what's getting done. the twenty billion dollars bp committed has helped fund economic and environmental recovery. long-term, bp's made a five hundred million dollar commitment to support scientists studying the environment. and the gulf is open for business - the beaches are beautiful, the seafood is delicious. last year, many areas even reported record tourism seasons. the progress continues... but that doesn't mean our job is done. we're still committed to seeing this through. it's debilitating when you try to talk, when you're trying to eat, when you're trying to sleep. i'm constantly licking my lips. water would address the symptoms for just a few minutes. the hygienist recommended biotene. it's clean and refreshing, i feel like i have plenty of fluid in my mouth. i brush with the biotene toothpaste

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and i use the mouthwash every morning. it's changed my life. it is the last thing i do before i walk out the door. biotene gives me that fresh confident feeling. [ female announcer ] off! deep woods dry repellent. the protection of off! deep woods with a formula that feels dry, not greasy. off! deep woods dry. keeps bugs off! sc johnson. for many, nexium helps relieve heartburn symptoms caused by acid reflux disease. osteoporosis-related bone fractures and low magnesium levels have been seen with nexium. possible side effects include headache, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. other serious stomach conditions may still exist. talk to your doctor about nexium. something very possibly in your freezer right now. shrimp imported from other countries. abc's jim avila decided to send some overseas shrimp to a

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laboratory for tests for chemicals and antibiotics. here is what he found. >> reporter: it's america's favorite seafood. >> nice, firm white flesh. beautiful. >> reporter: we eat more than a billion pounds a year, four pounds per person. enough to fill the empire state building twice over. >> it's all over the menu. >> reporter: chef brian landry only uses local gulf shrimp. but here is what most americans don't know about the shrimp we eat. 90% of it, what we get at the grocery store and in most restaurants in the u.s., is raised in small, crowded pans on shrimp farms in far-off countries such as india, thailand and vietnam. and the big secret? too often, in shocking conditions that promote disease and expose them to chemicals. >> they're very crowded and there's a lot of disease problems, so, the farms end up using a lot of antibiotics and chemicals to keep the shrimp alive and grow them faster. >> reporter: abc news sent shoppers across the country to buy 30 samples of imported shrimp. and sure enough, our lab tests

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revealed illegal and harmful banned antibiotics in shrimp from three samples. >> about 10% of them showed evidence of pharmaceutical residue in the muscle tissue alone, which people eat. >> reporter: we found three different banned antibiotics -- not allowed in the united states -- in the shrimp. significant levels of a known cancer causer that over time can cause serious health problems. nitrofuranzone, banned in the u.s. 40 years ago, and chloramphenicol, also suspected to cause cancer in humans, and linked to anemia. enroflaxacin, an antibiotic banned in animals we eat. foond watcher watch says to eliminate any risk, ask your grocery store for domestic, wild-caught, not farm-raised shrimp, which can run $1 a pound more, but isn't treated with antibiotics. >> natural. au naturale. it's a wild-caught product. it's as good and wholesome as

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god made it. >> reporter: we asked the fda how could this possibly happen and why the government inspects less than 2% of foreign shrimp. their answer? an occasion al antibiotic contaminated shrimp suspect going to hurt you. and they do more than just inspect. they pressure the foreign shrimp industry to police itself and ramp up inspection on producers who have been caught using banned chemicals. >> if people are concerned about antibiotic residues, you know, i can understand that, and they should be. and that's fine. i'm just saying, scientifically, given the infrequency of these residues, it's not a safety concern. >> reporter: the fda and shrimp industry say they have a good system of trust and verify. and the trade group representing foreign this rimers assure us its members do their own testing and have a zero tolerance policy toward these antibiotics. >> so, go online if you want to follow up on this story. thank you so much, jim. coming up, something we haven't seen in 18 years. set your watches.

6:48 pm

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6:49 pm

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6:50 pm

on my feet and exactly where i needed more support. then, i got my number. my tired, achy feet affected my whole life. you until i found my number. i tried the free dr. scholl's foot mapping center. in two minutes, i got my foot map anand custom number. i'm a 440. that matched up to the dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic inserts with the right support and cushioning i need. i am a believer. i'm a believer! i'm a believer. go to to find your closest walmart with a foot mapping center. imagine this. you are settling into your flight, ready for takeoff and your seat mate is the olympic torch. strapped into its own row. today, the torch hopped a british airways flight from greece to the uk. the flame traveled as four lanterns, each one strapped into the seat belts and velcro. and just for good measure, a

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police officer trained in fire fighting, rising in the nearest seat. by the way, the torches fly business class. if anyone asks. and as we head into the weekend, keep an eye on the sky on sunday. something that's not been seen in america in 18 years, as we said. it is called a ring of fire solar eclipse. the moon is going to pass between the earth and sun at just the right distance to create a ring of light all around the edges of the moon. the ring of fire will only be visible from the west coast over to texas, but a warning to everybody. don't stare directly, it will damage your eyes. and for tips on how to view it safely, go to and, coming up, michael j. fox, an extraordinary new achievement and a lesson for all of us this friday, about choosing happiness every day.

6:52 pm

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6:54 pm

an intense burning sensation i woke up with this horrible rash on my right side. like somebody had set it on fire. and the doctor said, cindie, you have shingles. he said, you had chickenpox when you were a little girl... i said, yes, i did. i don't think anybody ever thinks they're going to get shingles. but it happened to me. for more of the inside story, visit and finally tonight, our "person of the week." hard to believe it has been 20 years since life handed michael j. fox what he's called a bag of hammers to carry. parkinson's disease, the loss of

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the chemical in the brain called dopamine, which fired up the brain for movement. but fox is now launching something new in his quest to cure the disease. and he is also on television, helping people laugh and understand parkinson's and what is called its diskin neez ya. have you seen him play that diabolical rival lawyer on "the good wife?" >> which is really, it's a funny word for neurological disorder and it makes me do this and this and aghh. but -- >> oh, no. >> m if you just look at me long enough, you get used to it. >> reporter: from his power plays on "the good wife," to his hilarious encounter with our favorite tv jerk, larry david. >> oh, thanks. oh, jesus! what the hell? did you shake that up on purpose? >> parkinson's. when i was diagnosed 20 years

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ago, my doctor told me i had ten good years of work left and he was correct in the sense of my career but he was not correct in the sense of what was out there to do. >> reporter: and what he has done is truly historic. is this true, that you are the world's largest private funder of parkinson's disease research? >> people that are watching right now. >> reporter: almost 300 million. >> we want people to wake up in the morning, and know that we're working on their problem. >> reporter: debbie brooks is head of the foundation and say there are 200 trials searching for a cure, but patients don't know they are there. >> something like 45% of trials never recruit a single patient. >> reporter: 45% never recruit? >> yeah. >> reporter: so, the foub station created a new website, a kind of for parkinson's patients. fox's dream? to identify the problem before symptoms. he was 29 when his little finger had a tremor. but that was too late. >> by the time inexhibited

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symptoms, my pinky twitching, 80% of my cremes were already gone. so, we need a way to identify the disease before symptoms appear. >> reporter: yet, for three decades, he's bun one of the magical people reminding us to laugh. even though he's on a regimen of pills, just to start moving every day. he says happiness is a choice, and he likes to tell his four children that there once was a woman in a flood who had to give birth in a tree. >> i read that story. when anybody comes to me with a problem, i say, a lady had a baby in a tree. what do you got? it's a tough morning, i wake up, my feet are cramped, i have a hard time brushing my teeth, i just know it's going to be a challenging day, but it doesn't -- i just reset for that. and i know i don't -- i don't write off the day ahead of time because of that. >> reporter: you still say to the kids, choose to be happy? >> choose to be happy, yeah.

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>> reporter: choose to be happy. and we choose michael j. fox, who teaches if life givens you a bag of hammers, build something. and we thank you for watching. we're always here at "nightline" will have more on facebook's big day. and david muir will be right here tomorrow night. i'll see you on monday. good night.

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ABC World News With Diane Sawyer : WJLA : May 18, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)


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